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Just got back from Comp-USA


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There were merely 100 people in line here in Ann Arbor. I walked into a friend who came after it opened and still grab a HD for $30AR. Check out took 10min for me. By the time I finish shopping there, I found around 100 people waiting for check out. So it is not very busy here at all. Of course, with 0F windchill, not many people will come out shopping. Nevertheless, I saw around 20 people waiting in line next door at BB. Poor guys. :gd_devild
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I live in the Minneapolis are and this was at the one in Edina Minnesota. I also saw peopel outside of the next door CC and the BB in Eden Prairie. The walmart I Drove past only had a couple of people outside it. I just hope in can get my movies from CC adn BB tommorrow.
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I had no problem getting the hard drive deals there, only gotcha was that they moved all the HDD's to the PDA/camera island so I had to search around the store a while to find them. It took me a minute to figure it out when there were none of the drives to be found in the normal HDD area.
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Wow, wish my experience was as good as all of you guys! I just got back too. Got there at 11:30. The line went across the front of the store and half-way along the side of the building. Not long after I got there the line was all the way along the side of the building and was looping back past where I was half-way along the side. We finally get in there and all the hard drive deals are in the first main upgrade aisle. Talk about a madhouse!! They were all stacked up, no one was moving. They were trying to have everyone enter the one end and exit the other end. But of course, some people decided to try to go up the "exit" end. I finally was able to get almost half-way down the aisle and could see it was basically wiped out. I think people were just grabbing anything on the shelf, whether it was on sale or not. The guy in front of me grabbed the Hitachi 160 GB SATA hard drive (which was the #1 item I wanted). I asked if he could grab me one, but said they're all out. We moved up a bit more and we saw some 250 GB Hitachi drives and people were moving them around trying to find the 160's. As one person moved a 250 out of the way I saw "16" on a box and grabbed it! SCORE!! Someone else grabbed another 160 box, the last one. But it was PATA, not SATA. Ok, at this point I didn't mind if I couldn't get anything else. That was the main thing I wanted. I then went to get the Logitch Bluetooth Mobile Headset for $9.99 but they were all out. The one manager pulled it up in the system and looks like they only had 6 to begin with. Oh well. I then decided to pick up the 350va UPS for $19.99 for my family's computer. Go to the shelf and they were gone too. So now I start just walking around seeing what else I might be able to get (all the while clutching my Hitachi drive for dear life). On an end-cap I found a whole bunch of the UPS. Another minor score, as I really didn't care if I got it or not. I actually wished I didn't take the time to look around as the line to check out was all the way to the back aisle of the store. As I'm walking to get in line to check out I see this guy just standing at a pallet holding one of the 80 GB external hard drives. I heard him tell his friend he was with "I don't know what it is, it's one of the things everyone was grabbing when they first came in." As I continued to listen, it sounded like he didn't want it. I should have just asked. But instead I just hung around pretending to look at the laser printers. After about 5 minutes him and his friend walk away, leaving the external drive sitting on the pallet. I swung around and snatched it up! SCORE!! I then get in the line to check out. Not too bad since the only thing I didn't get was the bluetooth headset. It took me over an hour to check out!! What an experience. That place was so disorganized! After I left, I drove past Best Buy to check the line. They weren't even to the end of the front of the building yet. So I'm home for a break before going back to BB. I'm trying to order that bluetooth headset online but Comp's site keeps going down.
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Just got back from Compusa out here in Southern Cal. Can't say my experience was as good as most of yours. Our store only had a half dozen to a dozen of most of their sale items. Folks were given tickets for items and then the staff ended up handing out the product to folks without tickets, causing a few problems. There was no crowd control and the guy at the door stood there as people pushed everyone out of the way to get into the store.As you can imagine people were pissed to find this out. Was able to get 1 of the 2 items, just happy to be home. Thankfully our Walmart is awesome come Black Friday.
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