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I think Black Friday days are FUN! Do you?


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I love black friday!!!!! People think I am crazy too but I don't care! It is so much fun. I have 2 children to buy for and many nieces and nephews and I love the deals! I try to get the majority of my shopping done that day.
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Funny you mention this. My good buddies and I have made it a tradition for the last 3 years. We like to camp out in front of Best Buy, bring chairs, a grill, hot dogs, sodas, one year we brought a TV, monopoly or some other board game. Its like tailgating! I like the experience more so then the actual event! :-P
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I love Black Friday's! We are always on vacation in Daytona Beach, FL...but who cares we are still up and going to the sales waaay before daylight. We have met some wonderful people also while standing in lines. Last year was a very unusual shopping BF...I dropped the car keys in one of those drains in the parking lots. We actually had to remove the drain cover and get the keys out. That just ruined my whole day!! I hope that doesn't happen this year, because I want one of the laptops at Best Buy!!


Have a great shopping experience this year!!

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i been doing black friday for 2 years, i've always went late and gotten nothing.......well last year i picked up 500 cd-r's FAR from radio shack anyway imma camp out for the first time this black friday


it really is fun but when your freezing and have to pee its gonna feel like hell

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My first BF they had emachine computers for free after rebate at CC. WOW!! They also had flatbed scanners for $49.99 with $50 rebate. They were ringing up with $50 CC rebate and $50 manufacturer rebate. DOUBLE WOW!!!! Got paid $50 to buy my first computer set up, NOT BAD. Ever since then I have been hooked. Now I find this web site and I can't stay away from it. Hope everyone gets 2 of everything they are looking for and nobody get frostbite (Not a problem here in Florida)!
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