Brad Posted September 6, 2006 Posted September 6, 2006 Please use this thread to share your previous BF pricematching experiences.
gingersunshine Posted September 13, 2006 Posted September 13, 2006 i do know from personal experience that different walmarts have different policies. i made sure to call beforehand and speak to the manager (and get their name!!!) one year i went to one walmart and they pricematched, the next year they didn't. so call each store individually to ensure they pricematch!! hope this helps.
jfond Posted September 14, 2006 Posted September 14, 2006 One year at Circuit City I could, and the other I couldn't. I have done this successfully at Staples, CompUSA, and BestBuy - but it varies.
billcsho Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 My Meijer posted a note on all entrance last year that they will PM everything on BF. I hope they will keep doing that.
Princessarky Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 gingersunshine said: i do know from personal experience that different walmarts have different policies. i made sure to call beforehand and speak to the manager (and get their name!!!) one year i went to one walmart and they pricematched, the next year they didn't. so call each store individually to ensure they pricematch!! hope this helps. yep I phone them too......I even had the papers in hand when I spoke with the store manager. He told me if I had any more questions to phone he back and if I had any problems on BF to personally ask for him. I didn't have any problems thankfully.
DarkHorse768 Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 I've had success in a couple past years with Price Matching on BF at Best Buy, but you better make sure the offer you want matched is worth your time and effort away from getting the other items on your list that day. You can end up wasting quite a bit of time trying to track down a Store Associate or Manager that can check and "sign-off" on the price match. Definitely check the store policy ahead of time. Don't bother trying to get anything price-matched with a rebate you need to submit (mail-in, e-rebate, etc.), sans maybe an "instant rebate" on the item(s), since you will get refused. I certainly hope Best Buy will still keep their PM policies in force during BF this year.
SuperMommy Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 I know if you are going to PM items at Circuit City, they make you go through the customer service lines. You can't go through the regular check out lines, so don't waste your time in them!! Just go straight to the customer service lines. Also, you have to have the other ad. They won't just take your word.
gjedda03 Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 I price matched at wal-mart last year. just make sure you have the other ad with you and know where the items are in that ad that you want to price match. i didnt have any trouble with it.
KBsDarling Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 Wm passed us right through line and we checked out in the tire and lube express area. one thing was giving them fits so the guy just over rode it and sent it through. I know they want their managers on the floor to help with the inevitable arguments but to me at least every other line or so should have a manager/csm/someone with keys so that they dont have to call them and make people wait while they try and make their way to the right register
Seanathan297 Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 I priced matched quite a few DVDs last year at Walmart. Just make sure you bring the other ad.
heavenlysshine Posted September 24, 2006 Posted September 24, 2006 The cashiers at the Wal-Mart I went to last year had a metal ring with EVERY ad imaginable attached so the store employee could just flip through to the ad you wanted pricematched. These were hanging at every register and I loved it!
RossMAN Posted September 24, 2006 Posted September 24, 2006 heavenlysshine said: The cashiers at the Wal-Mart I went to last year had a metal ring with EVERY ad imaginable attached so the store employee could just flip through to the ad you wanted pricematched. These were hanging at every register and I loved it!That's awesome, I wish more stores did that.
NeepNeep Posted September 24, 2006 Posted September 24, 2006 heavenlysshine said: The cashiers at the Wal-Mart I went to last year had a metal ring with EVERY ad imaginable attached so the store employee could just flip through to the ad you wanted pricematched. These were hanging at every register and I loved it! Sounds like that Wal-Mart has their act together!
sigrist_2000 Posted September 24, 2006 Posted September 24, 2006 yep..and most of the items others had walmart here already lowered the items, sometimes even lower than the others, so you didnt have to price match...they already knew what others prices were already so that was awesome!
duckbrain Posted September 24, 2006 Posted September 24, 2006 Awesome information! Thanks and I will call my local stores to double check
elena_398 Posted September 24, 2006 Posted September 24, 2006 Walmart price matched everything for me last year. No problems at all. The year before that, I was at Toys R Us and they had posted a sign about NO price matching. That was bad. Everyone was so upset as they used to
krisee30 Posted September 24, 2006 Posted September 24, 2006 I don't usually have a problem with SWM or Target matching Toys R Us prices. But I never tried to match to big stuff like electronics. Just thing like puzzles and games. Kris
girliegirl03 Posted September 25, 2006 Posted September 25, 2006 I always price match @ Walmart. I get there early with my other ads and find a manager and ask with ads in hand. I never have any problem. I get there at about 3:30 a.m and go ahead and get the things I am price matching so all I have to do after blitz starts is go to the check out line. Sometimes there is a certain item that can only be gotten at a particular store and then we have to go to that store as well. My mom and I have been using this system for years and last year we were checked out of WM by 6:20
hpowers Posted September 25, 2006 Posted September 25, 2006 girliegirl03 said: I always price match @ Walmart. I get there early with my other ads and find a manager and ask with ads in hand. I never have any problem. I get there at about 3:30 a.m and go ahead and get the things I am price matching so all I have to do after blitz starts is go to the check out line. Sometimes there is a certain item that can only be gotten at a particular store and then we have to go to that store as well. My mom and I have been using this system for years and last year we were checked out of WM by 6:20 That sounds like me and my crew. We hit Wal-mart first and price match everything we can. Saves a lot of hassle going to other stores.
shanni Posted September 25, 2006 Posted September 25, 2006 I always price match at walmart and have never had a problem
schwoozer Posted September 25, 2006 Posted September 25, 2006 Went to WM planning to price match a bunch of DVDs last year, but many were already lower priced anyway. The ones that weren't were PMed without any issues.
mrodgers169 Posted September 25, 2006 Posted September 25, 2006 When I went to Toys R Us at Black Friday, the manager said NO price matching anymore because of their loss of money. Everyone knows Toys R Us stocks their shelves and everyone seemed to go there and price match their deals as opposed to other places that probably had limited quantities of items. Made sense for them! NOT for me but what can ya do!
jeninpa Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 I did alot of price-matching at my Walmart last BF! My favorite was Star Wars Battlefront II for only $12.99. It was of course an error and was suppose to be Battlefront I from Kmart but they asked no questions and I only bought 1 so as not to raise any questions. My son was thrilled since he didn't think he'd get a $50 game,lol. I am so horrible with games.....I already have over 10 ps2 & gamecube games hiding in my room just for DS11!!! I just keep buying them,lol.
ilalynch Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 I price matched Target and Kmart last year at Walmart because we don't have any that close to us. It was great!
misshayley Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 I pmed Best Buy and Target at Wal-Mart last year with no problems.
sevirj Posted September 27, 2006 Posted September 27, 2006 I have never even thought about price matching on BF But I will definitely look into it this year!!
ChristmasShopping Posted September 27, 2006 Posted September 27, 2006 Last year was the first year that I PM at Wal-Mart. The cashier was quick with my price adjustments and told me that A LOT of people were price matching that morning. I actually gave her my Target ad so she could price something herself at her break!
elena_398 Posted September 27, 2006 Posted September 27, 2006 Never any problems with Price Matching at Walmart. Now the girl I had was slow which upset the people behind me, but in the end it was done and I saved tons
cactusmom Posted September 27, 2006 Posted September 27, 2006 I price match my groceries on a weekly basis at my local WM and I have noticed over the last month that they have gotten really picky. They always have the ads right beside them to look at even though I have the ads with everything circled. And they have argued and disagreed with me on some things. One of these days I am going to let them ring up my $200 of groceries and when they argue with me I will walk away and tell them to keep it all I am hoping this new strictness doesnt overflow onto BF. I have no time to argue on that day
PhaserBait Posted September 27, 2006 Posted September 27, 2006 jeninpa said: I did alot of price-matching at my Walmart last BF! My favorite was Star Wars Battlefront II for only $12.99. It was of course an error and was suppose to be Battlefront I from Kmart but they asked no questions and I only bought 1 so as not to raise any questions. My son was thrilled since he didn't think he'd get a $50 game,lol. I am so horrible with games.....I already have over 10 ps2 & gamecube games hiding in my room just for DS11!!! I just keep buying them,lol.I'm so jealous! I tried the exact same thing, but they wouldn't go for it. Once they saw the $50 regular price they figured something was up, so they made up something about the price not applying to all the games in the picture. Even got a manager over, but I couldn't talk them into it. I felt bad for all the people standing in line behind me while this went on, but that was a $40 difference in price! I still haven't bought SWBF2.
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