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Did Anyone See The Chaos At A Florida Walmart On CNN

Dust N Bones

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This walmart in video was the one down the street from where I was waiting at Circuit City. Later this morning we saw people who had been there, they had blood on them, it was horrible, they say it was pandemonium. No control in anyway. I talked to the staff there on Wednesday afternoon, and they told me You have 3 small children, don't come anywhere near here, it won't be safe.
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Not everyone knows.. The American public has a history for making uneducated decisions because they either do not do the research, or they blindly believe all the sales tactics that say "This is the best deal of the year!". The information is out there, but people just dont want to or cant find it.
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I am in east central Fl. My DIL & I were in line at 1:30 & we were # 8 & 9 in line. We had people immediately walk up to the front. One of the cutters made the comment about "Don't make me blow you up"!! Well the police were called but they didn't do anything & didn't make them go to the back of the line. Thing swent pretty smoothly until about 3 when employees showed up walking right up to the front of the line. Doors were opened the mad rush began. People were cussing, fighting, crying, police were called in & had to escort some out. Last lap top went to the lady in front of me! :( People were complaining to management about the way things were handled. It was horrible. I will never again go through this. My DIL was crushed with shopping carts, almost knocked down, hit. There are a lot of people who will be complaining about how WM decided to do this. I am waiting to see if any lawsuits are filed. IMHO WM is responsible for the whole mess because of how they chose to handle things, the way they choose to handle things makes a big difference in how people will react. I know there will always be some people who will always cause peoblems, but IMHO WM is negligent.
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For a second I thought you were talking about our Walmart! (Destin, FL)


They had all the items covered in brown paper and didn't unveil them until 5am. No one knew where their item was. They had a knock down dragout. People were beating the crap out of each other, one woman got trampled on, and they had to put the store on lock down.


This is why I was at Best Buy, #10 in line, with my complimentary coffee and donuts.

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Just as i entered the line, there were two employees handing out 1- a map, and 2- a 2 sided sheet of new lower prices on electronics and toys, dvd player was 68 not 79 and laptop was 378 not 488 just for a couple of examples - do you suppose this will be an incentive for next year?:g_laughin
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I have to say, I almost became very rude with a walmart employee when we first arrived. My girls and I were walking around the store trying to locate where to stand for laptops..when I TOUCHED..touched mind you the black cover on a pallet...a very....uh..not so nice employee....(I am almost 100% positive she works nights in the back since I used to work at Walmart) yelled at me from the next isle. PLEASE DO NOT TEAR THE PLASTIC OFF! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GET THAT OUT! I touched the dang thing...I told her ...oh so sweetly...hun I only intended to see what the item was..I wasnt going to take anything. BUT WOW..I wanted to ...say something very, very differently in a very different way!!!..lol. I guess bringing my kids along helped me tone down...lol
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