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All Right Where We Hiding the Gifts This Year?

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I started my shopping today. Made a small dent. Tomorrow a MAJOR dent as I hit toys r us, walmart(2) and target(2). Got 1 ipod and both netbooks for $228 and even got dd a cell phone. Her first one and she will be THRILLED. So with older kids who SNOOP where are we hiding the gifts this year so they don't find them? I usually hide them in the extra basement room but I am concerned they will find them and I really want them to be surprised. Any other ideas? We don't have an attic so that's out.
This isn't very creative, but I just wrap up gifts as I buy them, and then stick them in giant black garbage bags and stash the bags anywhere I have space. I just tell my kids very simply, if you peek at your gifts I'll take them back and get something else, and most likely I will replace them with something less cool. Luckily my kids love being surprised, so I've never had to deal with serious peekers, lol!
I was thinking the same thing. I live in an apt and its set up kind of crazy. There's 2 bedrooms downstairs and I upstairs (nothing else up there but the room). Well, I initially took the upstairs room which has a walk-in closet, so I would do the black trash big thing & just stick them in there andputthem out Christmas eve. My girls never knew. Well, I've since swithced rooms with my dd9 bcuz I just can't sleep upstairs while my children are downstairs. So dd is now upstairs with the big walk in closet and I don't trust her not to try and peek if the bags are in her closet even tho the gifts are wrapped. I was thinking of putting them in my shed which is right outside my front door, but I'm kind of skeptical about that. Maybe, I'll hide them in my brother's house in his spare room.
Grabs some solid colored totes from the store and lable them mom's summer clothes. Put the gifts in the bottom of the totes and some of your summer clothes on top. Do you have a friend or neighbor that you could hide the gifts at? Some of the smaller things could be hidden in the back of your dresser drawers. Just make sure you keep a list of where you hid the items at.
that's a great idea but what about the big gifts like doll houses and all? I usually have an entire room filled with gifts for my kids. I am serious. Last year wrapping was quite a chore. I haven't even gotten wrapping paper yet. That's on my list for tomorrow:)

I bought a dozen rolls last year. I hve an upstairs sewing room that was my daughgters bedroom. I fill it full of everything. Before that I kept it in my closet. My kids never peek, they like being surprised. Big items I took to my moms or put out in our horse trailer. IT has living quarters in the front.


  bfaddict1977 said:

that's a great idea but what about the big gifts like doll houses and all? I usually have an entire room filled with gifts for my kids. I am serious. Last year wrapping was quite a chore. I haven't even gotten wrapping paper yet. That's on my list for tomorrow:)

  bfaddict1977 said:

that's a great idea but what about the big gifts like doll houses and all? I usually have an entire room filled with gifts for my kids. I am serious. Last year wrapping was quite a chore. I haven't even gotten wrapping paper yet. That's on my list for tomorrow:)

If you buy the dollhouse at toys r us, u can put it on layaway so this way you dont have to store it for too long...

I JUST WANT TO WARN ANYBODY THAT POSTS IN THIS THREAD THAT YOUR CHILDREN MAY READ THIS! - It happened a couple years ago, but someone on here posted in a thread similar to this one and one of her children read it and went and found his gifts. So proceed with caution if you have teenage children.

We have 8 kids,when they were all young and at home I would buy a certain wrapping paper for each child then keep a small piece in my notebook with that childs name on it.I would wrap the large unhideable gifts and place them under the tree right away.

Then when Christmas finally arrived we would have the kids pass the gift from one to the other until we finally revealed who it belongs to.

They had fun doing this,now the gifts are smaller ( down to 3 teens at home) and the grandbabies reap the rewards for the bigger gifts ,so I dont have to worry so much

I started putting the gifts in my luggage. They never think to look in there. Also after we empty out christmas decorations from the big storage tubs I have them carry them back to the basement and then I put gifts in there too. Good luck!
  Layher6 said:

I started putting the gifts in my luggage. They never think to look in there. Also after we empty out christmas decorations from the big storage tubs I have them carry them back to the basement and then I put gifts in there too. Good luck!

I like the luggage idea.....gonna borrow it.
  jstluvem said:

We have 8 kids,when they were all young and at home I would buy a certain wrapping paper for each child then keep a small piece in my notebook with that childs name on it.I would wrap the large unhideable gifts and place them under the tree right away.

Then when Christmas finally arrived we would have the kids pass the gift from one to the other until we finally revealed who it belongs to.

They had fun doing this,now the gifts are smaller ( down to 3 teens at home) and the grandbabies reap the rewards for the bigger gifts ,so I dont have to worry so much

I do this too, although it's only my teenage daughter now so there is really no passing gifts around until it gets to the right person. I never put name tags on anything anymore, so anything that I buy for whoever goes under the tree. I know whose gift is whose from the paper.

I can't stress enough not to put it in another kids room. Whenever we found out something the other one was getting it was held ransom for a while and used to get the other to do what we wanted before eventually the secret was out.
See if you can hide them at a friend's house. I keep some gifts for my friends' kids at my place every year. They bring them over right from the mall so their kids never have a chance to snoop.
We have always had the "you peek it goes back" rule at our house since DD20 was around 4. She will never forget the one year she went snooping and found the one gift she really wanted for Christmas. It killed me to take the doll back, but I knew if I didn't, she'd snoop every year. I am mean, I made her go with me to return it. She never snooped again, and she wouldn't let her younger sister do it either. She was lucky that Santa brought her that toy that year though!
  jstluvem said:

We have 8 kids,when they were all young and at home I would buy a certain wrapping paper for each child then keep a small piece in my notebook with that childs name on it.I would wrap the large unhideable gifts and place them under the tree right away.

Then when Christmas finally arrived we would have the kids pass the gift from one to the other until we finally revealed who it belongs to.

They had fun doing this,now the gifts are smaller ( down to 3 teens at home) and the grandbabies reap the rewards for the bigger gifts ,so I dont have to worry so much

What a fun idea!

I hide them in the attic or my husband boat. LOL when he is done with it for the summer he puts the cover on it in ( it is in the garage) and I put them in there :) I also do the tote idea. This year my mom has offered her house if I need too :)
I've been taking things to my storage shed to hide them. Being at my parents, doesn't give us alot of room. Although I do have some presents stashed under my daughter's crib, and on top of my shelves.
I usually wrap as I go and do the black garbage bag thing also. My kids are old enough that we usually talk about the big purchases so we get them right, so those aren't a surprise as much. The smaller items they like to be surprised with, so they usually leave it alone. That paired with the fact that my walk in closet is a danger zone, tends to keep them honest!

I cannot STRESS the importance of wrapping those gifts early!!!


Usually I just wrap everything starting about now and stick it out in front of the fireplace and tell my 81 year old parents to "Keep out! or there's nothing for Christmas!" This year, I admit I am a few weeks late in wrapping. Wouldn't you know it, my mom 'found' the two boxes with all those wonderful Dillard's Christmas sweaters and clothing I got on sale for her last January! (Yeah right mom! You just 'found' them in my bedroom and ignored the post it notes on them saying they were mine.)


Mom's excuse this year?!?! "I thought you gave them to me last year and I just forgot about them.....I am 81 old years old now...I forget things you know." (Sharpest darn 81 year old I ever met! 'Forgot' about them my.......:mad:"


We've been lucky that all the homes we've lived in (husband is Air Force -- there have been quite a few :D) has had some sort of locking storage that we could use.


Someone who owned this house before we bought it put a locking doorknob on the master bedroom closet. So I keep gifts in there in this house. We also have a storage room with a locking doorknob in the basement if I need more room.

  Reinholt1 said:

I cannot STRESS the importance of wrapping those gifts early!!!


Usually I just wrap everything starting about now and stick it out in front of the fireplace and tell my 81 year old parents to "Keep out! or there's nothing for Christmas!" This year, I admit I am a few weeks late in wrapping. Wouldn't you know it, my mom 'found' the two boxes with all those wonderful Dillard's Christmas sweaters and clothing I got on sale for her last January! (Yeah right mom! You just 'found' them in my bedroom and ignored the post it notes on them saying they were mine.)


Mom's excuse this year?!?! "I thought you gave them to me last year and I just forgot about them.....I am 81 old years old now...I forget things you know." (Sharpest darn 81 year old I ever met! 'Forgot' about them my.......:mad:"

:giggle: Too funny!

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