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How do you celebrate a childs' bday close to Christmas?


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My Bday is the 15th of Dec. and I always hated getting Christmas things for my bday. FOr ex. one year almost everyone got me snowman stuffed animals, one time my mom just asked for flowers on my cake and store gave us pointsettias.


My point is make sure the birthday gift and/or theme is not Christmas related.

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My son's birthday is December 8th. Last year I let him pick if we did the party at home or at Burger King, he's seven so he picked Burger King. He's choosen this again this year. It gives him one day where it's all about him and what he wants. Thankfully he doesn't get Christmas themed gifts. He's really into Star Wars so that is all he gets.
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We have a birthday on Christmas Eve(DD will be 13) and hubby is Dec. 26th. For her we always have a birthday party around noon on Christmas Eve. Nothing Christmas is involved, just birthday. We do the same for hubby the day after Christmas. It definitely makes the holidays more hectic adding two birthdays.LOL She has never complained because we always let her choose a weekend before Christmas to have a sleepover so that she still gets a party with her friends.
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It really is hard. My son's birthday is 12/22 also, he was due on Christmas. I try to do something special, just me and him, like catch a movie or go bowling. His birthday presents are never wrapped in green or red, but he usually gets something off of his Christmas list, but never the one thing that he really wants because I save that for Christmas.
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Mine is the 12th. Growing up I always heard "I'll just combine your b-day present with your Christmas present". Don't do that to a kid.


You can do a party, just make sure it's nothing Christmas related (unless the child requests it).


I've also heard of parents of December babies celebrating 1/2 birthdays in June. This way December birthday kids can also have birthday pool parties without turning blue. LOL

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My daughter's bd is Dec. 26th and my son's bd is Dec. 28th. It really sucks especially when trying to have a bd party. Most of their friends are out of town during this time so it's hard to plan.


We usually end up having bd parties both days and end up going to Chuck E. Cheese or something. We try to do something special, but it's hard at times. I may try having a little get together for my son before school lets out for Christmas so some of his friends can come this year. Then we will do something with the family for his bd.


As for my daughter, I have no idea what we are going to do for her this year. She'll just be glad that she'll be 17 and can go see R rated movies now..lol.

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My mother was born on Christmas Eve, my brother was born on Dec 17th and I was born on Dec 28th.


Growing up my brother and I shared a birthday party which was always the weekend prior to his birthday. We of course still received gifts wrapped in Christmas paper from our friends and family, but my mother tried her best to keep Christmas themes out of the parties.


We also each had a special day with my mother doing what we liked best. My brother usually picked roller skating, and I loved going to musical events and plays. We would wear a birthday hat or button.


My brother's son was born on Dec 18th all he wanted to do was drive his little cars around at his birthday party. I like the idea of a 1/2 birthday party in June. We may visit that when he is older.

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we have a lot of birthdays in my family around holidays. im in dec but i have a nephew whos is dec 22nd. so his is even closer. ive never felt that christmas and my birthday were combined,, however...in my family now we have a bday celebration on every holiday.. thanksgiving, labor day,easter ect. and noone seems to mind,, actually the peoples who are not near a holiday have seemed to be forgotten. ...ok we must be backwards
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My sister's birthday is on Dec. 21 and even though she will be 25 this year she would kill us if we dared wrap her presents in Christmas themed paper or used a Christmas themed gift bag.


I have done this before when I ran out of birthday paper. :lmao: (I am such a bad momma.lol.) But I turned the Christmas paper inside out so it was white.

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All 3 of my sisters kids and my brothers birthday are in Dec. I make sure I always purchase something smaller for that ($10-15) and make sure its in Bday wrapping paper. My sister always has themed Bday parties in their interest that year. My brothers party last year was at the local arcade in the mall( year before that at the bowling alley), it was a fun time and all the tweenies seemed to enjoy it.
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My DD6 was Born 1/1/00 at 12:29 am. So as soon as we get all the New Years Eve Countdown confetti and stuff cleaned up, we "countdown" to her Birthday and throw it all again!! She loves it and so do all the parents of children who get free babysitting on NYE when we have slumber parties!!
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DS will be 16 this year on Dec. 27. We have kept his birthday seperate from Christmas almost every year. One year he wanted something way out of budget so I used it as gift for both. Other than that we usually do something fun, and I try to give him one of his nicer gifts for his birthday (I do use his wish list) The only thing bad is all his siblings birthdays are in the spring or summer so they get gifts twice a year and he only gets them once basically or that is how it seems.
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My daughters birthday is 12/24 and we always try to do her birthday the week before, totally seperate of Christmas. Maunly because on her 2nd birthday, we did on Christmas eve and everyone brought her a gift, wrapped in Christmas paper, which to meant it was a gift intended for christmas.
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my little cousin's is 12/22, and they always try to have her party around the 1st/2nd week of december because we have such large families, and everyone has to start celebrating christmas around then. She keeps everything separate. She's only 3, so she hasn't caught on yet.


On the other hand, my little sister's bf (of 4 years) has a bday on 12/25. Until they started dating, he had never had a gift wrapped in anything but christmas paper. He just had his family party on christmas. He'll be 21 this year, which stinks when you have to spend it eating gross food at your soon-to-be grandmother in-law's.

(and my little sis was born on TG... this year it falls on BF, so she refuses to babysit!!)

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My son's birthday is December 21st. He will be 6 this year. I usually have his party the weekend before Christmas. It all depends on schedules of everyone and when Christmas day actually is. This year I will probably have it the weekend before his birthday. It's hard to buy presents for him on top of Christmas for him and his 3 brothers, but I make sure he gets an equal amount to what his brothers get on their birthdays. I too am a December birthday(10th) and so was hubby(25th). It was easier for me to have my birthday celebrated , but with hubby it was always combined with Christmas. He hated having his birthday on Christmas Day. He said he always got less presents because of it.
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We've always had a very busy December



Niece's b-day 1st

BIL b-day 7th

best friend b-day 7th

My b-day 12th

Sister and BIL anniversary 12th (they got married on my 1st b-day)

My parents anniversary 14th (both have passed on now)

nephew and niece-in-law anniversary 22nd

grandma's b-day 31st (has passed on)

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We have several birthdays very close to the holidays. We have seperate birthday parties, just like you normally would. As for getting presents from family, there are 12 nieces and nephews between all us kids so we have a huge birthday party for everyone all at the same time a couple days after Thanksgiving while everyone is still in town.
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My kids birthdays are both on December 14th--5 years apart. December is a big birthday month for us--we 7 birthdays(including my kids) in 7 days. It's crazy!! Anyway, I try to have a party for my son earlier in the year, usually towards the end of the summer. It's just easier and he still has a great time. We still have a small family party in December, we just don't try to mess with birthday parties so close to Christmas anymore. I had one party for him a few years ago the weekend following his birthday--the kids were out of school for vacation, so it seemed like it would work out--wrong!! I actually had a parent call me and tell me her kid would not be attending and that I had alot of nerve throwing a birthday party for my son so close to Christmas . She went on to tell me that it was pretty selfish of me to expect people to buy my kid a birthday gift when they obviously would be busy shopping for their own families gifts. I was just about in tears. That's when I deceded I would let him have his party earlier in the year. It really makes things alot easier to do it that way and he loves that he gets to have his birthday at the pool if he wants!
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my son's bd is 12-06, he's right in the mid of thanksgiving and christmas so for 6 weeks i'm going nuts, and paying for it the next 2 months lol, i give him a party or we go to a toy store and he gets extra gifts his choice. i try to give extra notice to his friends so they can make it. we do the party decorations then after a few days we put up the christmas stuff.
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my birthday is 12/24 and as a kid, we would get 6 gifst for xmas, only 3 of mine were wrapped in xmas paper and the other 3 in bday paper. so really i got 3 gifts for xmas, not 6 like my brothers and sisters, lol. now that i am older(will be 27 this year!), it dont matter that much to me except when my MIL gets me christmas decorations for my bday! now what sense is that... i will display them for up to 1 week, maybe, then store them in a box for 11 months, lol.


dont get me wrong, i love xmas and all the sights, sounds and laughter, but as a kid, it stunk.

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my birthday is 12/24 and as a kid, we would get 6 gifst for xmas, only 3 of mine were wrapped in xmas paper and the other 3 in bday paper. so really i got 3 gifts for xmas, not 6 like my brothers and sisters, lol. now that i am older(will be 27 this year!), it dont matter that much to me except when my MIL gets me christmas decorations for my bday! now what sense is that... i will display them for up to 1 week, maybe, then store them in a box for 11 months, lol.


dont get me wrong, i love xmas and all the sights, sounds and laughter, but as a kid, it stunk.

Man, you got jipped. :insane:

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