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$199 laptop???


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WOO! If this is not true.. Walmart will need to post the ad to disprove and give customers time to "cool" off from all the excitement of it, you know some will be PO'd if its not true and will boycott the whole BF sale at Walmart. I'm not really in the market for a laptop but IF its true I'll have my happy behind in line!!:yup:
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oh yeah but ummm..nope not camping out..porta potty's scare me..they had a big blue one and a pink one at BB last year...not only that..but ick sleeping outside in the freezing cold..no I'm ok.:yuck: I'd only by one if I was lucky enough to get it after I was already inside..so I guess if its true whoever really needs one can have mine!
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Guest ladakn99

good news...


now we can get the bottom dwellers out of best buy and circuit city and get the better laptops which come at a better price product/price formula... and less lines at BB and CC this year... THANK YOU WAL-MART!!! :D

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This is my first time to post. hEY EVERYONE! My hubby is a police officer and our local Walmart has asked for extra security during this black Friday. Last year my husband was knocked into a desk head first and some lady pee'd her pants fighting over a MP3 as she was pulling a ladies hair to get her out of the way. Now i wont fight for anything, but you lay hands on me like that and i will be stink on @@IT. lol! It gets crazy when the time to rip those pallets open dont it?


I also know some Managers of our WALMART and they arent talking.

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This is my first time to post. hEY EVERYONE! My hubby is a police officer and our local Walmart has asked for extra security during this black Friday. Last year my husband was knocked into a desk head first and some lady pee'd her pants fighting over a MP3 as she was pulling a ladies hair to get her out of the way. Now i wont fight for anything, but you lay hands on me like that and i will be stink on @@IT. lol! It gets crazy when the time to rip those pallets open dont it?


I also know some Managers of our WALMART and they arent talking.


Girl, you know your post just tickled me!!! :sidesplit I learned a couple of years ago that when doing BF, DON'T USE SHOPPING CARTS!! Other shoppers will actually use them to block you off. I have learned to scope out a cart on the sideline (because when BF starts it will be a virtual shopping cart graveyard!), rush and get what I want, and run back to a cart. I actually think BF is getting bigger every year....but I love it!

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good news...


now we can get the bottom dwellers out of best buy and circuit city and get the better laptops which come at a better price product/price formula... and less lines at BB and CC this year... THANK YOU WAL-MART!!! :D

This is true!! Hopefully BB or CC will have a great deal. I ssssssssooooooooo want to get a laptop without spending a fortune or fighting someone for it!!!!! :eyepoppin

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Good thing is if this is true, because I live near a Wal-Mart that is in the middle of absolute nowhere. It's next to a cow pasture for crying out loud. I could get there right when they open and get one. I'm not sure why they put a SuperCenter here either, but i'm glad now they did.
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Be Excited!!!! I can tell you that Wal*Mart is going to have a laptop on the BF Sale, and it is goin to be way cheaper than the one for the 1 sale flyer they had for November....so I would doubt that they do this laptop at 198.00.....possibly it may be a little more money but can almost gurantee it will not be more than 298.00.....Wal*Mart's sales have been on the decline and since the start of all the merchandise they are marking down.....sales have been on the rise...due to customers coming in and buying more than just that 1 item on sale, 2 which they are trying to do...the more stuff they put on sale...the more customers...and when you go into a Wal*Mart how many people go into one and say ok I have 4 items on my list.....and when you leave you have like 20 different things in your cart...lol.....it happens to the best of us.....so keep your eyes out and get ready to fight....its going to be 1 of the most best BF in years
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I figured that if they really do have a laptop for $199 it probably be just like the one that they had last year (256mb etc...) REFURBISHED!!! :cheesy:

I got one of these laptops....and work on computers....i am always lookin around for new and different computer...i actually have 6 in my home right now...but anway...this laptop in no way shape or form was ever refurbished....just thought I would let everyone know...and in case someone here reading these posts has one of these computers...no need to be scared and afraid that something will happen to it...thank u all

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my walmart is out of the way as well! Not as remote as being near a cow pasture but it is not nearly as busy as the ones that we have located in shopping centers! I've been going to it for the past two years and it's never super crazy! Don't get me wrong it's busy but the lines are not vey long and it's easy to get right in. Last year I pulled in the parking lot at 5:00am and walked right in the store, no waitng
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Good thing is if this is true, because I live near a Wal-Mart that is in the middle of absolute nowhere. It's next to a cow pasture for crying out loud. I could get there right when they open and get one. I'm not sure why they put a SuperCenter here either, but i'm glad now they did.

Me too, town of 8000 people, 45 miles either direction to get to a town over 1500 people...It's great!


It is Literally in the middle of a cow pasture, until WM bought the land. Nothing but corn and cows for days, and by the time people in lincoln realize they're not getting what they want and drive the 45 minutes here, it's too late, I've already bought it! :)

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good news...


now we can get the bottom dwellers out of best buy and circuit city and get the better laptops which come at a better price product/price formula... and less lines at BB and CC this year... THANK YOU WAL-MART!!! :D



I am not a bottom dweller, I also will not set foot in BB no CC here on Black Friday, My Walmart lap top feom last year is great, Ive not had one problem with it, and well worth the time I waited inside Walmart for it. I was 5 or 6th in line.

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