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My husband thinks Im nuts, but I include the dog in my christmas shopping. Does anyone else buy gifts for their pets? My dog, Abby, is a yellow lab. She has had a Christmas stocking since she was a puppy (she is now 4yrs old). she also gets one present. Yes, we wrap it and my youngest sits with her and she unwraps it. Tell me others do this. Or at least buy presents for them. My husband just rolls his eyes when I come home from Petsmart or Pets Supplies Plus during the Holiday Season as he knows its yet another present.
Its so funny because one year we bought a treat gift pack for Abby. She must has smelled it because come christmas morning the gift was mutilated and she was already munching!
I've learned now to not put the edible dog presents under the tree! of course Abby did this when she was a lot younger. Shes 4 yrs old now. heck, she goes to my bed before me. Stays there till I get up in the morning! LOL
I get my dog and cats a special treat. I get the dog some mini rawhide bones and a ball or simular and the cats get a new cat nip toy and kitty treats.
This year, Abby will get a personalized collar (Petsmart has them on sale) and maybe some sort of edible present. She can't have raw hide bones anymore due to her stomach problems, but she loves her soft treats!
Of course our cat gets 3 or 4 presents. :yup: He is part of the family too. We always have to get a box of catnip. We wrap it and put it under the tree and he can always tell which one is his. Once he manages to get it out from under the tree he will roll around with it in the living room trying to get it open. The kids think this is so funny. :lolrun:
Yes, little Lucy gets a stocking and presents. She will also get a birthday party on her birthday. She just got some pink Little Lily boots. She has a pink hoodie, a jacket, and a pink polka dotted dress. She loves wearing clothes because she is cold alot. She is a mini daschund. I made her a sleeping bag with her name on it when we got her because daschunds like to burrow under covers. Hubby and kids are just as bad if not worse than me about her, everyone treats her like a baby. We have three other dogs and a cat and they get presents, too. They are part of our family and we treat them that way.lol
I get our Sheltie a couple gifts - this year he may get a new dog bed. I;ve learned not to leave the rawhide candy canes under the tree anymore - LOL
If people think you are crazy then I must be really looney! :trampolin I buy my 2 dogs almost as much stuff as I buy my daughter! LOL So far they have a large box of christmas cookies and a few toys and bones, but I still have on the list to get them a new bed, and a few more bones. We take turns with helping them open gifts, just like everyone else! :holiday02
Our lab Lily gets presents too. The kids love picking stuff out for her. She also gets a gift from Santa. We went to Petsmart to get ideals for her and my oldest said to not say anything because Lily would hear!
We buy. We will buy Bonnie (our dog) a bag of treats and Simon (the Guinea pig) is getting a new igloo this year - he's basically eaten the doorway to his old igloo.
I do every year! I also buy for my dads dog Queenie and hsi cat Kitty (aka little Sh!t) of course I have to wrap all of it. I get treats for the animals at the Humane Society, that's something I do all year but for Christmas I try to get a little more.
Guest all2tired
I've always bought something for my brother's dog. This year we have a dog too. We adopted her from the SPCA. My dog, and my brother's dog will both get gifts from me and I'm also making them both homemade doggie treats. So they can have Christmas cookies too
We do this as well. We gift our IL's animals (two cats), my parents animals (one cat, two dogs) and our animals. It's usually just little things anyway. :)
When we used to have dogs, we had to get them a present too and we wrapped them. When we didn't get them one, they started ripping the paper off the "people" presents to see if there was anything for them too. LOL We usually got them a new toy and a box of flavored Milk Bone biscuits.

Yep - Hunter (the dog) will get a stuffed animal under the tree, and some treats in a stocking. Target (the cat) will get something, not sure yet because he is picky, under the tree, and some treats in a stocking. Hermit crabs get nothing, except a little garland decoration around their tank.



  Gporter34 said:

Yes, little Lucy gets a stocking and presents. She will also get a birthday party on her birthday. She just got some pink Little Lily boots. She has a pink hoodie, a jacket, and a pink polka dotted dress. She loves wearing clothes because she is cold alot. She is a mini daschund. I made her a sleeping bag with her name on it when we got her because daschunds like to burrow under covers. Hubby and kids are just as bad if not worse than me about her, everyone treats her like a baby. We have three other dogs and a cat and they get presents, too. They are part of our family and we treat them that way.lol

gosh you are sooo much like me! We had a Yorkie before we had him put down in March. He was almost 16. This dog had all kinds of clothes, bomber jacket, vest, jean jacket, sweaters, you name it, he had it. I used to take him shopping with me and did he ever attract attention. We got a kitten in April because my husband didn't want to deal with the messes in the house anymore. I have to admit he's easier, but its just not the same. I did buy him a stroller this summer though! LOL

It is most definitely buy presents for my pets. They are my "children" and the loves of my life (other than my husband!). I have three larger dogs and each has a stocking, and they each get several gifts. With all that they give us throughout the year and their lives, it's the least we can do to buy them a few extra bones or maybe a big soft comfy dog bed for the holidays!
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