DeadSpyder Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 delphernina said: Here's a question - we're getting a wii this year and I really want Beatles rockband. Well Beatles rockband for wii is too expensive, but the software is cheap. Could I use wii Band Hero gear with Beatles rockband? Cross compatibility seems to be a tricky issue to dissect. Here are a few links to help you with your decision. I recommend is go to Gamestop and ask them because they usually can answer questions like these quite readily (if you have one near).!!&p_li=&p_topview=1
delphernina Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 I wish I had a gamestop nearby but unfortunately I don't. I tried asking the clerk at Toys R Us, but he just didn't know. At least he was honest lol. Thanks anyway.
delphernina Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Thanks for the links, it's not really looking compatible or iffy at best. I think I'll stick with what I have because although it was pricier, it was a safer bet.
oldandintheway Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 delphernina said: Here's a question - we're getting a wii this year and I really want Beatles rockband. Well Beatles rockband for wii is too expensive, but the software is cheap. Could I use wii Band Hero gear with Beatles rockband? According to Rock Band's web site, you can use the Band Hero instruments to play any of the Rock Band games (except Green Day) on the Wii. You can use basically any USB microphone to play the Rock Band games. The other day, I found a game with a microphone for the PS2 at Gamestop, and it works fine with my Rock Band games (RB 2, Lego RB, and Beatles RB) on the Wii. I've never used the Band Hero instruments, but we use Guitar Hero 3 guitar, RB guitar, RB drums, RB microphone, and two microphones from other games to play RB and have never had any issues. For more info on compatibility, go to .
Jen08 Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 Does anyone think the XBox 360 4G is going to be a HOT seller on Bf? I am debating on buying one now just in case I dont get one on BF and taking the chance that I may not get my hands on one after BF. What is everyones opinion?
mom2monkiesx3 Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 We have rockband and guitar hero for PS3 and they are interchangable I have band hero up in the closet from when I scored it for $12 for the whole kaboodle at Kmart....I can have my boys test it tomorrow if its the PS3 you are wondering about (we have the first generation PS3 that is compatible with Ps2 games but I don't think that would affect it being more compatible with remotes) We have SEVERAL versions of guitars from both too (we have 6 PS3 guitars and the newest GH one I made them keep in the box and all of them work back and forth between GH and RB...)
mom2monkiesx3 Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 Well nevermind I just saw you said WII..we have WII GH and Rockband too (yeah I know...I know) and my oldest is not here to ask but the WII remote just plugs into the guitar so I'd think that it wouldn't matter on that one either..we just bought WII GH Greenday too but I am not sure how to tell which version of Guitar they are using and he's not here (I know we have 1rockband wii guitar, 1GH wii and TWO offbrand guitars...)
me2 Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 I don't know if just the XBox360 by itself will be a hot seller, but the 250 gig XBox/Kinect bundle is already sold out online. You can buy it through Amazon for $50 extra from some places I never heard of, or there are some on ebay. I toured Costco, Walmart, Target and Fred Meyer today and finally found ONE at Gamestop. I don't know if stores will be getting more in, but it's not that easy to find now.
lacy883 Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 This may have already been asked, so forgive me if I'm repeating something. Does anyone know/think Call of Duty Black Ops for Wii is going to be on sale anywhere? Its the only game Hubby is addicted to so every years new version is always a must have but it seems never to be on sale.
Paka Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 For the ones looking at the DS Lites, if you don't want to wait for the price to drop with the 3DS release, looks like Wal-Mart will have 'em for $89 on BF!
DaFees Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 Ok, I wanted to chime in for a second. I have a Wii and I have the Guitar Hero World Tour Band Kit. I also have the games, Rock Band 2, Rock Band 3, The Beatles Rock Band, Green Day: Rock Band, and a bunch of the Guitar Hero games and I can safely say that my Les Paul (GH3) and the guitar from the world tour band kit are all fully compatible with every game.
princess01 Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 Paka said: For the ones looking at the DS Lites, if you don't want to wait for the price to drop with the 3DS release, looks like Wal-Mart will have 'em for $89 on BF! Yes, I saw this! However, I just spoke with a guy at my local GameStop today and he said last year they had used DS Lites for $60, so I guess I can always pray they are that same price or cheaper this year! I don't mind buying used as long as it's from a store and I can still get some sort of warranty from them, even if it is just 30 days. Now I just need to see the GS ad to make up my mind! Someone get on that!
Paka Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 Yeah, buying a used DS I think would be a lot less risky than buying, say, a used 360 (where you would have the risk of RRoD and getting a banned console). With a used DS, I'd say to check the bottom (touch) screen for bad scratches, and make sure there are no dead or stuck pixels (they can be really annoying). Depending on how long the person was using it, battery life might not be as good as a new one, but not too hard to just get a new one and replace it.
amberjobryant Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 princess01 said: Yes, I saw this! However, I just spoke with a guy at my local GameStop today and he said last year they had used DS Lites for $60, so I guess I can always pray they are that same price or cheaper this year! I don't mind buying used as long as it's from a store and I can still get some sort of warranty from them, even if it is just 30 days. Now I just need to see the GS ad to make up my mind! Someone get on that! i bought my kids refurb ds from gamestop last year for 59.99 look new and work new no probs! this year i picked up a wii for 119 refurb from there, i love them!
JenSully Posted November 16, 2010 Posted November 16, 2010 mom2monkiesx3 said: So I see the DSI deals we are seeing (Sears and TRU) are on the holiday colors. Which is fine. My DD HAS TO HAVE GREEN! Just like my DS HAD TO HAVE MARIO RED in an XL. So I guess since she HAS TO HAVE green she'll get a DSI and not a DSIXL. (just like last year she HAD TO HavE she got the DS cooking bundle LOL) My question is when can I get the holiday colors if I don't mind paying fullprice/not getting a deal? Do you think they will only be offered starting black friday or has anyone spotted them in stores? I don't have a TRU anywhere near me and the Sears I have is 38mi away and a small store that does not normally carry DS' I have the exact same question. Anyone know if the holiday bundle will be available at a higher price?
DeadSpyder Posted November 16, 2010 Posted November 16, 2010 Hey just wanted to let you all know Gamestop is offering a Holiday Bundle that includes an Xbox 360 250 GB Hard-drive, Alan Wake game download, and Forza 3 for $299 (same price as a 250 GB HD without the games). This seems like the best bundle we will get this year and it is the reason I just upgraded my Xbox. Also my Gamestop only received two bundles and I got the last one so they may be hard to get.
higbee Posted November 16, 2010 Posted November 16, 2010 So I need to get an xbox system for my teen to play call of duty. We have already purchased the new black ops game. We need the one with wifi. I guess we need more than 4 GB. All the deals seem to be only on the 4GB. Have I missed any deals? Any suggestions? Thanks!
neboo Posted November 16, 2010 Posted November 16, 2010 me2 said: I don't know if just the XBox360 by itself will be a hot seller, but the 250 gig XBox/Kinect bundle is already sold out online. You can buy it through Amazon for $50 extra from some places I never heard of, or there are some on ebay. I toured Costco, Walmart, Target and Fred Meyer today and finally found ONE at Gamestop. I don't know if stores will be getting more in, but it's not that easy to find now. My local Target has had both the Kinect by itself and the bundle in stock the past 3 times I have been there. But overall I have heard what more about them not being in stock. I dont know if there is a lack of interest here or they are high on priority.
me2 Posted November 16, 2010 Posted November 16, 2010 I think the 4 gig bundle might be easier to find. I found a couple at Fred Meyer, saw someone at Walmart buying one, and when dh called Target they had some. But ds is twitching at the thought of Halo, and that 4 gig looks like it would fill up awfully fast. So I don't know how available things really are, but I had a tough time finding the 250 gig bundle. They might get more available later, but I don't want to stand in line at 4 a.m. somewhere hoping for a ticket. I did that for the Wii one year. It wound up working out well, but I'd rather just buy it and be done with it.
yellowjeepster Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 My kids have been wanting a DS for yrs. so I might actually get them each one from Walmart on bf. They have a Wii but was wondering what DS games are good for 10 & 12 yr. olds?
racerfan Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 higbee said: Me2, where did you see any 250 gb bundles? We picked up our 250 with Kinect 1 1/2 weeks ago from Gamestop and they had quite a lot.
HansieDZ Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 yellowjeepster said: My kids have been wanting a DS for yrs. so I might actually get them each one from Walmart on bf. They have a Wii but was wondering what DS games are good for 10 & 12 yr. olds? Girls or boys?
me2 Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 I only found one 250 gig kinect bundle at Gamestop. I found some 4 gig bundles - Target, Fred Meyer and possibly Walmart all had them on Sunday in the Puget Sound/South King County (Seattle) area. Costco had Halo 250 gig bundles. But I only found one kinect 250 bundle. There may be more, I dunno. When I found one left at Gamestop I grabbed it and stopped looking.
yellowjeepster Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 HansieDZ said: Girls or boys? 10 yr. old girl and 12 yr. old boy. They both like MySims and the lego Wii games. DS is getting into the shooting games and DD likes animals so maybe this info will help narrow some games down.
flyjar Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 1up has a nice cheat sheet of all the video game deals.
Paka Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 yellowjeepster said: 10 yr. old girl and 12 yr. old boy. They both like MySims and the lego Wii games. DS is getting into the shooting games and DD likes animals so maybe this info will help narrow some games down. Here are some of my personal recommendations- Animal Crossing: Wild World- Especially for the girl. VERY addictive; sort of a real life sim but you live in a town of animals (anthromorphs). Lots to do, runs on a real-world clock off your DS. Harvest Moon and Rune Factory games- I'm a huge fan of this series. Farming and life sim games (the Rune Factory ones also have action RPG elements) that are both fun and positive. Really put an emphasis on building relationships with people and taking good care of your animals. Pokemon (Any)- I'm not a huge fan myself, but have a few of them. Easy and addictive animal collecting RPGs that a lot of kids in that age range love.Dragon Quest (Any, but especially IX) - Personal favorite. Turn-based RPGs; I also loved the series when I was younger too. IX lets you totally customize the look of your characters, very addictive and fun game.
racerfan Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 higbee said: how much was 250 bundle at gamestop? Microsoft sets the prices for the Xbox. 250gb w/kinect is $399. 250 gb is $299. That being said the savings is sometimes in a bundle, or you can get a gift card with purchase. I got the 250gb w/kinect at Gamestop and did not cost us anything since DS traded in his old Xbox 360, PS2, DS Lite and tons of games. SO we were lucky that why I did not wait for Xmas to do it. They were offering extra percentages on trades when you traded up to a Kinect or new Xbox.
me2 Posted November 18, 2010 Posted November 18, 2010 The 250 gig Halo bundle was 389 at Costco. I can't swear to it, but I THINK it included Halo Reach and an extra Halo controller. I passed on it because ds wants the Kinect.
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