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What did you buy for Christmas this year?

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We usually have a thread about what we actually ended up buying for gifts this year.. I like it because it gives me great ideas for last minute gifts I may need..So what did you end up buying after all the BF/ Christmas shopping is almost all done? What was your best score?

My oldest dd got an ipod( her big gift), tons of stuff from Justice, Monster high dolls, Zoobles, Icarly stuff, dvds, lps things and a few other odds n ends

middle dd got vreader(big gift)w all the books for her age group, dora links n all of her friends, dora dollhouse and matching accesories, a ton of other dora stuff and minnie mouse stuff, clothes dvds, n other things..

lil ds got big foot and spike the dinosaur (big gift), ton of disney cars, shake n go track, alot of imaginext, dvds, clothes etc...


I was most excited about big foot for my son! I scored him for 70.00 at Kohls and Got 10 Kohls cash!

Cant wait to hear everybody elses lists!!:D


I got my mom an iPod dock with radio/alarm clock. She always misses my calls because she has her headphones in :) AND during baseball playoffs I was astounded to learn she didn't have a radio and didn't know how to listen live over the internet so, 2 problems solved with one gift. I got a really good deal before BF on this.


My brother and sister-in-law are stationed overseas and I don't like to send expensive gifts that far (we've had trouble) so they each got one of those funky winter hats with the fur on the font and the long things that hang down on each side (don't know what on earth those hats are called) a few BF $2 DVDs, some instant apple cider (SIL LOVES this) and a ton of cookies that I'm baking right now, yes their package will be late haha :)


I got my best friend a new make up bag she wanted and I blew up one of my nature photographs that she loves (amateur photobug here) and framed it for her.


For my grandparents, aunts/uncles, and married cousins I made Scrabble boards with all our names on them intersecting, like a real Scrabble game. I glued all the letters on and bought easels for display. The grandparents ones are bigger with the last name in red blocks with all their kids/grand-kids/spouses names on in regular wood. The aunts/uncles/married cousins boards are smaller with just their immediate family first names on them. For my 17 y/o cousin I got fingertip-less gloves and a Half Priced Books gift card.


And finally, the BF, the one I spend the most on LOL -- he's getting (his big gift) an iPod classic (he needs/wants tons of space), the same iPod dock I bought mom, a set of 4 Bob Marley pint glasses, a rolling duffel bag, and a custom designed Celtics hoodie (if it will ever ship from the NBA store)! And of course some family traditions in the stockings.


And my neighbors are about to get homemade cookies when this last batch kicks out of the oven!


I don't think I nagged anything good as far as deals go this year except maybe the iPod docks. Nothing I needed was on sale HA!


DS13-1 got a snowboard, D-Rex, Risk game, a few video games, slippers & a Snuggie

DS13-2 got a snowboard, Ticket to Ride game, a few video games, slippers & a custom made NPR765 train blanket

DD19 got a new Gen5 IPod Nano, Fable 3, a Jurassic Park diecast car, a huge book on Dinosaurs, a 4 ft inflatable dino(can y'all tell she's a Paleontology major??), a Japanese CD of Pokemon music (Thanks again Johnny!!!) & movie GC

DH got a winch for his Jeep & a new electric razor

Got MIL a digital picture frame and some petit fours

My Mom got slippers, BBW & an embroidered sweatshirt


and since they just sprung a last minute gift-exchange on me yesterday, all of my in-laws are getting gifts from my gift closet LOL


DD11 - Nook w/ case, skin, and book light; Hunger Games trilogy; Derek Jeter jersey; Lego architecture white house; silver necklace w/ initial pendant; scrabble flash; pillow pet; 4D NYC skyline puzzle; a few Wii games; a few new board, etc. games (Blockus, Quirkle, Bananagrams, Logic Links, Think Fun Solitaire Chess); Aeropostale Coat; Punky Brewster DVD, lots of goodies for her stocking

Mom - Crock pot, 2 crock pot cookbooks, gospel CD's, Boom box, slippers, The Blind Side, and need to get something else, but not sure what

Sister - pot set; a few DVDs; bed in a bag

Sister-in-law - Play Station 3 game

DD's teachers - BBW items

Dog - treats and toys

Me - Nook w/ case, skin, and book light (yes I wrapped it and put it under the tree, lol....but really because I didn't want DD to know she is getting one too).


Nothing big this year.


DD17 - Clothes and beauty stuff (makeup, socks/tights, nail stuff, etc.), Handbag, DVDs, ipod accessories, Criss Angel game, gas card. She is getting the big stuff (a new keyboard and bike from grandparents)

Boyfriend - All-Clad pan. He has been complaining so much about his old Calphalon non-stick crap lol and I am a die-hard All-Clad user, so I am switching him. :D. Some fun intimate stuff as well ;)

Boyfriends kids - skateboard game for DS6 and fashion accessories and arts and crafts kit for DD8.

Mom- A set of the QVC flameless candles with timers

Stepdad- Fishing clothing

Grandmother - Perfume

Best Friend - Jewelry set

Dogs - Stuffing free toys lol and cookies

I bought a few small things for myself while shopping, but I am also expecting an external hard drive, B&BW stuff and an overnight bag from parents. We are of the belief that we get people what they ask for so we dont usually have to worry about returns.


DH- Zune hd 32gb, xbox 360, 4 games, coat, nike shoes, tools for his clay hobby

DS15-laptop, greenscreen kit, adobe premiere and photoshop elements 9, power gig, another guitar game, 2TB hard drive

DS11- Razor 650 scooter, kinect, halo wars, air soft gun, pj pants, turtle beach headset

DS4- Razor mini bike, dsi, games for dsi, crash speedway, crayola kits, pj's, batman cave, accesories for batman cave, TAG reader, some other misc toys


My mom- Tickets to see Menapause the Musical and $$$

My MIL- Lots of clothes, Pj's, earrings

Brother-video game and hangover shirt

SIL-purse and a Twighlight ornament

BIL and SIL- Omaha Steaks delivery


Friends-Most got Bath & Body works and two got recordable story books from Hallmark


Teachers and Bus drivers-gift cards


DD9 - Laptop, wireless AIO Printer, iPod Touch 32gb and case, iPod speaker dock w/alarm clock, Nook and case, Monster High dolls, Scrabble Flash, Justice accessories (piggy bank, tie dye pillow, jewelry, etc.), Claire's gift card, CSI DNA kit, iTunes gift card, various dvd's (Alice in Wonderland, Toy Story 3, etc), and art supplies.

DH (and me) - we gave ourselves a joint gift...a cruise to the Bahamas leaving Jan. 3 for five days!


My sister - Victorias Secret pj's and slippers, VS Pea Coat, Nike runners watch, Grease/Grease 2 dvd set, iTunes gift card, and Starbuck's gift card

BIL - Gift card to Gander Mountain, gift card to Bass Pro Shop, and gift card to Starbucks


My co-workers all got BBW gift bags I made and I gave my SS at work a digital picture frame

Teachers got a Christmas ornament and a Wal-mart gift card


Way to many people to list, plus a lot of them come on this site too!! I can share what I got DD7 though


Barbie camper, Nook, electric blanket, Uno tipo, Snuggie, raincoat and rainboots, regular boots, clothes, doll clothes and shoes, bryer horses, horse and carriage for barbie, Barbie case, Some other case for Barbies that was free with camper, flexibles, plue her stocking is huge!! I think I am forgetting things too, but thats the majority of it.


I have 5 other grown children and 4 of them are married and I have a DGS that just turned 1. Brother, SIL, Nephew plus my parents. i am happy with what I have for everyone though. My oldest DD will be the most excited with her gift though!!


I got my son & foster son each Ipod nano's w/ accessory kits. They mostly wanted clothing. A few DVD's and video games. One got an Ed Hardy cologne set that was a major deal, I got it on clearance at Marshalls, a 3 pc set for $34. The other got a Gucci cologne set, that was reg $69 that I got shipped w/ codes from Walgreens for $18. I also got a great Underarmor cinch sack for $9.99 at TJ Maxx.


8 yr old Niece: Motorized paperoni's (??), make your own glitter tattoo's

6 yr old Nephew: Hot Wheels play set & Wii Soccer game

9 mo old Niece: Fisher price walk n play stroller


Mom: Keith Urban CD

Dad: A HUGE bag of Dunkin Donuts coffee.


I kept my list very short this year. I only ended up spending around $800 which was good for me. I usually spend closer to the $2000 mark but was determined to cut back this year.


I physically bought nothing. Yes some great GDers helped me out with a few simple gifts for co-workers but other than that no gifts this year. Found out I saved a lot of cash as a result ha ha ha.


I just wish/hope the packages I sent to the GDers who helped me out get there soon!



a Japanese CD of Pokemon music (Thanks again Johnny!!!)


No problem! I regret not actually buying it that one day I saw it. Oh sure who would want a Pokemon CD I thought. Apparently quite a few here in Japan. Who knew? Not me.


MIL - Wii! I'm really excited to give this to her. We are only able to do it because we are sharing the cost with other relatives.


DD7 - ZhuZhu and accessories, Zoobles and Play sets, Plug-in TV microscope, Lego set, American girl book set and mini doll, Didj games, board games, movies, books, clothes

DD5 - V.Smile Pocket, game for V.Smile, GoGo My Walkin' Pup, Lincoln Logs, American girl book set and mini doll, ZhuZhu, board games, movies, books, clothes

DS4 - Spike the Ultra Dinosaur, Tonka Chuck's Stunt Park sets, Cranky the Crane and more wooden track for his train set, firetruck, wooden buliding blocks, Kung Zhu, board games, movies, books, clothes

Nieces(12) - Bedding sets, pillows, lava lamp, door hanger signs, mini digital picture frames, SD card, movie basket with 2 movies and lots of treats

Nephew(10) - Clothes, Cuponk, iTunes GC, movie basket with 2 movies and lots of treats


My best deals: everything was a great deal! It was all bought on Target's clearance (75% off), or had a great coupon (I've had a lot of $5 off $5 and $10 off $10 purchase coupons this year for lots of different stores: Kmart, Hallmark, JCPenny, Kohls - plus lots of toy coupons) or a great sale. The only thing I paid "full" price for was the AG book sets. They were even on a slight discount at the AG outlet (around $20). I got the mini dolls from Borders -40% off coupon = about $15.


Spike the Ultra Dinosaur bought at Target on clearance for $35 (75% off)

Bed-in-bag sets $15 (Target clearance 75% off)

Cuponk - Target- $2 after sale and store coupon

Wii - $177 at Walmart (PM'd Target), but got $75GC

U-Build Monopoly - $5 - $5 coupon = free

Zhu-Zhus - "Free" - 4/$10 at CVS after BOGO sale and B1G2 coupon. I paid with ECBs that I had no better use for, so I'm calling these free.

3.5" Digital picture frames - "Free" - On clearance at Walgreen's and I had too many RR's to manage, so I'm calling these free, too.

Candy - Free - I've got loads of candy from drug store deals for absolutly free. I rolled my ECBs on BF to get free candy at CVS and I've been using coupons at Rite Aid to get candy, pay with UPs, and get back more UPs than I used to pay.


I forgot to write my most exciting gift that Im giving this year. We are doing a family cruise and are bringing my mom. She has never been on a cruise and always wanted too but could never afford it! I think she is going to be sooooo psyched!

I think I wrote about this in another post but I want advice...This is how Im thinking of telling her. I bought a disney cruise line luggage set and Disney sent me a small booklet thing that says Bonvoyage ____ family and then the itinerary...So I put that in the front pocket of the luggage. So i figured I would wrap it up and tell her that way. Do you guys like that idea or do you have any other good ideas?


DD16 - LOTS of clothes, make-up, a pillow pet, new bedding, earrings, a bracelet, boots,...


DS10 - a new digital camera, PS3 for his room, a few PS3 games, Midflex, ricochet rc, clothes, new gym shoes, a few wrestlers, a new wrestling ring,


DD7 - an American Girl doll, DsiXL, a new digital camera, monster high dolls, LOTS of clothes, earrings, boots,


DS4 - a PS3 for his room, a new digital camera, wrestlers, a wrestling ring, clothes, shoes,


DD 7 months - a doll, doll stroller, a few other baby toys


I know I bought them all alot more, but I can not think of what else I bought right now.


Mom- I had her a tote bag made with all of her grandkids pics on it, and a necklace.


Lots of neices and nephews, (16)...different gifts for all of them.


I have not bought anything for DH yet. Not sure what to get him.


DD - Hope Chest, PSP, PSP games, Sims nightlife for the pc, PJ's


DS DSI XL , pokemon games for DS, Ph's , Shoes


DH laptop


me. New Ring

  packergurl24 said:

I got my mom an iPod dock with radio/alarm clock. She always misses my calls because she has her headphones in :) AND during baseball playoffs I was astounded to learn she didn't have a radio and didn't know how to listen live over the internet so, 2 problems solved with one gift. I got a really good deal before BF on this.


My brother and sister-in-law are stationed overseas and I don't like to send expensive gifts that far (we've had trouble) so they each got one of those funky winter hats with the fur on the font and the long things that hang down on each side (don't know what on earth those hats are called) a few BF $2 DVDs, some instant apple cider (SIL LOVES this) and a ton of cookies that I'm baking right now, yes their package will be late haha :)


I got my best friend a new make up bag she wanted and I blew up one of my nature photographs that she loves (amateur photobug here) and framed it for her.


For my grandparents, aunts/uncles, and married cousins I made Scrabble boards with all our names on them intersecting, like a real Scrabble game. I glued all the letters on and bought easels for display. The grandparents ones are bigger with the last name in red blocks with all their kids/grand-kids/spouses names on in regular wood. The aunts/uncles/married cousins boards are smaller with just their immediate family first names on them. For my 17 y/o cousin I got fingertip-less gloves and a Half Priced Books gift card.


And finally, the BF, the one I spend the most on LOL -- he's getting (his big gift) an iPod classic (he needs/wants tons of space), the same iPod dock I bought mom, a set of 4 Bob Marley pint glasses, a rolling duffel bag, and a custom designed Celtics hoodie (if it will ever ship from the NBA store)! And of course some family traditions in the stockings.


And my neighbors are about to get homemade cookies when this last batch kicks out of the oven!


I don't think I nagged anything good as far as deals go this year except maybe the iPod docks. Nothing I needed was on sale HA!

Would LOVE to see the Scrabble boards! Did you buy games & use the letters or is there a place to but these separately? I think this is such a neat idea! Give us some some details...


  momof3luvs1 said:

I forgot to write my most exciting gift that Im giving this year. We are doing a family cruise and are bringing my mom. She has never been on a cruise and always wanted too but could never afford it! I think she is going to be sooooo psyched!

I think I wrote about this in another post but I want advice...This is how Im thinking of telling her. I bought a disney cruise line luggage set and Disney sent me a small booklet thing that says Bonvoyage ____ family and then the itinerary...So I put that in the front pocket of the luggage. So i figured I would wrap it up and tell her that way. Do you guys like that idea or do you have any other good ideas?

Great idea! She is going to be so surprised!


Have fun on your cruise!


Mom and Dad - each got an Amazon gift card to use on their Kindles

Brother1 and SIL- a fire pit from Home Depot (other than the gift cards the only think I bought full price)

Brother2 and SIL - Heated Blankets from Target

Husbands Sister - Cook books and cookie pan from Lowe's

Husbands Brother - an ornament (haven't gotten it yet, but since they don't get anything for us there's no hurry)

MIL - Jewelry chains from JCPenny. Evidentially she has pendants but has broken all her chains. I got her one gold and one silver.

FIL - Binocular camera

Godson1 - Cheep digital camcorder from Sears

Godson2 and his brother - Puppet theater from Target

Nephew1 - Amazon gift card

Nephew2 - Ski lessons

Teachers, my boss, babysitter, etc. - Fudge

The family I see at Christmas will get a roll of Velcro cable ties each as stocking stuffers.


The kids made homemade lip balm to give to all of the above from them.


DD age4 - Zoobles, Barbie car, PJs, Jeans, necklace, Barbie and a whole bunch of outfits

DS age7 - Lego Harry Potter Wii, Cubscout stuff such as new shirt and belt loop display, PJs, robot grasshopper, Jeans, Swim Suit, Bakugan,

DH - Camcorder, SD card, a couple of DVD's of TV series, and a wallet

Posted (edited)

One of my favorite gifts this year is the one for my youngest nephew. He is getting a Nike football jersey from his favorite college football team. The orig price is $40 and I see them at the games for that price every year. Last year I found one of the jerseys at Marshals on clearance for $5! I also bought my nephew some jeans from Gymboree that were orig $28.50 I got them on sale plus and extra 20 or 30% off and I paid less than $5 for his jeans. So he is getting a $68.50 outfit that I paid less than $10 for!!! I'm so going to ask if they can take a picture of him in his outfit. I know he is going to look so cute!


I had a necklace made for my Mom. I found it on Etsy and the artist customized it with my brothers name, my name and my DH's name (Mom considers him one of her own, DH's Mom passed on 8 years ago so my mom watches over him for me and his Mom:) ) It is sterling silver and is so beautiful. I am excited for her to open it.


Dad is getting a pressure cooker. He has wanted one, but hasn't picked it up for himself so DH and I researched and ordered one from Amazon. Presto 6qt Stainless Steel pressure cooker. $49.98 w/ free SS shipping. We had thought about getting it at a local store here, but they were selling it for $79.99 + tax+ shipping so it would have cost us almost $100. I like supporting local shops, but when the cost difference is so huge it is hard too. (We do shop there for other things thought)

Edited by Kibit13

DS8: CD radio and some CDs, A bunch of movies, Tony Hawk Skateboard for Wii and a few other Wii, DS, XBOX games, WWE Encyclopedia, Figures, Ring, some clothes, PJs, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Books (the entire set), video camera and a few other little things.


DS7: CD radio, some CDs, a bunch of movies, Wii UDraw Tablet for Wii and a few other Wii, DS and XBOX games, a bunch of legos including his biggest wish, the LEGO City Police Station, clothes, PJs, new art supplies, Jelly Fish Lamp for his room and a few other little things.


DH: Portable DVD player and case, new Brad Thor Book, Bath and Bodyworks Mens stuff, New lenses and nose/ear pieces for his Oakley Sunglasses.


Mom: Handmade ribbon wreath and silhouettes of my boys, DVD, Turtles Candies, Candle from B&BW, OPI Nailpolish, decorative bowl.

Mom's BF: Wii (as a joint gift with my mom and sisters), a rack to hold his baseball hats, shamrock shaped pasta and other cooking goodies.

Dad: New slippers and Men's B&BW stuff

Sister#1 - New planner/organizer, DVD, B&BW stuff, magnifying mirror, OPI nail polish

Sister #2 - Vera Bradley Purse

Nephew - handmade blanket and 2 outfits

I got my nephew a Cars jacket and hat at Disney Store, My niece 2 outfits from childrens place and each 2 toys. I got Hubby...things lol he comes on here sometimes so not telling! Got my Dad his Fave Cologne and some sweatpants. My Aunt and Sis in law Bath and body sets. Mom a gift card and new purse. My 2 brothers each a gift card Visa. I HOPE Hubby got my hints for a new leather jacket at wilsons leather Ive been wanting! I got myself an outfit at Pacsun..but Hubby took the bag..hes going to wrap them and put under tree..I know hes ordered things online because I am staying home tomorrow to be here for packages. But with strict instructions NOT to open. Theres more for other relatives and friends but my brain is fried today!
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