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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2010

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well i finally got to go to target today...i had a death in the family yesterday and didnt get to go anywhere, plus the closest target is like 45minutes away. i didnt get nothing good like a spike (if anyone has an extra, i will buy and pay shipping..TY) but i did manage a few good things like the dance and sing kai-lan doll for 9.xx, HM toolbench 22.xx, tonka ride on 9.xx, HSM singing doll 5.xx, my little pony gumball house thing 8.xx and a backyardigans leapster game 6.xx...soo not tooooo bad for being a day late. my store had some stuff just 30-50 percent off....i have no clue when that stuff will drop. they had some cute kids tent, wonder when they will drop
Was really depressed yesterday when I got to target on my lunch break and seen everything GONE! I have been stalking those toys since christmas! UGH! I was going to go at 8am but things came up. I did get some stuff, but really wanted a barbie laptop they had marked down for my daughter. SHe is 16months and her older brother got one and she LOVES it! It was gone. Went into target this evening and to my surprise, they had TWO. I guess someone put them back! THank you! I am sooooo happy!

I must say that toy sales are super addicting. I passed by another target when I went to a baby shower today. This one was pretty cleaned out as I expected, but they did have 3 Play Wonder Play Kitchens for $32.xx. I was debating about it since DD isn't close to age 3 yet, still a yr and change away. But is it really that common to find a play kitchen for that cheap? They didn't have the Step 2 kitchens. So I ended up buying one for now.


I also found some Disney Winnie the Pooh NB and 6 month outfits (2-3 pieces) for 75% off, $4.24 and $4.98. I also got a 12 month snow pants (bid) for $6.49 (50% off) -- should I have waited for this to drop further?


and I found the ballet shoes and sneakers for DD at 75% off $3.74 here and also 2 pairs for me at $3.74 (75% off). This store had tons of baby equipment for 30% off and supplies for 30% off. It's too far for me to stalk til it goes to 75% off. I'd love to get a blanket. DD only has one and she threw up on it yesterday and now she's using hospital receiving blankets.


Oh - what's the difference btw the bigger stickers that say Clearance, and the small stickers?

  kimpooh19 said:

I'm super excited! I scored pretty good today. I went to the Oakleaf and Roosevelt Target stores today and got everything listed below 75% off. The clothes are for my 4 year old.


###038041478 Black Windbreaker Jacket size 5 $3.74

###075016276 PJ Set size 5 $3.74

###076031855 Argyle sweater size 5 $4.24

###076180840 Track Pant size 4/5 $2.24

###085060238 Black and Decker Autotape $3.74

###086040053 Baby Born baby doll $3.74

###086081372 Nintendogs $6.24

###087021288 Eyeclops $7.48

###204033248 Flicker the Flashlight $3.98

###204033349 Imaginext Sea Dragon giftset $8.18

###204100340 Circo My First Cash Register $7.48

###204100342 Circo Turtle Toons Stacker $6.24

###086000933 Star Wars Science kit $7.48

###086020274 My Little Pony's set $11.24

###086020283 My Little Ponly's set $8.24

###086022110 Littlest Pet Shop set $3.22

###086020627 Moxie Girls set $6.24

###086080287 Wowwee Sleeping Dog $8.74

###087071794 Lightning McQueen car $1.62

###087100270 Spongebob Squarepants Sorry game $4.48

###088030111 Sweet Spot Football $7.48

###204040954 Didj Case $4.48

###204041086 Neopets Didj game $7.48

###204041421 Fisher Price Smartsports system $14.98

###204041603 Little Tykes Recorder $1.98

###204100034 MagicReveal oven $4.98

###204100035 MagicReveal accessory $1.98

###204100036 MagicReveal Toaster $3.74

###204100037 MagicReveal accessory $1.98


All of my birthdays and a good chunk of Christmas is done!:D:tongue1::D

Any input on why the flicker flashlight (or any toy really) would be clearanced in some stores and not others? I saw it at 30/50 % off earlier in the week, only one and it was gone by the time I hit that store for 75% off.


I then came across it in the regular handy manny section at another store (that only had some 75% off, but target brand still 50% off, I even checked with an markdown person)... so I figured it was a weird store. Anyway, checked a 3rd store today, with the same dcpi number list above in the regular manny section and it rang up full price at $15... any insight.. was it possibly overlooked, or just a weird fluke that it was marked down in some stores??

  kcchica said:

Any input on why the flicker flashlight (or any toy really) would be clearanced in some stores and not others? I saw it at 30/50 % off earlier in the week, only one and it was gone by the time I hit that store for 75% off.


I then came across it in the regular handy manny section at another store (that only had some 75% off, but target brand still 50% off, I even checked with an markdown person)... so I figured it was a weird store. Anyway, checked a 3rd store today, with the same dcpi number list above in the regular manny section and it rang up full price at $15... any insight.. was it possibly overlooked, or just a weird fluke that it was marked down in some stores??

I think that it depends per store. Im new to this but I know alot of things that people listed on this thread for 75% is still full price at my target =(


I forgot to add that I bought Liv Doll outfits...pack of 3 outfits for $3.xx. I was hoping to find some Liv dolls to go along w/these for b-day gifts. Amazon has a couple for $10. I'm going to keep an eye out. I'd like to find some under $7. Then I'd have a awesome set for b-day parties. Seems like we have about 2 a month!


Also got 3 Wizards of Waverly Heights dolls I think! One might have been Icarly! I had to bring it all in and hide it quickly so DD didn't see!!! I believe those were $4-5!

I noticed our camping section is at 50% off...anyone have any idea when camping might go to 75% off? A store employee said on friday that they were about to mark it all down..but when we checked back that day...it was still 50% off. This is in Texas.
The camping stuff at my store is still 50% off too. I was there at my Target when they were doing the camping section, but it only went down 50%. One of the mark down team members even scanned some stuff for me, but it stayed at 50% off. I have been waiting the camping stuff to go down for some time now!! The question now is ....when? LOL!!!
  krmckee said:

Just curious - do you all buy these toys at clearance to save for next xmas, to give away as birthday gifts, resell, all of the above??? No judging, I just want to know. :-) Even if at the low price my husband would freak if I broughtall that stuff home ;-) I also have nowhere to store it.... :-(

My kids have bdays in February so I buy for that. Also buy for all their friends' birthdays throughout the year. Usually there is still some left for my kids' Easter and Christmas.

There is a little hope of still finding stuff from returns. I am about to return a Smart Cycle to the Haines City, FL store. I bought it @ 50% but my mom picked one up for me @ 75%. Also returning a few other items since I just got caught up in the excitement of buying stuff. Already have way way way more than I need.
  stacya said:

I buy for gifts...the problem is, I end up with so much, it's hard to keep track of it, and when I buy stuff for like next Christmas (which I seem to do every January), I can't remember who it was for, or I have temporarily forgotten about it, and then when I come across it, I've already bought SO much stuff, so then I've REALLY bought too much!

Buy those extra strong sticky notes and label them!

I'm going to bet that camping stuff will go next week. Last year I bought a tent at 75% off when I bought toys, but I know it wasn't the first week toys went because I only went to 1 store the first week and I bought this at a different store.
  kcchica said:

Any input on why the flicker flashlight (or any toy really) would be clearanced in some stores and not others? I saw it at 30/50 % off earlier in the week, only one and it was gone by the time I hit that store for 75% off.


Stores with smaller selling space for toys do this quite often. You see it a lot in July/August/September when the smaller stores clear out stuff to bring in higher margin or better selling items for Christmas.


  jcarr492 said:

I noticed our camping section is at 50% off...anyone have any idea when camping might go to 75% off? A store employee said on friday that they were about to mark it all down..but when we checked back that day...it was still 50% off. This is in Texas.

I've been watching the pocket knives, and the kid tents which are all part of that section. They usually do sporting goods Fridays and I think next week they'll do a big mark down. It is usually 1-2 weeks after the big toy clearance.


  krmckee said:

So if I go Monday - do you all will there be anything left? Should I expect my stores to also be 75% - or are some still at 50%? I could think of a few bday gifts I will need in the near future....

It is definitely worth checking. Also, be sure to check carts that are full of go-backs. If you see items that you have seen listed here, you might get a good deal. People return stuff. People abandon purchases all over the store. And they find more in the back or other customers stashes that they haven't come back for yet.


  krmckee said:

Just curious - do you all buy these toys at clearance to save for next xmas, to give away as birthday gifts, resell, all of the above??? No judging, I just want to know. :-) Even if at the low price my husband would freak if I broughtall that stuff home ;-) I also have nowhere to store it.... :-(

Like everyone else here, I buy for a variety of things all already mentioned. But I know a couple of guys here locally that will buy 2-3 carts full to donate to charity. One guy buys stuff here and takes it back to a poor area of Montana where he used to live. They don't have good access to stores because it is so rural, and there are several poor families. We see each other a lot, and I share some of the good deals from here I think he'll be interested in.

  tinkrbel said:


If anyone spots ANY Nightmare Before Christmas toys in clearance can you pick them up and I'll pay+shipping. I've never seen this at Target before but spotted a plush mayor with spinning head last night scanned regular price.

Just an FYI, these are not clearance. They are $5.99 each and they are sold in the area with the collector cards (Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, Sports cards, etc.). I saw a bunch and tracked it down.

  lovetoshopCA said:

Just an FYI, these are not clearance. They are $5.99 each and they are sold in the area with the collector cards (Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, Sports cards, etc.). I saw a bunch and tracked it down.

thanks, they must not be in stock locally or on short supply? so far I've seen one mayor and an oogie boogie and both were just laying around different stores.

  krmckee said:

Just curious - do you all buy these toys at clearance to save for next xmas, to give away as birthday gifts, resell, all of the above??? No judging, I just want to know. :-) Even if at the low price my husband would freak if I broughtall that stuff home ;-) I also have nowhere to store it.... :-(

I buy mome for my boy's birthdays throughout the year. What is left over will either be saved for Christmas or sold if I think the boy's have out grown it. I also shop the Target and Kmart toy clearance in July to stock up for Christmas. That includes things for my3 boys, my nephew and we usually adopt a child for Christmas like Angel Tree. If there's anything left, I offer them to my local mom's group at a discounted cost to help them out.;)


went today with my returns so that they could be put back on the shelf instead of being salvaged. was surprised to see 1 whole isle, both sides, with stuff still there. mostly 75% but some 50%. 1 whole isle, both sides, with sleeping bags and all that other 30% stuff.


Found Scooby-Doo Smart Cycle game...woo-hoo!!! I'm guessing it was "misplaced" before today since it was only marked 30% but scanned 75% and was just placed on the 75% shelf with a few other games (vsmile)

Some tools marked 75%, home improvement (i.e. cabinet knobs, pulls, outlet covers, etc...) 50%, and camping 50% at various Orlando/Kissimmee area Targets. Scored some kids clothes for 75% but my best find was Guitar Hero 2 box set for DS (On Tour and On Tour Decades) for $21.24, originally $84.99!
Orlando's Univ. store had the camping screened and unscreen pav./ shade covers down to 75% but nothing else on Friday. They had other items still marked 50%. They went a week early on toys and kids's dress clothes to 75% so maybe they are early with everything this year.
  tinkrbel said:

thanks, they must not be in stock locally or on short supply? so far I've seen one mayor and an oogie boogie and both were just laying around different stores.

I am not sure they have the tags out for them. If I find them again, I'll try to get the DPCI for you. They may be stocked by a vendor like the cards. In that case you just have to hope for them. But if the store stocks them, they may have them in back.

My store (Abington, MA) STILL hasn't gone to 75%! I have checked everyday and asked employees who have no answers. Anyone else have a store that hasn't gone yet? I have been waiting for thiss store so i didn't go to others and now the others around are wiped out! Any thoughts on when they might go?
  kayabbymatt said:

My store (Abington, MA) STILL hasn't gone to 75%! I have checked everyday and asked employees who have no answers. Anyone else have a store that hasn't gone yet? I have been waiting for thiss store so i didn't go to others and now the others around are wiped out! Any thoughts on when they might go?


My local store hadn't gone as of Friday. Maybe they went this weekend but I doubt it. Luckily I checked a store about 45 minutes away and got what I needed. I'm hoping for tomorrow, there is still one more thing I'd like.

  kayabbymatt said:

My store (Abington, MA) STILL hasn't gone to 75%! I have checked everyday and asked employees who have no answers. Anyone else have a store that hasn't gone yet? I have been waiting for thiss store so i didn't go to others and now the others around are wiped out! Any thoughts on when they might go?

I was at my local store twice Friday and the toys STILL had not been marked down when I left around 4:30pm ish and no markdown team members anywhere. Didn't go yesterday (Saturday) and then today I went mid morning and they were 75%. Not sure when they were marked down- either Friday night or perhaps Sat AM. Nothing that I wanted was left when I was there today. I would *guess* maybe your store is behind schedule. I would check Monday if I were you.

I buy for Christmas and Birthdays for my kids and my nieces. I use smaller items for stocking stuffers and for our 12 days of Christmas gifts. The only way I can pull off such a great Christmas is with Target! I always keep a few items stored for Birthday parties for random school friends. I also donate a few items to Toys for Tots and anything left that I decide I just can't use I put in my garage sale for exactly (sometimes less) than I paid.
  ClearanceGal said:

I buy for Christmas and Birthdays for my kids and my nieces. I use smaller items for stocking stuffers and for our 12 days of Christmas gifts. The only way I can pull off such a great Christmas is with Target! I always keep a few items stored for Birthday parties for random school friends. I also donate a few items to Toys for Tots and anything left that I decide I just can't use I put in my garage sale for exactly (sometimes less) than I paid.

We don't do TWELVE days of Christmas, but with all the fun, cheap deals I buy after each holiday clearance, I always make up a special little gift bag for our daughters filled with crazy kids' things that are appropriate for the holiday. It was a little easier when they were really little, but they still look forward to getting that bag a week or two prior to each holiday. I just pick a random day to surprise them with it at the table when they come up for breakfast.


I was just digging around in the Valentine's stuff today figuring out what I was going to put in their bags this year. Valentine's is a little different because they always get something special ON Valentine's Day from their dad too.


...spoiled, spoiled, spoiled... I know :o


Osage Beach must have gone 75 yesterday as there wasn't much left. There was a lady with 2 carts picking up the cast-offs.


Most of the camping was still 50%, but they had things marked 75% that our other stores had at 50%, such as the utensil set and tent lights. They had a lot more variety than Springfield, with tons of tents and screen houses left. There was a grill, but it was still 50%.


There was some baseball/softball stuff for 50-75. I picked up a T-ball bat for $7 and some softballs for $1.34- lime green fastpitch. Pink soccer cleats were $4.98 at 75% off.

Here in the Rochester NY eastside targets camping gear is still 50% off .But I did see those big tent things they use at the football game as shelter for 75% off . There was also a stack of those pink cleats in most size at $4.XX. :woot2:With soccer just 3 months away that is a great deal.
  mamanuevo said:

Here in the Rochester NY eastside targets camping gear is still 50% off .But I did see those big tent things they use at the football game as shelter for 75% off . There was also a stack of those pink cleats in most size at $4.XX. :woot2:With soccer just 3 months away that is a great deal.

Do you know the brand or price?

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