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How to prepare for my 1st BF


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OK folks I admit it, I am a Black Friday Virgin:p

(meaning I have never shopped on BF before)


What should I plan for, what stores will be the best and how do I prepare?

I am getting so excited:gdthums: We finally have BF off from work this

year, my boss came in and said maybe he'd be open that day to see

some sick kids as we are closed on T-day. I told him "count me out,forget

it, I've got big plans for that day which don't include seeing sick kids"

He said "are you gonna be one of those nuts out shopping in the middle

of the night?" and I said YES I AM!!! So i put the kaibosh on his idea for

me coming in that day:holiday16


I think I am more excited about BF and the bargains than I am Christmas

itself!! I think I want to be everywhere all at once and grab up all the deals

I can:gdclap: A girl can dream can't she?

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USe gottadeal to see what the ads are. Find out for sure what the hours of your local stores are. Get the Thursday ads to finalize your plans. Make a kist of what you want and what store has it. Decide which store has the best doorbusters that meet your needs and plan on being there first. Plan on waiting for hours before the store opens. Bring a shopping buddy. It is someone to keep you company in the wee hours of the morning and an extra pair of hands when the doors open. Good luck and have fun:cheesy:
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another good idea is to print out the lists from here of the stores you will be shopping at and put them in a binder so that you will have them at your finger tips. Once you have picked out what you want from them, make a note card that can be put with each store ad of what it is you want. It is sooooooo easy on BF to over spend. Make sure that what you get is something you really need LOL. That's why making the lists ahead of time will help you stay on track. Remember, you will meet rude people. That doesn't mean you have to be one of them. I can be hot headed, but I try to count to 10 and ignore those that seem to grow horns that day LOL. Have a great time and enjoy being part of the wacky day. I love going to get the great deals. Sure hope you will too!!!:cheesy:
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Organization is key make sure you have a list and your must have items are at the top. Any electronics you should go to first because those are usually the big items and they go quick. make sure you dress warm if your waiting in the cold are you will be miserable and most of all HAVE FUN!!!!! Hope your BF goes well and you get everything you set out for.
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Love these rookie questions! :lolrun: But seriously, welcome to the GottaDeal community! :D


If you're lookin' for something specific like a very cheap laptop/desktop, or something that's really popular and expected to be in limited quantity per store, be prepared to show up very early. That's pretty much the best advice I can give anyone. Decide what specific store has the doorbusters you want the most and prepare to show up at that one place early enough so that you're nearly guaranteed to get it, like being one of the first dozen or so people in line. We're talkin' about midnite or even earlier the night before. Then you can go hunting after all the madness dies down a bit for other non-specific stuff that's left over. Can't imagine how many people came into our Wal-Mart last year about an hour after they opened, went straght up to the courtesy desk, and said "Whaddaya mean there's no more laptops?!" Oh, brother! :rotflol: Now THAT is what I call unprepared.


Far as what stores are gonna have the best deals, just wait for the ads and make that judgement for yourself. It pretty much comes down to what you're lookin' for this year. Remember, the most popular and cheapest stuff only goes to the first few people in line.


It'll be a pretty overwhelming experience for a beginner. But you made the right first step in coming here first. Stay tuned at GottaDeal for the ads to show up, prepare early, and be ready for an experience of a lifetime. :D Oh, and dress warmly and bring something to do for at least 6-8 hours.

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Even though I wont be going to the early morning stuff

Well I hate to say, but that is what BF is all about. ;) Getting up early, making a thermos full of hot chocolate, tellin the kids to behave themselves while your Mom and I go hassle with the gazillion crazy CHEAP PEOPLE LIKE US! HAHHAHAAAA.


Actually, I just did this last year and told the wife never again. But.... just so happens we will probably do it this year as we need some higher ticket items that will surely be an early bird deal, and probably one of those line up at 10pm the night before! Just depends though on the deal. If it's only going to save me $20, I'm def. not doing it, I'm not that cheap.

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Best thing to do is go shopping on Wednesday and buy everything. Then you can PM it on BF. I do this all the time and have never had a problem. Sometime stores like BestBuy threaten that they won't PM stuff but you can just say fine, then return it and I'll rebuy it.


If you are nice about it and act that you had no idea it was going to be on sale, then you usually don't have a problem.


Also at bigger stores, shop quiockly because sometimes the lines just to check out can be hours long.

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Best thing to do is go shopping on Wednesday and buy everything. Then you can PM it on BF. I do this all the time and have never had a problem. Sometime stores like BestBuy threaten that they won't PM stuff but you can just say fine, then return it and I'll rebuy it.


If you are nice about it and act that you had no idea it was going to be on sale, then you usually don't have a problem.


Also at bigger stores, shop quiockly because sometimes the lines just to check out can be hours long.

Sometimes the items that are on the BF ads (the really awesome deals) are not out before BF, so you can't always rely on buying them early.

Ex - last year I got the Cabbage Patch doll for my dd (and her friend for a gift), and as hard I tried to FIND those specific dolls before BF I couldn't.


On BF morning, I was in Wally world really early (2am) and when the CP dolls were put out, it was obvious that these were different sku's (special onetime deals) than the other CP dolls they had out.




I wish you luck on your first BF. It's exhilerating and exhausting at the same time. Hope you get what you want!!! :)

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Welcome the the forum! Gottadeal will be your best friend this year and after BF stick around becuase there is alot of action year around on deals that are posted in the other topics. Last year I was new here and on my 4th BF. I discovered this site on a CNN story. I quicky found that this site is the best in the world hands down. Below are some of my tips that I have been using over the years. Enjoy!


Big Jim Slade's BF Tips


1 - Think - Think about what you want this year. It is a TV? Computer? Laptop? Will this be for yourself? or family? Make a list.


2 - Take a Walk Thru Memory Lane - Once you kinda know what you want to get on BF take a walk thru the archives from years past. This will give you an idea of what happened last year and the year before.


3 - Research - Use the site to do all of your research. Brad has broken down the stores and put them in there own catagory. This will be useful for when you know which stores you will want to hit. There are alot of great tips posted in the stores catagories about how the stores deal with BF. The main discussion is very useful and so is the sections where they will post the ads when this site gets them. Also become active in the site. Users makes this site what it is. The best!


4 - The Ads - When the ads are leaked they are put into PDF files and save them to your computer. This way you will have them and you can look at them over and over. The site does not know when the ads will hit the net so at the front of the site you can sign up for an email alert. Be in the know!


5 - Supplies - Start to stock up on supplies that you will need to make your BF camping as comfy as you can. At walmart you can pick up tents, camping chairs, long johns and hand warmers.


6 - Recon/Intel - On the night before Thanksgiving (Wednesday) go to the store you want it hit first. Get there about a HOUR before they close. Look around the store and take note of what the store workers are doing and where they are placing things. Alot of times most of the stores will start to set up for BF an hour before the store closes. They want to send there workers home for Thanksgiving. Also by doing the recon you might get to see how many of the DB items they might have and this will tell you what time to start camping. For example if the BB ad says they will have 20 desktops look around to see if they have the boxes for the desktops stacked in a corner and if they do count them. I would stay in the store until they close and as you are leaving keep looking around and making notes.


7 - Trust but Verify - Alot of the ads last year that were leaked came to be true. You have to remember also that a store will print many versions of one ad for each market they do business in. For example the Dallas/Fort Worth BB ad might be different from the Los Angeles ad. They might differ in items offered and or prices. The best way to verify is to logon to the stores site between 12 Midnight and 3am local time. By that time there sites would have gone into BF mode and they would have posted the ad and other specials. Last year alot of us crashed the BB website and servers by hitting the website all at once. Also you might want to head down to your local 24 hour gas station to see if they have gotten the newspaper. The person who delivers the newspaper at your house and the people who delivers the newspaper at store, newsstands and gas stations are two different people. After you have verified come on here and post your findings.


8 -After BF - After BF come back here and report your findings and even post pictures. Also stick around year around as there are alot of us who do and get great deals year around.



I know this might sound like alot but I have been doing this for 4 years and many other have been doing something like what I do and they have had great success. I hope this helps.

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Best thing to do is go shopping on Wednesday and buy everything. Then you can PM it on BF. I do this all the time and have never had a problem. Sometime stores like BestBuy threaten that they won't PM stuff but you can just say fine, then return it and I'll rebuy it.


If you are nice about it and act that you had no idea it was going to be on sale, then you usually don't have a problem.


Also at bigger stores, shop quiockly because sometimes the lines just to check out can be hours long.

I dont think the price matching (PM) is a real good idea on BF and I would not recommend it. Most of the stores over the past few years offered doorbuster items that were not part of there regular stock and have different SKUs. For example Best Buy might go to Gateway and special order emachines that is not offered in there regular stock. Also alot of the stores will close there customer service desk until 11am or Noon that day so they can free up store workers and use the customer service desk as check out lines. I know Best Buy did this company wide last year.


I would recommend not doing PM but this is my own opinion about this subject and you are free to do as you please.

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Don't assume anything.


It's a war zone.


Take no prisoners.


Get in line early.




It's every man/woman for theirself!!! :gdevillaugh:


Wear comfortable clothes!! And make sure to have your running shoes on! :gdrunner:


Also, I always have a list of exactly what I want from each store. And I carry my Christmas list with me. That way if I see something for someone I know if I still need a present for them or not. And when I get them something I can write in down.

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OK folks I admit it, I am a Black Friday Virgin:p

(meaning I have never shopped on BF before)


What should I plan for, what stores will be the best and how do I prepare?

I am getting so excited:gdthums: We finally have BF off from work this

year, my boss came in and said maybe he'd be open that day to see

some sick kids as we are closed on T-day. I told him "count me out,forget

it, I've got big plans for that day which don't include seeing sick kids"

He said "are you gonna be one of those nuts out shopping in the middle

of the night?" and I said YES I AM!!! So i put the kaibosh on his idea for

me coming in that day:holiday16


I think I am more excited about BF and the bargains than I am Christmas

itself!! I think I want to be everywhere all at once and grab up all the deals

I can:gdclap: A girl can dream can't she?

Hey there, you are 1 town over from me!!!! So 1st off, dress warm,in layers. Go to Benny's and pick up some of those toe and hamd warmers too! Decide if you are heading to the NA cluster of stores or maye further up 495 and then GET THERE EARLY. I go up 495 because honestly seems to go more smoothly and I really never NEED anything at BB or CC so my friend and I hit wally world. the one up 495 seems to be a bit more organized, but depending on your needs and your familiarity with the area. I was thinking to maybe hit the old Devon's for breakfast hen all is said and done! Good luck chickie and see you in the trenches :smart:

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If you shop Target, here's an idea (read this on last year's GottaDeal BF forums and it worked perfectly for me):


Check out the BF circular on GottaDeal

Shop the Sunday before BF and purchase all those items from the BF circular you want at the regular price

Return to store on BF with receipt and head directly to customer service to receive your refund difference on sale items


I did this last year and made my stop at Target last on BF - in & out of store in 15 minutes. This gave me better planning options for my "assault" on BF sales elsewhere

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Another BF newbie needing some tips.


I am on the hunt for 3-4 of the new Ipod Nano gen 2. I need the pink, blue, silver and lime green. The blue can wait cause its for me. :)

I usually avoid BF because I do a lot of shopping early but these ipods are going to kill me if i can't find them on sale. Right now they are $200/piece. What are my chances of them going on sale and getting one? I looked through last years ads and noticed them on sale. I also put a pink one on layaway at walmart today. They didnt have the other colors yet. I am really concerned that they will sell out quickly.


Which store would give me the best chance of obtaining them should they be on sale. Best Buy? Walmart? Walmart said if I showed up on BF and they were on sale the would give me the price difference while still on layaway. I just don't know if I will be able to get into that store.

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Hey there, you are 1 town over from me!!!! So 1st off, dress warm,in layers. Go to Benny's and pick up some of those toe and hamd warmers too! Decide if you are heading to the NA cluster of stores or maye further up 495 and then GET THERE EARLY. I go up 495 because honestly seems to go more smoothly and I really never NEED anything at BB or CC so my friend and I hit wally world. the one up 495 seems to be a bit more organized, but depending on your needs and your familiarity with the area. I was thinking to maybe hit the old Devon's for breakfast hen all is said and done! Good luck chickie and see you in the trenches :smart:


Hello neighbor, I am in Mansfield and grew up in Plainville, where are you?

I am really psyched about BF:gdnum1: I hope to get an MP3 player for

my 19 yr old and some DVD's etc. Where do you go up 495 to the

Bellingham area or Wrentham Outlets? I was more thinking BB, CC and BJ's

Walmart in the Walpole, Dedham area? Do you ever shop at Tuesday Morning?

That place is great..how bout Building 19 stores...they are an adventure to

say the least:p Except you need to take a shower once you leave there.

Maybe I will run into you on BF:holiday16

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Hello neighbor, I am in Mansfield and grew up in Plainville, where are you?

I am really psyched about BF:gdnum1: I hope to get an MP3 player for

my 19 yr old and some DVD's etc. Where do you go up 495 to the

Bellingham area or Wrentham Outlets? I was more thinking BB, CC and BJ's

Walmart in the Walpole, Dedham area? Do you ever shop at Tuesday Morning?

That place is great..how bout Building 19 stores...they are an adventure to

say the least:p Except you need to take a shower once you leave there.

Maybe I will run into you on BF:holiday16

I live in foxboro. I go up 495 to bellingham- seems more organized than North attleboro. From walmart i head 1 exit up to Target for their 6 am opening and then a mile away for K mart Kohls and Joann Fabric ( they sometime have good home decor stuff) then IF i need tru I can head back to the bellingham exit. Wrentham looked closed last year when I drove by depsite the rumor they were open, so if they look to be open this year at 12 midnight i may stop quickly on the way to Walmart. I honestly don't know what I am going to get, i have to see what the ad's bring ideally i would LOVE a laptop ( for purely selfish reasons)and practically speaking, a dvd player is needed, the one we have is on it's last leg and limping.

Building 19 is always a possible treasure chest- I actually found the centerpeices for my wedding there 6 years ago- sterling silver hurricane lamps that i had engraved.!!! I am going to try to score a Gotta deal hoodie so if you see me you'll know who it is lol. Good luck and talk to ya later.!:cheesy:

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Definatly go in there with a game plan!! BF is not the time to browse. Last year I went with newbies who had no clue what they even wanted to get, that is even after I gave them the link here to see the sales weeks in advance. Totally annoyed me and DH. I like to get in, get what I want and get out. This way you can hit more stores and get more deals.


Definatly have fun and wear comfy shoes!!!!

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Just a few hints - - -

1) Comfort - Make arrangements for heavy coats. I live in Erie, PA and it can get cold on BF, especially at 4am. Comfortable shoes are a must. Dr. Scholl's gellin insoles work great for me.


2) Gameplan - A must! You need to map out BF like a military operation. What stores open when, which stores are in the same plaza, mall, location. Try to group stores together. If you are going to try for the doorbusters, get there early. Last year, there were people in sleeping bags outside Wally World. I would not go that far. I don't even try for the doorbusters. There are enough regular deals to go around.


3) Teamwork - There are 3 people in my BF group (me, wife and 14yr son). Hit the store and split up. Each person has a list with 2-3 items on it. Get the items and meet back at registers. Pay and move on. Can't find an item? Don't worry about it-use the radio and call for re-inforcements (see next item)

This works well with multiple stores too. Last year, we were in 3 stores at the same time, getting 7 different items.


4) Communication - Another must have. FRS radios work great in a mall or store. Cheap to buy and only require AA batteries (TAKE SPARES). Cellphones are nice, but spotty in stores due to metal interfereing with the signal.


5) FUN - Have fun. It's all like a game with us. We try to see who can make back to the front first. We usually hit the first store just after it opens, breeaze in, get what we want (not neccessarily NEED), and by 10am are enjoying a nice breakfast at one the local buffets.


BF is a great time. Welcome to the BF Family. It is a tradition that you can really grow with your family.

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find a friend who has experience, talk to the people in front of and behind you in line for tips and read the ads thoroughly - make sure you check the fine print for number available and whether the price is before or after rebates and if the rebates are instant or mail in - it makes a big difference especially on the big ticket items
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