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Got Lappy in CC.....

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There was only 15 laptop voucher and I was the last one. Thank God.


I went CC at 1 A.M. What about others???


Post your experience..

i was in line at 02:00 am and i was the 15th in line. At 04:00 am everyone attacked to the door and there was no line left. In the crowd, i could take a voucher. But, then bingo! there was no toshiba left for me !!! How it can be? I was so angry and went to the store manager. I talked with him and he accepted to make a goodness for me. He offered "ACER ASPIRE AS3009WLCI" for $ 350 after $ 100 rebate !!!! Tell me now, am i lucky or what? Greetings

Just Got back from CC.


I got there at 10PM was 19th in line.


Pretty cool crowd, No trouble really. Had a few people try to cut the front of the line but, it turns out there were CC employees in street clothes starting around 1AM, they walked the line talked to people. Turns out they were scoping the line to see who was there and when 3:30 rolled around all of a sudden they were in CC Shirts and started giving people the bums rush to the back of the line. There were also a few weirdos caseing the line like they were checking everyone out.


The people that got there after 1AM were bummed because by then there were 125 people in line. There was 350 or something by the time the store opened. The people that showed at 4AM or later were visually stunned.


THE CC Employees did a really good job on making sure new arrivals got to the back of the line and handing out vouchers.


When they handed out the vouchers for the Toshiba laptop for $199, (Not the $299 w/ Antivirus. there were 28 of those.) The CC Guy handed me Voucher 19 of 19!!!





The Nightmare begins after the store opened.


Store opened at 5AM I was in Laptop Line at 5:04 7th in line.


The whole AOL Process was a Nightmare, First the system Crashed. so we had to wait. Then the system was up and I got setup with AOL, but something got screwed up. After they sent me to the "Done with AOL, Waiting for the Laptop Line." They handed out Blank pieces of paper and we had to fill out our AOL Account Info and give CCard info again so they could "Call it in" and get some . But they did thet with everyone in line and all of a sudden there were peopel from the back of the line getting called up first. People were pissed. Before a riot broke out they put the line back in order and started calling people in turn. I had to wait MORE because they didn't know what CCard I gave them, DUH! first four numbers.


Mean While the weirdos scoping the outside hung around the Cashier where you turned in your vouchers like vultures. One lady was walking the line saying "If anyone wants to give up the Voucher for the $199 Laptop I'll take it." On her third pass everyone finally told her to STFU!.


I Finally got my laptop in hand and was out of the store at 8:16am EST... Three Hours and Nine minutes to pay for a laptop that I had a voucher for. As I was leaving some lady walked up to the Cashier and pointed at all the laptops behind and said "Is that the $199 Laptop? Could you give me two of those?" the people in line just started laughing and told here she was wayy too late.


I feel bad for the CC employees they did a pretty good job and were taking a beat down from all the angry people having to wait because of the SAOL Screwups.


When everyone signed up for AOL they were put on the $23.90 Plan. We were told that if they tried to put us on the $14.95 plan it would crash the system, they told we would have to call AOL and have our service downgraded to the $14.95 Plan. Everyone in line was suspicious, that maybe they figured out they were losing money on the $14.95 Plan.


Anyone else run into the same problem?? Hope it won't be a hassle, I saved my sale flyer where it states the $14.95 plan was included.


yeh i got one too... i got there at 11pm and i was no. 8 in line... stupid mofos that got there at 5am tried to bum rush the door and some of em' got in and they headed str8 to the computer section... little did they know that they couldn't get jack sht without a voucher... boy o boy u should have seen the looks on their face it was priceless...


and i too spent like 2.5 hrs in line trying to pay for the freakin' lappy... but its all good though i got it and i'm actually using it to type this post....hahahahaha:D

  jungle said:

There was only 15 laptop voucher and I was the last one. Thank God.


I went CC at 1 A.M. What about others???


Post your experience..

i got there at 10:30 and didn't get one, there were 15 other people ahead of me who also did not get one who got there even earlier than me!. there were only 15 laptops and 15 desktops... kind of dissapointing as i live in a capitol city, the closest other circuit city is more than 2 hour drive away, only one circuit city in town, and a 350k metro population... screw the 15 minimum, just say ONLY 15... they are covered legally, but is still a bit shady, they could have came out and said something to the people waiting over 8 hours for them and coming up empty handed while they could have gone to say... walmart, i heard each walmart here had 60, and 3 walmarts here, so 180 in the city. somebody i talked to said they showed up at 4:30 and got one... not fair, but hey those are the breaks u know.

at my circuit city, the aol was down as well they started giving out 250 gift certificates onto the final price instead then going to put it in later or something.

  viper2ko said:

i woudlve gotten one, but CC douchebags were handing them out to random people, not in order of the line.

they did the same thing here, dissapointed in how that was handled outside, the people inside were good though. i guess they let the stock people hand out tickets and the dept managers do all the ringing up.

yea!! I got my laptop at CC #12 in line @11pm all 15 were gone by midnight. We had a great time in line lots of great people. One guy made cocco for all. The aol problem was a nation wide problem but all 15 of us got a 25$ gift card. so worth it!
  amunger said:

yea!! I got my laptop at CC #12 in line @11pm all 15 were gone by midnight. We had a great time in line lots of great people. One guy made cocco for all. The aol problem was a nation wide problem but all 15 of us got a 25$ gift card. so worth it!

didn't get us anything, but i did get "2" of the emachines free desktop

We were # 12 and 13 in line...BUT there was no crowd control when giving out the tickets, and we landed up with nothing. I was so angry and spoke to the manager (this was after waiting in the cold from midnight), whose only response was "there's nothing I can do about it." Need less to say, I am VERY angry!
I got there at midnight and was #40, but as 4am approached I was closer to 75 the line was growing in the front. Needless to say they only had 20, so it wouldn't have mattered anyways. Congratulations to those who did score, it was easy going night, people around me were great, was fun to do. Next year, I will conquer BF, I swear :)
Guest all2tired
For those that got their lap tops, congrats and to those that didin't I'm sorry. So glad that wasn't on my list

My CC has only 15 Laptop. 15 was supposed to be minimum number and they were at that number.

Worst part was that few chinese student were there and they were selling the voucher for 100$. When we complaint CC guys was very cool and saying they can do anything they want.

But that was just beggining of worst part. It was taking approx 30 minutes for AOL signup and 30 minutes for the final checkout.

Guest russvegas
I got to CC in Little Rock, AR at 10:30 and I was 25th in line. After this was discovered, me and my roomate left and drove to North Little Rock. When we arrived here at 11:06, we were 6th in line!!! Only 6 hours of waiting in Freezing cold weather outside, and another 2 hours inside in a giant mess, and me and my roomate both left at 7 with are laptops.

I got in at 8.30pm yesterday, I was the 15th guy but guess what, they handed out only 14 vouchers . The voucher number 6 was never handed out.

When i complained they said they can do nothing about it. after 1pm the sales manager confirmed that they have all the vouchers accounted for.


CC@StevensCreekBlvd, SantaClara(SJ), CA


Will never shop at CC again.

yeah, I asked on here if 1 am was early enough, most said yes. well I just had a sneeky feeling that I better get there earlier. got there around 10:30 pm, was 9th in line for a store that had 17. also the rushers at 5 was too funny when they jumped in the voucher lines & stood there for an hour or so thinking they were getting the vouchers. they were really pissed when the employees told them you had to have the vouchers already.

I got the CC at 9:20pm, was 12th in line for the laptop.


Dealt with all of the gate crashers, attempted cutters, and all kinds of people just like I read on here (I was prepared). The early group of people all stuck together and we made sure we all did good. We had made a list of everyone's names and gave it to management so we all got the laptop vouchers. It was still total chaos and I was not ready for that part, but I did know what to do.


Once inside they tried to tell me that I had to sign up for the expensive AOL plan or nothing. I got a little loud because they refused to budge on that. Management came over and I pointed out what their ad says and they told me they could try. I watched them do it on the screen (electronically) and it was just another option -- chose the $15/month plan. So my total for the CC Toshiba is $380.


Felt good for my first BF.


BTW, my CC had 43 laptops.

Nope, didn't get one. Got there at 3 am. There were only about 25 people in front of us. But I swear they only gave about 10 vouchers out, not 15. But even at 15 I wouldn't have gotten one.

I just wanted to say thank you to you all for your contributions with your Black Friday experiences. I had never attempted to purchase anything at any store on Black Friday when they first opened until this year. The last four years, including this one, I have held a seasonal retail position at an outlet mall in Texas. Luckily I work at a watch store as a sales associate where we don't open until 7am, and we don't have any of the problems these other stores have experienced. We almost always have the same sale throughout the entire holiday season, before and after Black Friday with very little variation.


Well, this year I decided I wanted to get the Circuit City Toshiba laptop, seeing as it was the best laptop deal, and there is a CC about 5 min from my house. I went to a couple friends' houses for Thanksgiving, and ended up heading home at about 9:45pm. On my way home I decided to go by CC to see if there was anyone already in line. I thought there might be a couple of people. The earliest I had heard of people getting in line was about 10pm, on this site. I figured that 12am would probably be early enough time to get one of the coveted CC laptops. Apparently I was very wrong! I was shocked when at about 10:40pm I drove into the CC parking lot to find about 30-35 people already in line! They had little children in line to! That is way too cruel! Luckily in Central Texas the temperatures are rather mild, and we are experiencing a warm front. The low for Black Friday was 58F. These folks were quite serious in line. Most of them had lawn chairs, blankets, thermoses, and I saw a few of them with portable DVD players! My word, that is crazy! No grills though... How could anyone take their children though? I guess more hands to do the grabbing once the doors opened? After taking a look around, seeing a couple more cars pull into the parking lot, I decided to rethink my earlier plan. I stopped the car and made a general survey, asking the folks in line if they were all there for the laptop, with just about all of them nodding yes. I knew that CC had only guaranteed about 15 laptops per store, and that I probably stood no chance of getting one. I am no math wiz, but 15 computers minus-30 people = at least 15 people without a laptop... most probably...


Rather than risk my chance and stay up till 5am, just for a slim chance of getting a laptop, I opted to head home and actually get a little sleep since I had to beat work the next morning at 11am. (Not to terribly bad) I was rather disappointed, but at least the first two groups in line seemed like families, and the rest of the folks were a mixture of teenagers and a few older folks, mainly the parents. I hope there were no eBay squatters... b/c I think that is pretty shiesty...


My hats off to those who were probably in line around 9pm. You are some motivated and inspired people to go through that... I am not sure if I would have got in line that early, but I never thought it necessary...


I went to sleep that night a bite disappointed and with a feeling of despair... but after reading some of these stories, I am almost glad I did go home when I did. I awoke at 6am on Friday, and did manage to go to Best Buy, Target, and Circuit City to discover most of the sale items were history. While both Circuit City and Best Buy had most the real good deals gone, they did fail to clearly mark all the discounts in the store, so that there were still some good deals. I managed a few items, including an all in one 4 function printer, scanner, copier and fax for $99. I also got a computer game for $24.95 opposed to $49.99. So not all was lost...


This was quite a learning experience… If I really want to get a hot ticket item next year, I will certainly know to be there at 6pm! Ha! I hope everybody had a good black Friday experience as a whole… Till next year…

We got there at 2:oo am and we're # 63/64,:( I knew that my Laptop hopes went out the door.Since we we're there already we decided to stay anyways,what the heck right. When we got out of the car with our chairs and blankets immediatly a security/police guy came up to us and handed us our numbers with our names on them, and walked the lines the rest of the morning. :D When the BB employes came out with the vouchers-it was so quiet ,I think everyone was holding their breath. I ended up taking one for the camera , since I knew the laptop one was gone.People trampled everyone when the doors opened, I think some people who didnt know about the vouchers thought it was a free for all !!! :mad: Their was a guy in line that had a voucher but didnt know if he could get it since he already had AOL,their was alot of confusion on that one.:yup: He had just bought it for $50 from someone in the parking lot:shock: and asked if I would want it for the $50 he just spent., so I told him if he couldnt use it that I would give him his $$ back for the voucher.:smart: We went straight to the voucher line-pickup, as he stood in line I went and asked 3 BB employes @ the AOL deal, and got 3 different answers...what a suprise..lol...I figured that he would be able to get it, so I said thanks for the offer and walked down the line.:( When I got to the end of the line a girl( 17/18 yrs old) asked me @ the AOL, I told her what the 3 employes told me and she said that her parents didnt want anything to do with the aol,so I offered to pay for it.:gd_opera: She said fine- and there I was with my voucher. From 5:30 am till 10:00 am there I stood in the voucher line, as the crowd rumbled :fryingpan ,the mgr came out and gave everyone free sodas and a $25.00 BB giftcard. :banana01: It was quiet an experience............
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