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Shopping with your spouse or SO...throw you off?


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I am a shopping junkie, I can admit that. I usually have a list for everything, well planned, but always have a little wiggle room. I love my DH will go shopping, not on BF until afternoon, but very involved. Welll yesterday, even thought we are close to being "done", he alwyas finds things that "if we buy one, we need to buy 2" for our lil boys( not twins but 11 months apart). 2 paint ball guns later, and more little things than I can count....my "lists" are very off!!
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For several years I have been doing BF alone. However, a few years back when I shopped at Kmart, (I stopped due to customer service issues) I had DH go with me on Thanksgiving Day to pick up a TV they had on sale.


He complained the whole while we waited in line, until he found some other guy to talk sports with, and then he was okay. Once in the store we got the TV and he was ready to go home. Off we went home, and back out I went. So yes shopping with my spouse throws me waaaay off.


Every now and then he will ask if I need him to go with me. I say nooo I have it covered. LOL



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Well, this is the 1st year i'm taking my DH with me. I usually go alone, however I took my Mother w/me last year, and that went over like a ton of bricks.

I'm hoping my DH is a lot better spirited about the whole thing. I broke him in a little the other week when TRU had they're Wii's on presale. ;)

If this doesnt work.. i'm back to flying solo.

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Because of our working schedules, my wife & I usually shop separately. Occasionally we might meet at the mall to agree on something that one of us has found, but that's about it.


She has never gone out with me on BF, but the other day, she told me that she wants to go this year. :shock:


We'll see if I can get her up early enough :D

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Yes, it throws me off. I can't think straight when he's with me, and he doesn't want to take the time to find the best price -- he'll just pay whatever they're asking in the first store he comes to. He also tends to pick out impractical things, then gets insulted when I shoot down his ideas. :rolleyes:
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My husband would rather take a bullet to the head than have to go shopping any time! That's fine by me because I can get it all done faster by myself.



This is so my husband. I agree it's much easier to go shopping without them. Never even thought to ask my husband to go on BF, then we'd have to find a babysitter.

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ironically, mine is so slow, that it took us 2 hours at walmart to get laundry detergent, dish detergent, fabric softener, and trash bags friday. But he loves to go. He knows that BF is my day, and probably feels a little bit of guilt for deer hunting the two weeks preceding. He listens to directions well and is so thin, tall, and wiry he can reach everything!
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Yes, it throws me off. I can't think straight when he's with me, and he doesn't want to take the time to find the best price -- he'll just pay whatever they're asking in the first store he comes to. He also tends to pick out impractical things, then gets insulted when I shoot down his ideas. :rolleyes:

Oh I see your my husbands other woman!!! ROFL Just kidding ;) Sounds alot like my DH though I do have to say.


I know I've posted about my DH and shopping before but he's the type to hold the door for everyone else (but me!), normally he doesn't look where he's going. For example he'll pick something off the shelves and start walking down the isle towards me, all the while looking back at where he just picked the item from. So he's looking backward and walking forward. YEP running into people all the time (like a toddler might from not paying attention!). I could also see him standing at a pallet of BF items and instead of getting them in our cart he'd help to pass them out, probably till they were all gone. lol Then looking at me and saying "Oops, sorry Hon". :eyepoppin


He' such a Great guy and lord knows I wouldn't trade him in for anything BUT... he won't be going with me on BF!! :P

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While my husband doesn't go shopping with me on BF, we always pick a day when we go shopping together and just enjoy all of the holiday decorations, a nice dinner together, and pick up a few more items from our list. I love doing this every year and look almost as forward to it as BF. Even though he can't last as long as I can when it comes to shopping.LOL
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