boredbread Posted July 21, 2010 Posted July 21, 2010 Toys did not move today here. I'll be back tomorrow to check again. Infant/toddler clothes that I have been stalking for weeks finally went down-- stuff that was 30 went to 50% and 50 went to 75% so got some stuff for next summer. Summer went to 90%-- were just a few odds and ends on an endcap but found a few summer 90% toys mixed in with the regular isle toys (thanks to whoever posted the blue tag tip!) found lots of 4 pack splash balls for .29, some squishy frogs for .29 and sidewalk chalk-- great stuff to put in kiddie gift bags. Some red/white/blue (4th of july??) paper products were 50%. Lots in the cleaning and toiletries depts marked 15% so I'll be watching to see if that goes lower. Shoes finally went down to 50% here. Big baby stuff (car seats, high chairs, pack-n-plays, etc) still at 15%, but most other clearance baby stuff was at 50%, and clearance clothes/shoes/socks in the baby section were mostly 75%-- got some cute little swim jellies shoes for $3. Certain "summer" colors of wrapping paper/tissue paper/ribbons were 30%-- hope they go lower. Waiting for toys to go to 75%-- I actually "stashed" something this time and felt really guilty-- but I think I'll get over it. Hopefully it stays hidden or there is one left when it hits 50% :)
txsupermom Posted July 21, 2010 Posted July 21, 2010 Hit 3 Targets today. They must have gone 90% yesterday, because the only items I was able to find were in regular isles (no end caps w/summer markdowns to be found anywhere). Scored the ice cream maker (thanks for posting the pics Katie811) and some of the other items mentioned. Some Crayola sidewalk chalk is also 90% off (not sure if everyone mentioning the chalk is talking about the blue packaged summer products, or the Crayola brand). These were the sets I found: ###081042835 Crayola Color blenders .48 was $4.87 ###081040062 Crayola Fun Pack .29 was 2.99 Toys still at 50% off. I'm thinking 75% will happen tomorrow, at least for some of the toys. ###4th of July finally marked down 75% today. plates, napkins, plastic cups, tube of plastic utensils all .50 each (some stores still had them marked at 30%, so scan anything you find:)) Looking forward to tomorrow's posts. Good luck everyone!
spwalkhen Posted July 21, 2010 Posted July 21, 2010 When do grills go down? Ours are still full price.
BellaVita Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Toys here are still at 30% off. They were 30% off last week. Should I try tmw or next week? How long do the toys typically stay 30% off for 2 weeks?
southernchick Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 90% summer clearance find: Sunbeam iced tea maker 1.99 was 19.99!!!
bebelaw04 Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 So bummed! I went to my Target today in hopes of seeing some of these great deals, and nothing Most toys were still at 30% and most of them have already been picked threw. I was only at Target a few days ago and there was so much more. There were no summer, 4th of July or Patio things left. There was still an entire box of those summer squishy toys, but they scanned at full price. Clothes in the baby section are still at 30% with the exception of one 50% rack that was mainly just size 18m. No more clearance in the dollar spot either. I went up and down every isle that was of interest to be (toys, kids clothes, ect.) to try and find any "hidden" deals. Nothing! I wonder why my Target is being so crappy with the clearance?
junkietiger14 Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 I only had energy to go to one Target today. I haven't been there in 2 weeks. I wasn't expecting anything since a lot of people reported the 90% summer stuff yesterday and I kept telling myself, I don't really need the stuff. So I checked out the baby section first -- STINKS! Not a single thing looked like it was baby clearance - not even an end cap for it. All they had were infant & toddler clothes. I was able to score just one 2T (only one left) jeans for DD - luckily it was in her size at 3.24 (75% off). The rest of the clothing was mostly 30-50% off. Other 75% off - were infant (up to 12 M) boys t-shirts at $1.25 and boys infant swim tops at $1.74. July 4th stuff was ringing up at 75% off - so plates and other odds and ends. I didn't get any of it. Thanks for all those who posted about summer clearance - I would have never known. At 90% off - I got what I thought I could use only - $0.19 napkins (2), $0.15 polka dot plates (1), Assorted splash ball items $0.49 (the one that includes the football shaped one), Seal & Whale floatie $0.79 (2), cookie cutter (1) $0.29, Ice Cream Maker (1) $2.49 (only one left), Sand toy $0.29 (1 - only one left) and Rubbermaid Ice Pack (1) $0.21. I wanted the 3-playground balls, but the box was empty and there was only 1 of the 3 balls. So I passed since it will be awhile before DD turns 4. They still had all the sidewalk chalk left (I passed even though it's soo cheap), a bunch of napkins, some hoop jumping thing and badminton sets and splash balls. All the toys were still 30% here. and even at 30% off, it was really slim pickings. Nothing that I really wanted. I'm looking for play food items for DD and other toddler/baby toys. I'll be stopping by 2 targets tomorrow - too bad the 90% summer will be salvaged by then (knowing my area's schedule). I'm not sure if the toys will go 75% here... maybe? I thought it went 75% off on a Friday before?
fluffkin79 Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 southernchick said: 90% summer clearance find: Sunbeam iced tea maker 1.99 was 19.99!!! Was this in the summer or regular aisle? What does the box look like?
bbyboo1323 Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 No further markdowns in Toys today in VA. Someone was marking somethings and I asked her but its new stuff being added she wasnt marking down already marked items. Baby stuff: 15% up to 50% there were a few pairs of shorts for 75% off that was it
autter211 Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 fluffkin79 said: Was this in the summer or regular aisle? What does the box look like? There is a picture on page 5 of these posts. It was a summer item but some have reported finding them in the regular isle or end caps.
1angelnhvn Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 autter211 said: There is a picture on page 5 of these posts. It was a summer item but some have reported finding them in the regular isle or end caps. There's not a picture of the iced tea maker in the picture but the box for the tea maker was 'similar' to the ice cream maker pictured.....
Katie811 Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 No action in toys today. All of the markdown teams were in womens clothing. I just got back, a bit bummed but I did find some good deals. Tip: Check the camping section in your store for "camping" chairs. They were in the summer section and now are 90% off. I got 3 of them for 0.99 each! They were mixed in with the other camping chairs. Just look for the blue tag on the bag they are in!
P.I.G.mommy Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 (edited) Some stuff went to 75% today in Flint, MI area. I was able to pick up the following: ###Fisher Price Lion walker 204100383 for $10.74 ###Air Hogs 087050187 $12.48ea ###Ben 10 set 087060614 $6.22 ###Sesame Street playset 204033335 $8.74ea ###Elmo hands 204033265 $7.22 ###Circo penguin bowling 204100338 $4.74ea ###Ni Hao bath set 204100467 $3.74 ###Starwars 3-in-1 build your own gun thing 087060636 $9.98ea ###GI Joe walkie-talkies 087060149 $4.22 ###Kai Lan mega blok set 204070006 $4.98 ###Iron man texting thing 087061242 $4.98 ###Detroit Tigers MLB golf items went 75% as well ###bbq set 047502042 $4.98 ###Divot sets 047502100 $4.48 ###Desk lamp 047501955 $6.24 ###Golf gift set 047502187 $3.74 Edited July 22, 2010 by Gator Pam formatted to include item description on
southernchick Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 fluffkin79 said: Was this in the summer or regular aisle? What does the box look like? Our summer section has moved to all over the store because there's very little left. You really have to look. I found this one on an endcap near the pet section/bike area. But I also got summer clearance napkins where the regular napkins were too. So search around.
1angelnhvn Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Does anyone know if the summer stuff that was 90% off went salvage yet. Was going to go look tonight but didn't want to bother if it did!
Katie811 Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 1angelnhvn said: Does anyone know if the summer stuff that was 90% off went salvage yet. Was going to go look tonight but didn't want to bother if it did!My store still had the summer items ringing up at 90% today.
BridgeIU Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 I didn't see anything worth running to the Nora store (indy). I went for Backpack Attack & casually walked thru. I think I'm going to check the Castleton Square store tonight for the baby stuff listed for Flint MI - got a couple to buy for xmas! :) I also want those Ben10 guys! :) Were they the Lego Ben10 or just figures? I saw some Ben10 combination creator thing at the Fishers store last night for 50% off. We got one for xmas last year, so I didn't really look at them.
boredbread Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Summer stuff went salvage here, found few things and scanned to see and they were INF
boredbread Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Hopefully I didn't go in too early, but all I saw in toys at 75% were some sesame street playsets and tickle me elmo hands. Some stuff that was 30% yesterday was 50% today. Bought my stashed TAG even though it didn't go down-- figure I can return it if I find one for lower later (don't know why I didn't think of that yesterday.) Also saw a whole half isle of plastic tableware-- cups, plates, bowls, etc at 30% that weren't there yesterday. Also forgot to mention yesterday they had a ton of Merona mens socks at 50%.
gr8ful4him Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 I got a 4GB Livescribe Pulse™ Smartpen on Tuesday for half price. It was originally 169.99 and I got it for 84.98.
dtwdmaty Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Iron Man, A-team and Prince of Persia down to 75% at one store here. Nothing else of note....
mju Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Summer 90% clearance: Stainless steel water bottles $1.19 (look in regular section for ones with light blue tags) woven folding lawn chair $1.49 (also found with regular folding chairs)
1angelnhvn Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 mju said: Summer 90% clearance: Stainless steel water bottles $1.19 (look in regular section for ones with light blue tags) woven folding lawn chair $1.49 (also found with regular folding chairs) were the lawn chairs the clear summer colored plastic ones or fabric?
Gator Pam Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 (edited) Hey all. :) I really appreciate those who have started adding the three pound signs (the tic-tac-toe board thing) to their listing of clearance finds! It saves me a lot of editing to get everything listed on when this is done. However, I would like to point out that the pound signs are best put at the start of the line for each item; there need not be a DPCI listed at all, much less the pound signs coming right in front of the numbers. This way the full description of the find will be read by the script. If this can be done, I would be even more appreciative. Thanks all! Edited July 22, 2010 by Gator Pam
txsupermom Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 Lots of new markdowns in toys today (all at 30%), but nothing hitting 75%. Last year, they rearranged everything before the 75% markdowns, so I'm guessing that if I see everything being consolidated, the markdown will follow shortly. Right now, clearance is all over the place. Summer clearance still ringing 90%. Probably today is the last day before salvage. New markdowns in food. Got the large bottles of Sweet Baby Ray BBQ Sauce for 1.27 (exp. 2/2011). These were not out yesterday.
3superkids Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 If anyone sees the flip flops go on clearance, please post (the ones that are $2.50 each). Thank you!
junkietiger14 Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 I'm probably repeating stuff but here's my experience: So I went to the 2 other Targets that are further away and at the 1st, I was able to find some more 90% off summer items including the sand toys (trucks), a bowling slip & slide, utensils and cups that I didn't find at the store yesterday. But I couldn't find any of the playground balls or Sunbeams, which was to be expected. They had a lot of those 4 pack tumblers left. I don't like that kind of plastic stuff though. They also had some other games as well. The toy clearance was pretty dismal here too. I saw some stuff for DD at 30-50% off but that's it. And it was slim pickings. The baby clearance was non-existent. There were a few 15% off Britaxs and some sort of bedding. All the clothes were 30-50% off. Even the jeans that I saw at 75% everywhere else were only 50% off here $6.48. 2nd store - NO 90% off summer at all left. There was an endcap that was marked 90% off so I guess the sign killed it but it is a very high traffic store so I didn't think I'd find anything. The toy clearance was a lot more plentiful here... but it was mostly in the aisles. A lot more infant/toddler toys marked but none of the toys that I really want for DD - a nice to have at 75% off but not a must. They were all either 30-50% off. I saw people in the aisles scanning but I don't think many prices changed. Pretty much all the brands had something clearanced except I didn't see FP. A lot of trios and legos clearanced but my kids aren't at that age yet so I didn't look closely. Baby clearance was overall the best I've seen since they had something. One end cap of stuff -- a lot was still 30-50%, mostly 30%, but I did find a few things at 75% off. They had a ton of 3 pack baby socks for $2 (75% off). I didn't get them. They had several online returns that were 75% off. I think a nice mobile but I didn't need it so I passed - certainly better than the FP mobile we currently own. Online return of 2 packages of crib sheets for $2.76 each (75% off) - these I did get. They had tons of 2T and 4T girls jeans but nothing in 3T since I already got 2T. July 4th clothing was 75% off. Oh- they had a fairly big section of high chairs and carseats and swings and strollers for 30-50% off. Most of it was 30% off. ### Carter's Joy Bodysuit Boys NB $0.98 (75% off) - also had girls in other sizes ### 6-12M Shoes $3.00 (75% off) So it sounds like the big 75% off won't be this week? Should I even bother trying tomorrow morning?
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