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First Rumored Best Buy BF Items Posted on BF Site

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OMG Well I bet you will remember your current address to the day you die LOL


i thought it was just $300 per person for the whole contest cause DH and i talked since they were heavily "bartered" on my coupon clubs if it would be worth getting $300 worth. No idea you could use unlimited amounts over the course of the valid dates. I knew it was $300 per transaction


I am just VERY in awe


So how many times did you mess up an enevelope? LOL JK

  markraby said:

Actually, here's something crazy -- since the rules do actually say "no mechanically reproduced requests", I was not sure if printing, labels, etc, counted as "mechanically reproduced", so I handwrote all 675 of my requests. I sent them out in chunks (i.e. a couple hundred one day, then a couple hundred a couple days later) so what I would do is just address envelopes while watching TV or listening to music. It became a favorite hobby of mine for a couple weeks :2wiggle:



Amazing, simply amazing.


You sir rock.

  KBsDarling said:

OMG Well I bet you will remember your current address to the day you die LOL


i thought it was just $300 per person for the whole contest cause DH and i talked since they were heavily "bartered" on my coupon clubs if it would be worth getting $300 worth. No idea you could use unlimited amounts over the course of the valid dates. I knew it was $300 per transaction


I am just VERY in awe


So how many times did you mess up an enevelope? LOL JK

Oh, I ran the gamut of envelope mistakes -- writing on the envelope while it was upside-down, writing McDonald's instead of my own name, and of course the sloppy, almost illegible handwriting that occurs when you just write out the same thing hundreds of times in a row. :lolrun:


Yeah, my family is pretty much in awe as well. I tried to get them to invest in it as well but they all did not think it was worth it (and now are coaxing me to let them use some of my Bucks ;)). I've been sending away for game pieces for these McDonald's games for many years now, actually. For example, when they had a Who Wants To Be A Millionaire promotion (where you were also guaranteed a prize with each game piece, if you got the right answer, which you could just look up on the internet), I sent in for a couple dozen pieces. But I've never done it to this volume before.


And of course the best part is that I've actually been able to use them! In 2003 (first year they had BB Bucks), I had all kinds of problems with Best Buy, such as them making up limits and accusing me of being a McDonald's employee/thief, but they've gotten their act together now and they are very nice and professional about accepting them. I just wish there were more things with which I could get a 2x return on my money. :D



  _John_Lennon_ said:

Amazing, simply amazing.


You sir rock.

Why thank you very much. There's actually kind of a cult following with this game and sending away for free game pieces like I did, so I'm not the only one who did it, and I'm not the most prolific one either (I've heard of one guy sending in upwards of 10,000 requests), but I am one of the few who discovered this on my own when McDonald's first did it back in 2003. Hopefully you guys can get in on this next year, provided they continue to do the game with BB Bucks. ;)




So thats how people were selling them on ebay. There was all these auctions for the "time to collect" them...I thought that meant the guy was planning on eating there x amount to be able to cover his auctions


Wheres the little "loser" smilie guy when you need him! LOL Gosh I'm dense

  KBsDarling said:

So thats how people were selling them on ebay. There was all these auctions for the "time to collect" them...I thought that meant the guy was planning on eating there x amount to be able to cover his auctions


Wheres the little "loser" smilie guy when you need him! LOL Gosh I'm dense

Yeah, eBay gets crazier with this every year. There were even some auctions for "information about how to get unlimited Best Buy Bucks", which is essentially just the official rules that everyone has access to.


No "loser" emoticon necessary. There are only like a handful of people who actually know about this. But now you're on the inside loop for next year ;)



  makofali said:

there are no rebates this time for best buy

Honestly, on some items there have always been rebates attached to the items to obtain the"advertised low" price.....I'd guarantee the video cards are priced after rebate, always have been and probably won't change this year, either.


Last year was the first year I'd seen a laptop from BB without a rebate attached to drop the price (the $499 Toshiba)....other stores had comparable model laptops (HP/Compaq vs. BB's Toshiba but spec'd the same), but all had mail-in rebates attached. Really sparked a lot of interest in BB last year.


Been doing BF too long NOT to expect EVERY price listed is after a MIR unless otherwise shown.....except Sears and their tool sales.

That is a great deal. The ad scans arn't out yet so the model number is unkown at this point. My guess is that its the 930b which is one darn good gaming LCD.

If that is the actual laptop that will be forsale, and if there are no rebates they are including in that price, then that is the best deal of black friday.


I will post why if and when we actually get the scans.


However I will also be picking up the toshiba projector if that is without rebates as well, that is nearly 350 off list price.

  CheapArse said:

That is a great deal. The ad scans arn't out yet so the model number is unkown at this point. My guess is that its the 930b which is one darn good gaming LCD.


If it is the 930B, it'd be a GREAT deal......but I'm just guessing that it's more likely one of the OTHER (read cheaper) Samsung LCDs.....the 914V. If it is that one, which would still be a big $100 reduction in price (from $330 to $229), it lacks the 930B's DVI input....only is analog. If it is indeed the 930B instead of the 914V, that's pure gravy and I guess I'll have to snag one myself. One can hope and speculate.....:)


I bought all the DVDs that BB featured last year online on Thanksgiving night. And the shipping was relatively inexpensive considering I didn't have to maul the crowds and could concentrate on getting what they didn't offer online.


But even on BF afternoon at BB, they still had the majority of the games/dvd box sets that were on sale.

Is this the whole ad now or is there more coming? If it's the whole thing I'm disappointed because I don't see any of the smaller TV/DVD combos like I wanted. I was planning on using my BB Bucks towards one. :(
There should be A LOT more coming. The ad is out there, we just need whoever has it to either scan and post it or post more of the items somewhere.

It most likely will be the Kodak C340, the next 5MP Kodak we have in our store is the one with 4x optical zoom (the Z730 i believe).


Also, if you return the camera now, you will have to pay a 15% restocking fee if you have already opened it. If you havent opened it, you can return it for 14 days after date of purchase.


If you are going to pricematch a camera on BF, you must be in that 14 day window. Therefore you have to buy it within 14 days of BF in order to be able to pricematch it to the BF price.


Hope that helps!

  markraby said:

May I just refer you to a very special part of the Official Rules of the McDonald's Monopoly game :D:


"To request a Game Piece without buying something at McDonald's...mail a self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient postage to [the promotion headquarters]...Participants may submit as many Game Piece requests as they desire...One (1) Game Piece and One (1) Chance Piece [with a Best Buy Buck] will be mailed in response to each request"


So, for 74¢, I was guaranteed at least a $1 BB Buck, with a 1 in 3 chance of a $3 BB Buck, and the chance to win even bigger prizes. So, I sent in about 675 requests, about 30% of them were $3 BB Bucks, I won more McDonald's food than I care to eat for the rest of my life and my next three generations down the line, and many prizes from the online game. So that's well over $1,000 in BB Bucks, and about $120 in prizes that are actually useful to me, all for about $500 in postage/envelopes.


I've been doing this since they started this game in 2003 (when they really only had $1 BB Bucks). In addition to my guaranteed profit each time, I've also won a $50 Best Buy gift card and a $50 cash prize throughout the years. It's really one of the high points of my year!




LOL, I made a excel sheet to track out the costs of stamps and envelopes, and then the expected gains from Best Buy Bucks. One cell showed what it would be for if all the BBB were only $1s and then one for the normal gains (67% - $1 and 33% - $3). I only sent out 100 because my family told me not to do anymore than that. I was going to sell the normal game stamps on eBay, but my auction got pulled. A lot of people were selling fake pieces, cutouts from the free gameboard.


Anyways, I have $155 in BBB and I won the Playstation 2(!), as well as the digital photos and downloadable cell phone game. Luckily I read the fine print and found out I can request for a transfer to a different prize. So I asked for the iPod or the PSP, because my family already has a PS2. Another thing I found out the odds of winning the PS2 were 1 in 3.6 million! Oh, and there was only one winner for each of the ‘collect and win’ online stamps, pretty cheap if you ask me.


Oh, also, does anyone want the codes for the downloadable cell phone games? I don't plan on using them.

I was hoping to see some good 32" LCD TVs in the BestBuy ad. The JVC one that they have advertised is selling for almost the same price in Online stores right now. So not a very good deal by Best Buy. Waiting for Circuit City and Sam's Club ads now

Regarding the Toshiba 51" CRT, in last year's BF ad Best Buy had it for $1299. It was a savings of $400 as it normally sold for $1699. I remember this vividly as it was one of the main sets I was debating over. It did not go as low as $899 a year ago. I nearly bought it as $1299 was the cheapest I'd seen it go, however didn't want to buy an older technology as LCD/DLP/Plasma was becoming more popular and the bigger CRTs were being fazed out.


This year, the version on sale is slightly different as it has an HDMI input. $899 is the lowest I've ever seen, the same price at BB as Sears. However it can be bought on Amazon for $999 everyday so its a $100 savings from them, plus the shipping costs. Its a great deal for the money.

  tapmba said:

I was hoping to see some good 32" LCD TVs in the BestBuy ad. The JVC one that they have advertised is selling for almost the same price in Online stores right now. So not a very good deal by Best Buy. Waiting for Circuit City and Sam's Club ads now

Rumor is best buy will also have the westinghouse 32 inch lcd for 899 no rebates, only a small portion of all the deals are known there. I would spend the 100 more on this model over the 799 protron at sears if it happens. The JVC is a higher end lcd, so it would be more expensive.

  thistrain said:

Regarding the Toshiba 51" CRT, in last year's BF ad Best Buy had it for $1299. It was a savings of $400 as it normally sold for $1699. I remember this vividly as it was one of the main sets I was debating over. It did not go as low as $899 a year ago. I nearly bought it as $1299 was the cheapest I'd seen it go, however didn't want to buy an older technology as LCD/DLP/Plasma was becoming more popular and the bigger CRTs were being fazed out.


This year, the version on sale is slightly different as it has an HDMI input. $899 is the lowest I've ever seen, the same price at BB as Sears. However it can be bought on Amazon for $999 everyday so its a $100 savings from them, plus the shipping costs. Its a great deal for the money.

You can find the toshiba for near 1000 in many online places, but shipping always kills the deal. 899 is a good price even with tax. You may also be able to get some cash back if you use your sears card at sears, and the lines at best buy are usually longer.


Does Best Buy tend to run out of things quickly? Or are they more likely to still be stocked a little later in the morning (Say 8 or 9?).. I've never shopped at Best Buy before, but I am aim near willing to change all my BF plans to get my hands on an eMachine for $149 (assuming that the rumor is true, of course) ... The closest BB though is over in West Virginia... and I'd rather hit my closer to home WalMart & Kmart for their early birds if its possible.


I dont know. :cheesy:

  Illinoismom said:

Not to change the subject but I noticed the 149.00 computer and the 379.00 Laptop can any one tell me if they have an idea if this is before rebate I hate rebates.

Well, I doubt that the desktop will be sold at this price with no rebates... If it is, I 'll camp out in front of BB since 11 PM!!!!:woot2: The laptop is almost the same price as Walmart, so maybe it won't have rebates. I hate rebates too, and they are impossible to me because I am not American, and they don't send rebates to Brazil.

  Spotted1 said:

Does Best Buy tend to run out of things quickly? Or are they more likely to still be stocked a little later in the morning (Say 8 or 9?).. I've never shopped at Best Buy before, but I am aim near willing to change all my BF plans to get my hands on an eMachine for $149 (assuming that the rumor is true, of course) ... The closest BB though is over in West Virginia... and I'd rather hit my closer to home WalMart & Kmart for their early birds if its possible.


I dont know. :cheesy:

Last year there was a line at 11pm thanksgiving for BB and they handed out coupons in the morning for the computers.

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