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How does your family open gifts?

How do you open gifts at your house?  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you open gifts at your house?

    • One at a time
    • all at once
    • some other way

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fast......:lolrun: :lolrun: :lolrun:

I like to watch the kids and the dh open their gifts while I sniff and cry like a baby cause they are so happy. Come on, I know I'm not the only cry baby on Christmas morning.

Being that its just me, dh and dd, we do it one at a time so we can tell stories of why the person would like it, what we thought of when buying it, etc. and everyone can see what the other got. We go to a friends house on Christmas afternoon and its such a frenzy with everyone ripping things open all at once that its no fun and you can never see what each other received.

One at a time but quickly. :tongue1: We all do our stockings at the same time though.

When I was growing up we were allowed to open our stockings and play with our unwrapped Santa gifts before my parents got up, probably to keep us from waking them up at 5. :trampolin


one at a time -- that way we can see the reactions from the people!!

Stockings are usually done 1st -- but this year may be different since both kids are getting vid. now and we were going to put the PVD's for it in the stockings (glad we figured they would catch on to what they got if we did it that way)!!!

Guest Deals4Me
  fairydustcrissy said:

all at once. Ever tried telling a 4 & 6 yo to wait, the baby is opening one right now? LOL. We just let them have at it, thats the way we did as kids, and its a blast!

I always had to wait...never a big deal as long as you make it a habit....


We plan on making alex do the same round robin we do... :curse: he'll probably be like that, but It'll give him a chance to look at each toy...

he's three now.

  CG480 said:

So how do you open gifts at your house?

The kids...in the morning

The adults one by one in the afternoon.

Me one the morning , one at noon and the rest in the evening


At our house we open up one at a time.


But at my inlaws, where approx. 25 people show up on Chrstmas eve, my BIL just starts handing out packages until there are no more left. It becomes this mad frenzy with paper being thrown everywhere, gift receipts lost, people not knowing who gave what gift, etc.

  tinydancer34 said:

At our house we open up one at a time.


But at my inlaws, where approx. 25 people show up on Chrstmas eve, my BIL just starts handing out packages until there are no more left. It becomes this mad frenzy with paper being thrown everywhere, gift receipts lost, people not knowing who gave what gift, etc.

That's exactly how it was at our inlaws. Nobody ever knew who got what from whom. Some Christmas's were spent going thru the trash looking for gift certificates that had gotten thrown away with the wrapping paper. Now on Christmas we do the left/right story that someone reads. We pass the presents either left or right whenever the word left or right is read in the story. It's not as hectic and lots of fun. :D

i said 'some other way' bc half of my family pretty much opens all at once (at each person's own pace) & the other side, just bc they're crazy i suppose, insists that one gift be opened at a time, & passed around :mad: they even made the kids do this when they were toddlers! try explaining to a 2 & 5 yo that they cant touch the big pile of presents in front of them till aunt so & so passes around the bowl they just got...maybe in a smaller family that might work, but there are 20 of us! (this also causes some of the less tactful family members to speculate on where the gift was purchased & how much the giver paid for it)
Guest Deals4Me
  queenofshopping said:

(this also causes some of the less tactful family members to speculate on where the gift was purchased & how much the giver paid for it)

thats completely assanine of some people....

LOL, at my Gma's, part of the fun is guessing what someone paid! But we are all bargain shoppers, and chances are most gifts had a red target clerance tag on them! We shop all year to get good deals! I know, we are odd....
  tinydancer34 said:

At our house we open up one at a time.


But at my inlaws, where approx. 25 people show up on Chrstmas eve, my BIL just starts handing out packages until there are no more left. It becomes this mad frenzy with paper being thrown everywhere, gift receipts lost, people not knowing who gave what gift, etc.

omg that's the best way to do it! we always did that when i was a kid & i loved the insanity!


oh, & a tip: rather than putting gift receipts in boxes, keep them with you & hand them out after the gifts have been opened...this is especially good for kids who may not notice them, bc you can hand them right to their parent who will be sure to hang on to them

  Deals4Me said:

thats completely assanine of some people....

no kidding...when that happens i roll my eyes as hard as i possibly can & my mom just sits in the corner & scowls, trying not to slug one of my aunts (this is her in-laws)

When I was a kid my family just opened all the gifts at once! It was so much fun and the excitement was just wonderful!!! But now that we are much older, we go around the room, one person at a time opens one present and then the next until all the presents are gone. It takes soooooo much time to do it all, but I like seeing everyone's face!
I would like to do it one by one with my kids but they are so excited I just let them go crazy!:D:runaway::yay: DH and I's gifts are usually at the bottom of the pile so we don't open ours until one of the kids come across it and hands it to us :tongue1:
One at a time. One person opens a gift, shows it to everyone, and can spend time looking at it, before it is put in a designated spot. Then it is the next persons turn. We will have About 18 people this year so it is an all day thing.:clapping:

The kids gifts from us, well they ike to open them and then show each other and then rip into the next one. All that Christmas morning excitement!

The kid's gifts to each other and then Dh and my gifts are all done one at a time.

I pull out the gifts and read the tags. My husband is video tapes. I make a pile by each child and let them go at it. I love seeing the smiles and excitement on their faces and the squeals when its something they really wanted. It truly makes my day

Growing up, my parents would put all mine on one side of the "tree room", and my bros on the other. It was rip , rip, and see what you got! THAT was fun.


But, I only have one child, so, she does them one at a time..and it gives me room to get digicam shots of her and her expressions, gifts, etc. to send to my boyfriend who is away and/or family. (as well as to keep for me and her!) Her call though, I swear she loves the anticipation of "and I wonder what THIS one could be?!?!"


At the family getogethers however, we all pass out all the presents (typically 1 or 2 per person. We draw names), and you can open them when you get them or wait for everyone else. The kids usually go for it, the adults usually wait after making sure their kids say "thanks" (or at least acknowledge who it is from) and are taken care of. :-P

The kids open the presents all at once here. It's fun. I have been to the one at a time homes. What I don't like about that is that if someone gets something they don't like, it's really hard to pretend you do like it if there are a million people watching.
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