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Line Jumpers


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As a solo BFer .. I usually make a deal with the people directly behind me so far as potty breaks, HOT coffee breaks .. etc .. they let me make a quick run .. I bring them back something, my treat. So far has worked every time - but I am usually not gone for more than 10 minutes.


I also allow people to leave their place in line to smoke .. but I do that as a public service.

That's probably what I'll do this year. I only waited 2 hrs at WM last year (and even then, had the line stayed the way it was I would have been in a good spot -- only half way down the side of the building...ambush and rush not good). But this year I think BB will get my business, and by the sounds of it, I'll need to get there early.


Like I said, luckily they just opened a brand new, huge BB about 10 minutes away, so I'm sure folks will clamor for that one. :D

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How is this logical?? Undercover line-holders?? If I am 10th in line and 10 people cut in front of me and nobody sends them packing, then me and everybody in back of me are getting more and more upset by all the cutting and by the time the store opens you have a riot! OR people just getting frustrated by standing in line all night only to have people cut and get away with and GOOD customers LEAVE!
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I usually get to BB late enough that I'm so far back and can't see any line jumpers at the front. But then again, I've seen people cut further back in line so as to not be too obvious. That won't result in them getting any doorbusters, but it will still get them in sooner and get other stuff that may not have been there if they went to the end of the line.
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Here is the deal. We all complain year after year about line cutters. Best Buy steps in to help and now everyone complains its not right or it should be done this way or that way. The truth is, it is not Best Buys responsibilty to make sure you or me are #1 or #500 they are there to sell the product the advertise to sell to us, not babysit a bunch of adults that can't follow some simple rules we were taught from the minute we could talk. So I think we should all just be gratefull that they do what they do. :(
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I agree on the numbers thing. They really need to hand those out. When they hand them out you've got it, and THEN if you want to rotate/go eat/bathroom, etc., there's no real issue about cutting versus not cutting, etc. That would solve a lot of issues. You get there, get a number and leave if you need to. Tell everyone they HAVE to be back at least 1-2 hours before the open (if you can't stand for an hour or two, how will you handle the lines IN the store?), and then there shouldn't be a problem.



They did this last year at the BB I went to. I worked great. The first guy in line had a magic marker and as soon as you came to the line, he wrote the next number on your hand. At first we were like, who the heck are you to draw on my hand-but then we thought about it and it was a great idea. I'm gonna bring a magic marker just in case no one else has one.

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Moral of the thread: People don't like line cutters, so don't be one.


However, since these type of discussions can't take place without eventual talk of weapons and violence and drama between members, and because I've had more than my fill of drama on this board tonight, it's being closed.


Please do not start another thread about line cutting, it too will be deleted and/or closed.

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