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Christmas Morning Rules for the Kids


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Every year my husband and I have several rules for the kids to follow. Absolutely no leaving their rooms until my husband and I are up. We usually set our alarms for 7am, though I hear the kids from 6am on. They can go into each others rooms but not down the hall to peek downstairs at the presents. When we do get up (my husband and I) the kids have to wait till I get the christmas lights on and my coffee started (haha) and the video camera ready. Then I stand at the bottom of the stair case and tell the kids to come dowstairs that "Santa" has come. (More like telling a herd of buffalo!). Its great the way because I can tape them and their faces upon seeing the christmas tree with all the presents surrounding it.


Anyone else have some rules the kids have to follow? My sister lets hers just get up whenever and run downstairs, but I think its better when mom and dad are up.


Maybe "rules" is a harsh term, but couldn't think of any other term to describe it. LOL

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Here the kids get up, come downstairs into our room. The whole "santa came" thing takes place....I get up, make coffee and if the kids wish they can open their stockings while I am doing so....no presents are opened until dh is out of bed...kids usually spend a good 20 minutes trying to get that to happen! He's a bit of a scrooge.
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well when \i was little we had to wait till when ever my mom woke up

and no that wasn't 7,8 or even 9 in the morning

she believed it was her right to sleep in

Then she would go down get camara and such ready

then we could come down and such

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In our house you can't come down the stairs until Daddy does the video taping of everyone on the top step and get a picture of me, the kids and the dog sitting on the top step. This is something that he and his brothers had to do on Christmas morning - it's a tradition through generations now! Should be interesting this year though because he have moved and now the kids rooms are upstairs and the master bedroom is downstairs. I guess we will work it out!
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The kids usually wake up at about 3 come running in my room telling me that Santa came (they already peeked) and I have to send them to bed at least till 5!! Then we get up, I turn my coffee on, get the camera ready then go get them ( they never go back to bed lol) . They do their stockings first, then open presents, then then think they can have as much candy as they want, so I have to take the candy away and make them christmas muffins lol.
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Until last year, my dh hadn't gotten to see the girls open gifts because he is a federal officer and worked night shift..and didnt get home until about...8:30 am....sometimes much later....but I let them get up about 6:30 am....as long as they don't open anything til we are up.....I also used to let them all open at once....now I make them take turns....which helps alot with cleanup..lol
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The night before I mix everything together for a quick breakfast (sausage log)

When they get up they can no go into the living room, they can come get us up, but im usually awake by the time they are. I put the sausage log in the stove and head into the living room where they start with their stockings and gifts in the stockings are wrapped also. They can only open one thing at a time, and it rotates between the two of them. So everyone can see what they got.


When they are done, with the stockings breakfast is almost ready. They finish up their main gifts and then we eat.

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We have never had any rules but this year is going to be our first for them. We have been pretty much remiss about things since the girls are so small...and I have spent 2 of the last 3 Christmas either w/ a new born or about to pop. I think I am gonna use your rule about not coming downstairs...now that we have an upstairs and downstairs. Hoping to get some more ideas....so that we can make it more like a tradition.
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We open one present Christmas Eve--then when the kids were smaller, my daughter would wake us up around 4am or so to tell us that Santa had come. She had already woken up my son, checked out what Santa brought and started on the stockings, she just needed us up to open the wrapped presents LOL Now, they sleep and I make LOTS and LOTS of noise to try to get them up earlier so that they can open presents!! Last year, it was 8 am or so before they woke up. I got up at 6 or so. It's so not fair!! They are 13 (14 in January) and 16.
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By reading these posts, I am under the impression that Santa's stuff is wrapped. Is that they way it is usually done. I only wrap what is from mom and dad - Santa stuff is laid in a pile not wrapped - two piles, one for each of my sons and then a family pile. Maybe wrapping them would be better.
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DH and I are usually more anxious then the kids LOL and we have ended up waking them up,,,,,,if not they come and get us out of bed yelling "SANTA CAME!" (sometimes as early as 4-5 am) and we open the presents then....they dont just start tearing into them or anything.
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And for all you new parents of toddlers and on up to atleast age 7 - a cool idea is after the kids go to bed and you're sure they're almost asleep but not quite, have someone grab some bells, and stand outside the kids window and gently ring them, then run back into the house and listen to the conversation between the children, or if you just have one, run into the house just in time to meet them in the hall - lol


Our kids talk about it every year "Hey remember when we heard Santa's sleigh bells outside?" It's GREAT - I can't wait to tell them when they become parents.

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