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Do any of you shop alone on BF?


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I did one year and it just wasn't the same. :( So I always have my mom or sis with me. I did take my brother one year and I will never do that again! He wanted to go to only the places he wanted to go (and he was driving) then once he was done he was done. I got home at 10 and immediately got my mom and went back out! ;)
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Generally my best friend and I go together but she has to work this year. Will anyone other than myself be by themselves on BF shopping? I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself, this has always been my girlfriend and mine's day out together:cry2:


Don't feel sorry for your self. Once you get out there and get into the shopping swing you will be fine. I went by myself for the very first time last year and it was fine. This year my mom and I are going to head out.

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I do, I've noticed that other ppl just slow me down and we can't have that when we're trying to get all the good deals in one place and get to the other. ;) Plus (LOL) my mom and friend who have gone w/ me think I'm nuts and would prefer not to go w/ me again, I have everything planned out and I don't like to didly dadly around. I have my list of places and what I'm getting from each place and once thats accomplished on to the next store. :woot2:
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i go alone every single time! i love it that way too cause if i think i want to treat myself to dunkin donuts and coffee i can just go.and nobody knows about it.i can come home and say i'm too tired to cook and just pig out and nobody knows i had the good stuff when i was out! HAHA
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i go alone every single time! i love it that way too cause if i think i want to treat myself to dunkin donuts and coffee i can just go.and nobody knows about it.i can come home and say i'm too tired to cook and just pig out and nobody knows i had the good stuff when i was out! HAHA


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Any reason? Or is it just a tradition of yours?

Because nobody wants to go with me. Back home and before kids, I wasn't there at the stores' opening times, I just showed up whenever, and I just didn't tend to do that with people. I don't remember that part of my life that well anymore LOL. After having kids and moving out here, I'm more concerned with finding someone to watch the kids than finding someone to go with me. Last year dh was home, so he was with the kids, and none of my friends/neighbors wanted to leave with me at 3:30 am. This year, all the guys are deployed again, so I'll be lucky to even find a babysitter at a decent hour.
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I have been out alone and it's not really that bad. You can do whatever you want, go wherever you want, and not have to worry about what someone else wants to do.


However, every year I ask my sister to go and I am disappointed deep down when she can't. It is fun to share the excitement of the day with someone. But she always has an excuse - she doesn't have any money, she can't leave DH with the kids, she can't get up that early, etc. Whatever. :blahblah:

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I have been going almost alone since we moved here 6 years ago. Last year my daughter went with me, but every other year, I was completely alone. Before moving here, my friend and I would go (I had a van, she had a neon) but we'd plan everything on Thanksgiving day.
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I've almost always gone alone...no family around and friends either wouldn't go or couldn't go. This year I hope to be able to go with my SIL. They are staying with us for Turkey day and we always peruse the adds the day before and pick out what we want. Hopefully we will want to go to the same stores!
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I've almost always gone alone...no family around and friends either wouldn't go or couldn't go. This year I hope to be able to go with my SIL. They are staying with us for Turkey day and we always peruse the adds the day before and pick out what we want. Hopefully we will want to go to the same stores!

Well even if you don't want to go to all of the same stores, you can still go together. Have fun:)
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you mean you people have actually found others to share in the madness with you?????


My #1 caution about even attempting to get another to go is if that person wants to go somewhere that I don't. WHo wins? 'specially when it's a limited item. (didn't go at all last year, ) but for like 4 yers in a row, I have been at OM by 3 or 4 am for ONE item. (twice, my being the first one on line was great, cos there was only one in the store and I got it.)

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I am planning on going alone, I wouldnt want my Girlfriend to see me spend more money in one day than iv'e spent in our whole relashonship :)


Going w/ family, hah, theyde think im crazy if they knew what was going on after thanksgiving dinner.

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