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Toys for Charity


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Toys for Tots, local shelters, local places of worship as well as most United Way type agencies are always in need of donations of toys for needy children. It is easy to forget there are still have many families who were victims of natural disasters like hurricaines Katrina & Rita. If you see a great BF deal and can afford the extra expense, don't forget to pick up something extra for someone who might otherwise go without.


God bless!



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Hello....I found this site just a little to late last year so, I'm really excited about being "in" on this before BF this year. Well any way I'm replying because of the member who said that they help entire family with there christmas presents. I was just wondering how you went about and did that. My family and I were thinking of doing something like that but I just don't have any info. I thought that I had heard of getting a family to sponser from the Post Office, has anyone else heard that? Thanks!
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We usually adopt a shelter family (or last year, we adopted 2 families) at work. We've been talking about the high price of gasoline and heating would cut into that this year but fortunately, the gasoline prices seem to be retreating faster than expected. We will probably do at least one family again this year. I buy year round with household and personal care items with coupons and always include a large paper box full of stuff along with the gifts as these cannot be bought with food stamp/bridge cards.
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I also adopt a family for Christmas. I ask the local Head Start to refer a family to me. They give me the kids ages, sex, and sizes. I buy clothes but mostly toys for all the kids in the family. The parents are happy to know their kids will have somethings under the tree and don't ask for anything else but I usually do buy a thing or two for them.


I used to work for Head Start and know there are some very needy families out there. It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside to know you helped make a difference in a child(ren)'s life. I like to get deals on BF to help stretch my budget.


After all, it is a season for giving. I encourage everyone who can afford to spare even a few dollars to buy a toy on BF (because of the deals) and donate it to a needy child. If you think it's exciting shopping and getting deals on BF, it's twice as exciting to know you've made a child happy!

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We go through our church. We take a family of 4 and up. We buy for the parents and children. One year we found out they had a cat and bought a present for it! It was too cute the way the kids got excited their cat had something. We also supply christmas dinner for them
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Hello....I found this site just a little to late last year so, I'm really excited about being "in" on this before BF this year. Well any way I'm replying because of the member who said that they help entire family with there christmas presents. I was just wondering how you went about and did that. My family and I were thinking of doing something like that but I just don't have any info. I thought that I had heard of getting a family to sponser from the Post Office, has anyone else heard that? Thanks!

you can also contact you local jaycees that are always do thinks in the community and please don't forget that people are in a great need of food this time of year the jaycees not only play santa but they may also make sure these familys in need have a great christmas dinner. they also do thanksgiving for familys in need.

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We adopted a family one year at my old job, but we haven't done that at my current one yet.


What I do instead is donate money to Northwest Harvest which supplies food banks for all of Washington state, I figure that I'm helping a bunch of families a little bit instead of one family a lot.


Picking up extra toys on BF is a great idea though -- kids need toys and fun not just food :)

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Both of my kids' schools have toy drives, but they each do it differently. At my daughter's school, each class adopts a child and then we are given the specifics for that child, such as age, sizes, and gender. At my son's school, they just collect toys and then give the toys to Toys For Tots. I think it's more fun to do it at my daughter's school :-)


We also adopt angels off the Salvation Army angel tree in the approximate ages of my kids. They pick the stuff (at this age, usually clothes) to give them and then we wrap them up and take them back.

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We do sheos boxes for operation belssing , we also put toys in the toys for tots box


I am a Cub Scout leader adn this year there is talk of our pack adopting a family if so I will be grabbing extar things for that too


If you cna't afford the $$ rining the bell for the salvation army is always a good way to help

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We do sheos boxes for operation belssing , we also put toys in the toys for tots box


I am a Cub Scout leader adn this year there is talk of our pack adopting a family if so I will be grabbing extar things for that too


If you cna't afford the $$ rining the bell for the salvation army is always a good way to help

I think it is horrible how the major stores are now kicking the Salvation Army off their properties. It's not Christmas time until I hear the bells.

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I used to give money to the Chicago Tribune fund every year, but I had a bad experience with them several years ago. My sister is a teacher in the inner city, and the Trib chose her classroom to donate to. The problem was that there were only enough presents for about half of her students and then others went home crying. Our family raced around trying to get gifts because the next day was the last day of school before the holidays. I wound up driving over 1 1/2 hours while it was snowing heavily to get the gifts to them, grumbling about it the whole way there. I wanted to sleep and really thought my car was going to be stolen, but I'm glad I went. The kids were so excited to see me, happy to get presents, my car was perfectly fine, and some of the parents came after class to thank me. You would be surprised to see how many kids are overjoyed to get something as basic as a winter coat (even though they want the Gameboys ;) ) I just check with my sister now to see what gifts are needed instead of giving cash. I also buy a lot of school supplies at the start of the school year.
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I wish I could afford to adopt a family for Christmas. We have problems having our own. I did place an ad at a Beanie Babies site a few years ago and got donations. I put them with stickers in little bags and gave them to hospitals. Thats probably the most I could do.
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I can tell you being an "adopted family" thru salvation army is a lifesaver. I have btdt and due to not finding stable work right now I have signed up this year for help for providing for my 5yo daughter. it comes with a very heavy heart to say THANK YOU to all of you who donate, adopt or give the spare change to the kettle. I have rang bell for a year, we always drop our pennies in the kettle, I could never ask for help without helping back, even if mine is in the smallest way.
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