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When did your kids...ask if "you know who is real"

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I have a rule in my house with older kids(18 &16) that the minute they say anything about someone not being real..he doesn't bring them any gifts!! They still write him letters and leave treats. My 9ds asked me today because one of his friends said something to him that "confused" him!! I lied, lied, lied andhad him a true beiver all over again. While I don't want my boys getting razzed at school, am I crazy to keep the magic? BTW, my "older" kids beieved until they were 12-13.
all 4 of mine believe ages10,7, 4, and almost 1. he made a remark about that its not real. I said were did you hear that? he said at school . I said oh well what do you think. he said I think he is wrong I said ok. that was it whew!

I just had this discussion tonight with my son. lol. He's 10 now and he stopped believing when he was 9. He heard it at school from several of his friends.


I told him he better not tell his cousin who is 6. She is the last one left who believes in Santa and I don't want him to ruin it for her. Let her believe it as long as she can.

My 7 year old occasionally will ask if he is real. I just ask him what he thinks. I think he is more worried that if he doesn't belive then he won't bring him gifts. He was giving me clues that he didn't think he was real last year, so I left a few signs around the house like, a foot print (in baby powder) on the couch, where he would have to step to fill the stockings. It at least bought me another year or so. I never tell him of course he's real.
Well I think they questioned it the first time when they were really little because of kids at school 6 or so. I think they really quit believing for DD probably in the 4th grade and DS around the same time. Course in our house we have a deal that Santa IS real. He may not live in the North Pole but he sure knows what is going on with you. ;) The kids believe in him so it all works out.
  Illinoismom said:

What he isn't real, then who eats the cookies and drinks the eggnog, who brings the presents, Say it isnt so

LoL. My DS learned last year that he wasn't real, but I think the last couple he was starting to wonder. His little sister has no idea and he is so great that he plays up the whole Santa thing with her. He's not like some brothers who would go run to his sister and tell thank goodness.

My oldest three have known for a while now, but I thought I had a feww good years left with the two youngest. They are 8 and 10 this year and last year I overheard them talking and one asked the other, "What do you think Momma will get us from Santa this year?"LOL So, I know they know, but they don't know I know they know! So Santa will come as long as he pleases!LOL
My kids have known for years, but they (17 and 14) still "believe" for me because when they don't believe anymore, Santa doesn't bring presents and they only get the present from us ;)

I have 3 DDs (11, 8 and 5) none of them truely believe. They only believe because Ive told them that Santa is all in thier hearts..if they want to believe in him then hes real and if they dont want to believe, then they just dont get presents from him. :D

I have a thing about lying to my kids so when it was brought up, I couldnt lie but I definately didnt want to say "No, hes not real". So the solution was to tell them its up to them if they want to believe


Last year, my then 10 year old kept questioning "Santa", so I sat him down and told him the truth. It broke his heart.. I think he wanted to believe he was real, but from what he heard at school, he needed clarity.

So me being the Mom that doesnt want her child getting made fun of at school, told him. Now he wants to help me shop for his 2 younger siblings and wrap and hide the gifts. Its actually fun this way, I have someone else to sneak around with at midnight. lol

  abentley said:

I have a rule in my house with older kids(18 &16) that the minute they say anything about someone not being real..he doesn't bring them any gifts!! They still write him letters and leave treats. My 9ds asked me today because one of his friends said something to him that "confused" him!! I lied, lied, lied andhad him a true beiver all over again. While I don't want my boys getting razzed at school, am I crazy to keep the magic? BTW, my "older" kids beieved until they were 12-13.

I would lie for as long as I can about Santa. My son found out at 10ish and it broke his heart. He wondered where we got all the money to buy him everything!

My 13 year old does not believe...He asked me when he was 11 and I told him he was real. The little brat set his alarm for 11:30 and guess who was putting out presents:( :holiday16. He gets crack out of all the stuff I do though to prove Santa is real. My 7 year old is starting to question stuff:g_think:

I'm sure I believed in Santa at sometime but I can't ever remember believing, but I was the youngest of 5 kids so I felt it was my duty to keep it going, I never told my parents that I didn't believe, and I never asked them about Santa. It didn't matter to me, waking up to the entire room full of Christmas presents was magic enough for me. I felt that it would take the magic of it away from my parents.I'm 25 now and I think my parents bought Santa gifts

until I moved out of the house.


Ds was 7. Dh and him were on their way to Home Depot. Ds said, "Daddy I am going to ask you a qestion and I want you to tell me the TRUTH." My dh said "of course buddy what is it?" Then ds said "Is Santa real??? Remember you said you would tell me the truth." To dh's answer "No buddy he is not. It is Mommy and Daddy." OMG I cried and cried when he told me. It was about 2 hours later and he comes running into my room and says, "Well if Santa is you then the easter bunny and tooth fairy must be you too..right?" GRRRrrrr..


He loves helping us bring gifts out for ds#2(he is 5) and loves that he knows the secret. He is 12 now.

There are a lot of good ideas here. I've thought about this so much lately. I don't want my son hurt in anyway by anyone so I'd like to be the one to sit down and talk to him but haven't been able to think of what to say or how to say it.
  motoXmom said:

There are a lot of good ideas here. I've thought about this so much lately. I don't want my son hurt in anyway by anyone so I'd like to be the one to sit down and talk to him but haven't been able to think of what to say or how to say it.

Oh....I'm going through the same thing. Mine are 9 and 10, the 10 yr old is in 5th grade and he still believes, I love that he does, but at the same time, I wonder how many of the kids in his class still believe....I don't want him to get picked on! I have been contemplating on whether or not I should just sit them both down and tell them:( I think I will try and get this one last Christmas in with them still believing, then I'll probably confess before next year.


My 10 year old broke the news to me she knows Santa isn't real, but she appreciates the effort I have put into trying to make her believe. And that if he isn't real, the tooth fairy isn't real, and she hopes that she still continues to recieve money for her teeth.;)


I had told my daughter if anyone ask her if she thinks he is real, to lie and say she does. She said uh of course I would Mom, I don't want to ruin their holidays. It was fun when I thought he was real!


What????? NO SANTA??????


As a mommy of five, oldest is 23 youngest 16 we ALL believe. Never knew a time when I didn't. Just to make sure asked my dad, he's 62 and he is quite adamant St. Nick still reigns in the North Pole! He in turn asked my grandmother and she is 88 and she also confirmed what we all KNOW in our house, SANTA RULES!


I guess my kiddos were intuitive enough to figure out not to ask or question and had no problem with other kiddos making fun. Granted the 3 older boys are/were defensive/offensive lineman on their respective high school and college football teams and announced loud and clear to all that Santa does exist, they "read it in The Sun!" My neice and nephew live down the street from us (6 & 7) and they swear our house is the "Christmas" house. Now that some of the kids are off at college they have all new friends to "convert", stockings for everyone!!!




Like I say every year, "If you don't believe, don't hang up your stocking"


By God every year they still hang up those stockings:giggle:


I know they no longer believe but I think they don't want to

take any chances of being able to open their stockings on Christmas

night, plus I think they don't want to hurt me :angel1:

My dad played santa for years and he was so convincing that he turned unbelievers into believers again. All of the kids in our family believed till they were about 13. My dad's favorite saying to kids that were on the fence was that "If you don't believe you don't receive." That worked!
Mine are believers but they are 2 and 4 ;) I think I will do the "What do you think" and if you stop believing the magic stops as well. Hopefully I will have several years of fun because its just to precious to watch them restlessly lay down the 24th and wake up so animted the next day.
I try to let my child know WHY Santa exists so hopefully years and years and more years from now when she questions and then doesn't so much buy the reindeer story she still will feel the "magic" that he brings.
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