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Think more stores will start opening at 12:01 AM Friday morning this year?


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Last year my local CompUSA got a jump start on everyone on Black Friday by opening at 12:01. I'm not sure if it was just regional or national, but I'm wondering if other stores won't get in on the act. I know Best Buy and a few other stores have occasionally done "Midnight Madness" openings for video game system launches or big DVD releases, so I'm wondering if other stores won't follow the BF 12:01 opening trend started by CompUSA. I wouldn't mind!! Thoughts?
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I have never heard of a store around here opening at that time.


My apologies to those who would like this, but I hope they don't start doing this. I am a 3rd shift worker and I will be working on that night. I am lucky to get my boss to let me off at 4A.

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No, I don't think so. Many employees wouldn't get sleep since it's Thanksgiving Day after dinner, I don't think they would want to work.


But I do think stores will open earlier than previous years, catch stores that will open as early as 4:00am or 4:30am.

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There hasn't been a store in my area that has opened at midnight on BF. I guess I wouldnt mind it too much going to stores this time of the night. I dont get that much sleep anyway on Thanksgiving night. Too pumped up to go shopping. LOL


I do recall last year someone here posted that there mall was opening at midnight or between 2-3am. Dont remember. I think it be kinda weird shopping at a mall at those hours. LOL

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CompUSA's midnight madness BF sale was nationwide last year, and by and large I think it was considered a success. Anytime a store has an exclusive time slot, it helps them. Personally, I liked it because it allowed me to be there at opening as well as Circuit City at opening (instead of having to choose one or the other). I'd be somewhat surprised if CompUSA doesn't do that again.
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CompUSA's midnight madness BF sale was nationwide last year, and by and large I think it was considered a success. Anytime a store has an exclusive time slot, it helps them. Personally, I liked it because it allowed me to be there at opening as well as Circuit City at opening (instead of having to choose one or the other). I'd be somewhat surprised if CompUSA doesn't do that again.

It was also a big hit at my local CompUSA which was PACKED.
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CompUSA's midnight madness BF sale was nationwide last year, and by and large I think it was considered a success. Anytime a store has an exclusive time slot, it helps them. Personally, I liked it because it allowed me to be there at opening as well as Circuit City at opening (instead of having to choose one or the other). I'd be somewhat surprised if CompUSA doesn't do that again.

OK, so apparently it was nationwide, and a big hit. Why wouldn't other retailers jump on that bandwagon?!?! Where I am (major metro area), we've got, within a 5-mile radius, a CompUSA, Best Buy, Staples, Office Depot, Circuit City, Sam's Club, Wal-Mart, Super Target, Toys R Us, Kohl's, B.J.'s, and K-Mart - obviously, that's a cut-throat retail environment. Just seems like a natural progression to try to beat other stores to the early BF 'launch'.

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if more stores open at 12:01...then thats less people at other stores...espe cially in a cut throat environment...so i would think that a few stores open that early then some others a couple of hours later and a few hours later a few more...that way no store loses any more potential customers...i hope that made sense....lol..cuz i just confused myself...


but i wouldnt mnind if walmart open at 4am, and target at 6...plenty of time to get in and get out and in target..or whatever store interests me....

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Our CompUSA opened last year at midnight, too, as did all the others. But the line really didn't start to form outside the store until 10PM or so. The CompUSA is right across the street from the CC I was camped outside of and we watched the line begin to form as we sat, freezing, and listening to Christmas is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year play over the outside speakers on the CC building....and play, over and over and over. You never know how much you can get to hate a song until you've heard it play nonstop for 9 hours straight. It was almost like Chinese water torture.
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if more stores open at 12:01...then thats less people at other stores...espe cially in a cut throat environment...so i would think that a few stores open that early then some others a couple of hours later and a few hours later a few more...that way no store loses any more potential customers...i hope that made sense....lol..cuz i just confused myself...


but i wouldnt mnind if walmart open at 4am, and target at 6...plenty of time to get in and get out and in target..or whatever store interests me....

I like this idea cause if you have stuff to get at multiple stores that are the sale items, you have a chance at getting them. Here our Walmart opens at 5. So does our Shopko. Target at 6. So last year I had to pass up Shopko cause I needed to be at Walmart. That is why I am hoping there is nothing I want at Walmart so I can get to Shopko. :)

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Our outlet mall had midnite madness .. it was packed .. every single parking place was taken .. people were parking on the side of the interstate ... waiting time to check out averaged close to an hour ..


This was the 3rd year they had done it .. and the retailers that were opened considered it a huge hit ..


Only downside was I couldn't camp out at BestBuy ..

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I would rather go out and shop at midnight and be home by early

morning with lots of shopping done:giggle:


BTW what do the 24 hr Walmarts do for BF? Do they close and then

re-open for 5:00am?

I believe all 24 hour Walmarts are open. My Walmart is open 24 hours & doesnt close for a period of time then re open. They stay open. :)

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