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Is anyone doing any last minute shopping?


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Guest Deals4Me

yep. Will be this Friday....

Darren gets paid, and we are caught up on bills nearly.

I also get paid...so thats 250, JUST from my side burning a hole in the pocket...

Still need to do :


my grandma (robe and slippers)

my mom (robe?)

my sister ($10 giftbasket I'll make)

my step dad (Not a clue...)

my BIL ($5 cubs hat at WM and $5 calico vision game to top him off)

My brother


my dad (BIRTHDAY and christmas.... $10 Sox jersey from Salkeld)

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I keep forgetting to get the WM gift cards for Cooper's teacher and teacher's aide, so I need to get that done. Other than that I think I'm done! Although someone mentioned today that there are Narnia action figures out and a couple of those would be fun for the little guy.
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I still have quite a few to buy for some are just gift cards but others I have no idea what to get 'em. Guess I better go looking, lol. My layaway is still at walmart too, must get it out Wednesday. That is my payday so that will work out luckily. :)
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I have some tiny things like stocking stuffers I need to grab here and there, Ill probably just do this stuff with my normal grocery shopping, so no big special shopping trips for me for the rest of the season. I am finished and everything is wrapped and under tree except for Santas gifts:banana01:
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i am... i THOUGHT i was done. I actually am, but i keep finding things that would "be so perfect for so-and-so". all i have left is for dh... jeans, drill bit set, cd holder to go with the new in-dash cd player i bought him, and then some things for our daughter.... the funny thing is, everyone in our family(inlaws, nieces, nephews) are all done except our daughter. this was interesting to me.
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I still need to do some stockings stuff, but considering I am doing 13 stockings this year I am think I am doing pretty well. ( I do them for our parents and this year his mom and step dad will be here too so that is another set besides our six kids. Plus his step brother is coming and I did not want him to be the only person to not get a stocking, so I just added him too.) I also need to get a PS2 game for my 15 year old and I want to get his birthday shopping done this week too.( I am going to use the 10% off at BB I got in the mail). I got my oldest son a drill and I need to check to see if I should get drill bits, and get one gift for my FIL, and then do a lot of wrapping!!
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Well--- I have to shop this week- this will push us to almost done. We both get paid so, we should be able to really come close. Then, my husband gets paid every week and I have a few little things to get on 12/23. So, I am soooo close but I need those last 2 checks to get there. Trying to make this a credit free holiday- which we've been so far so good on.
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Of course LOL - we kept saying that we finished on BF, but then I realized that we only had the kids done....ok, and a couple gifts for ourselves (computers) :giggle:


We're not sure what we're getting anyone else (parents), but we'll have to find something soon LOL

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I have accomplished exactly ZERO wrapping due to my constant 4 year old sidekick. The presents are hidden in the garage. I have bought/ordered everything except stocking stuffers and a few odds and ends. I expect the UPS man will be showing up daily at my door for the next week or so, lol. The major things I have left to do are baking and wrapping! Luckily I had the gifts going far away shipped directly, so I only have one thing to ship out to my little cousin, which is her birthday present that is way late. :rolleyes:
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We are pretty much done with the kids, but some stuff we have to get when we get to Calif, can't take it with us and dont wish to ship twice...lol We also ordered a new computer as a family gift and are fighting over who gets to use it first ;) I'll need to go shopping with my Dad for my Mom when we get there, I haven't been able to do that with him for YEARS and we are both looking forward to it :)
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We are pretty much done with the kids, but some stuff we have to get when we get to Calif, can't take it with us and dont wish to ship twice...lol We also ordered a new computer as a family gift and are fighting over who gets to use it first ;) I'll need to go shopping with my Dad for my Mom when we get there, I haven't been able to do that with him for YEARS and we are both looking forward to it :)

I thinks its great that you and your dad are going shopping together. Hope you have a lot of fun!!:)

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