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you limit the number of things on your kids christmas lists?


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my daughter is almost 3 (11/28), so i dont have to worry too much about whats on her christmas list, but I am preparing myself for the future, lol. Those of you who have older kids, do you limit the number of things they put on there or let them make a list and buy a few things from it.


what we do is buy 1 "big ticket item", and about 3-5 other things. since her bday is within a month of christmas, I feel like i dont have to buy her as much, I guess. This year she is into Dora, so i should have an easy time of it. Wondering how everyone else handles their kids "I wants".


Or, if you dont have kids, how about any neices/nephews/godchildren? I buy 2 outfits and 2 toys for my 2 neices and 1 nephew.

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I get both my kids (aged 10 and 12) three or four outfits (depending on there need),,,,they get one big ticket item usally around $100 and probably around 8-10 items between $5.00-15.00 and then about 3-5 items between $15-25.00. However,,,This year they really didn't ask for that high ticket item but instead they both have a $50. item which they both will get and they both have about 4 or 5 $20.-$30 dollar items so they will probably get them all too.
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I have 4 kids. A 17 dd,15ds,8ds,7ds. We have always said they could ask for 3 things. Santa might bring 1,2, or maybe 3. Depending on what they ask for, what we can acutually find. My Dh and I have always enjoed getting them suprises they never even would of asked for too. But at least the 3 things gives us a direction to start with. While I try to get ideas now, it has been a challenge to wait until Thanksgiving to actually write letters. Even more panic stricken when they sit on Santas lap on christmas eve, and ask for something you have never even heard of before!!!
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I have 2 kids- ages 8 and 11. They don't really make a list, they just voice to me what it is they want :) That said, they don't mention TOO many items BUT...what they do ask for isn't cheap! This year my son asked for a PSP and my daughter a Gameboy Advance SP and they both wants some games for each system. That is what they will get.


Oh, my son asked me last night for a Plasma TV for his room too....that he is NOT getting! LOL

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Even more panic stricken when they sit on Santas lap on christmas eve, and ask for something you have never even heard of before!!!

This exact thing happened to me one year. I had finished all my shopping and here is my daughter saying to Santa that the only thing she desperately wanted is the one thing she didnt get. :cry2: Oh well, we have managed to keep up the Santa story up to now! What I do with my kids is have them make a list of 15-20 items and that way I have plenty of ideas for there grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc..... They usually get everything they want as they arent into extravagent things yet, thank goodnes.
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Well I have a 3yr old and a 6 month old (her 1st christmas) their birthdays are in may and june so I really get into christmas I get 1 big thing then a whole lot of other little things (I'm cheap so I get things on clearance and sale). They each get 1 present to open on christmas eve and that's their pjs to wear to bed so they have special christmas morning pjs. But I have a $20 spending limit for my neice and nephew(hubby's side) since my S-I-L and B-I-L don't have much money so it's wrong to "show them up" as M-I-L calls it but she don't realize that I can get a whole new wardrobe for $30 so I end up spending less than $20 so that I can get more than just 1 thing for them. My neices are too old to enjoy what christmas is really about so they don't get anything and I give my nephew $20 cash since they live in the city money always helps it's not like there are many lawns to mow and he's only 10. I worry more about birthdays.
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My kids don't have a 'list',persay. They just bombard me with their wants.lol. I try to get them what they consistently ask for,but only one big ticket item that comes from Santa. I tell them,"You won't get eveything you want,but you will LOVE everything you get." They've never whined about not getting something, ever. Also,when I get tired of the new "wants",I just tell them I'm already done with their shopping--lol.
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DD is 4 and while she voiced wanting everything in the toy book the first go through i think LOL After I told her ok lets start writing She decided maybe that was to much to fit in Santas sleigh LOL So she worked on her printing/writing skills and it kept the list happily in check and she just picked things she really wanted LOL


We have to watch as well since she is an only child/grandchild so spoiling is a fear more for the reason that she has a feb Bday and if one set of grandparents goes crazy at christmas it makes the shopping for everyone else that much harder come bday time.


I photocopied her santa letter this year and sent it to the grandparents. They are all picking an item from it and then will fill in with toys they choose. once the grandparents are done DH and I will choose from whats left to be Santa gifts and gifts from us. So she listed i think 10 things and will probably end up with most of them but divided among us, Santa, grandpa and (my stepmom), grandma in OK, grandma in Pa and GGma and GGpa. So 6 sets of "buyers" makes it easy.

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I start with a HUGE shopping list and by the time BF comes around, I've thinned it out alot. Depends on our available money for presents, and what's a good buy. They are always happy with what they get, sometimes alot, sometimes a few items that they really want.
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I am with MissyJane...the lists go on and on. :giggle:


We usually start with a $$ amount each year (usually around $200 each) and then look at what everybody has. Since there are 3 kids (10, 8, & 5) we look and make sure it's not too lopsided and try to even out. We too generally get one "big ticket" item per child or even a shared gift and then fill in with under $30 gifts.

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my husband wont let us buy clothing for christmas he says absolutely not lol we buy 1 big ticket thing.. and about 15 small gifts each.. this year the baby is only gonna be 8 mo old.. so we wont go nuts on her yet.. but we got them each a bike.. and this year kayden gets her ride on ( battery powered) kristian got a game boy advance ( or he will on BF) lol and then i got em several other things.. i convinced hubby to let me buy kayden some shoes and undies.. cause shes a girly girl and LOVESSSS that stuff
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We buy one big item (or two medium items) and then 2-3 small items, that is IT. (This is per child)


When I was little, this is how my parents worked it as well. I refuse to get caught up in the millions of gifts for my kids and claim that's how it has to be for them or else. LOL.

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My kids make up a list to santa and I get a few big ticket items and then several smaller ones my daughters bday is on christmas day and my older son is 4 days after so it kills me money wise now baby will be 1 on jan 14 th so I spend about 1000 bucks for christmas and bday's
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I just limit it to one big item and then a couple of smaller gifts. I alwasy give new PJs and robe on christmas eve. This year they have been talked to about the increased energy costs and that we cannot spend as much as we normally would on christmas.

I have started shopping and already bought an Ipod on clearance for 40.00 for my 12 year old he will be shocked as I had told him we could not afford one. My daughter is 3 and I bought her a table with play food , dancing Dora and a cinderella carriage with the dolls taht was on clearnce as it ws pink for 15.00 . My youngest wanst a guitar and lessons he is 10 so we are waitng for a deal.

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My kids are allowed to make the list as big as they want and ask for what ever they want. They usually get most of it. Between us, grandparents, aunts etc.. It works out well. I do not do much for birthdays($50) so I always do more at Christmas. Some items are to big ticketed but they can still hope, mom might find it on sale!!
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Christmas is the time my children will get the most of all of the year including their b-days. The ones that live at home usually get more items,,,but the one who has a family gets a few items but cost less than one of the children who live at home. But then again I have to buy for my son, DIL and 3 grandchildren. Not that I don't spend alot on my grandchildren because I do!!! LOL
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We don't really do a list. They always tell Santa what they want and so far we've been lucky-they haven't asked for anything to outragous yet. I try not to put a $$ amount on Christmas because I don't really want my kids thinking of Christmas in $$ terms. A $100 gift that one child wants is just as good as a $20 gift that another chid wants. We don't worry about it, we just try to get them what they want.
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I tell mine make your list in order of most wanted first.. then i tell them you will get some stuff from the list but dont expect everything. Now adays its like they are telling you what to buy them... i dont think i made lists as a kid once the santa dream was over..i think we got what our parents wanted to get us. kathy
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My kids have always asked Santa for three things and then made a list of other things they like to have too. Three years ago DD (then 4.5) made her list but she kept asking for an Easy Bake Oven. I said I didn't think so, but we would see. (Ask DS... that's momspeak for "Forget It" :D ) We went to see Santa and as she's sitting there and says, "You know Santa, I REAAAAALY made a mistake in my letter. I told you XXX but what I MEANT to say was an EASY BAKE OVEN!" Santa looked over at me and TRIED very hard to keep a straight face and said "HMMMMMMMMM" ..... Guess what was under the tree that year?!?!?! :D

We try to do as many on the list as the budget for the year allows, but they ALWAYS get their Santa gifts (wrapped in different paper of course).

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