White Meat Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Me and the g/f got in line at our local NEX at 4:45. Suprised about the amount of people already in line. I bought an HP Pavilion Laptop for $698, 19" LCD Sharp for $160, 46" LCD Sharp for only $798. We got 10% off the entire puchase. Then We went to BBB to pick up the last toaster oven they had on sale for $75 before the 20% discount. Bought some DVDs and a moveable wall mount at target. Wall mount box was damaged so they subtracted $20 of the price. Went to Lucky to take advantage of buy 1 item get the next half off. Received 10 gift card from Target and 50 from Lucky. Bought some smaller items at other stores. Overall I think I did pretty well this year...now I need to start shopping for friends and family :)I can't believe it's already over though. I love black friday!
mom2monkiesx3 Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 I stopped in Walmart at about 25 til 11 this afternoon. Scored 3 gameboy DS for $98 for my mom to give my neices and nephews they still had all colors Actually the only thing I noticed they were out of was the cheapest laptop and the gaming system games looked SCARCE.. They even had TWO Wii systems left. I have no idea if this is how this small town ALWAYS is or if I was just lucky. I picked up my site to store while I was there too!! I got 3 DS lites 2 electric blankets 2 electric throws lots of the $4 better homes towels fashion designer studio (almost got a cricut for my SIL but put it back) Radio flyer 3 wheeler Imaginext thing 5 $2 DVDs 4 pairs girls $3 jammies size 7 4 pairs boy $3 jammies size 6 2 pairs mens size sm. jammies (transformers and superman) chopper, mixer, blender, pyrex and rubbermaid storage set for the cabin I almost got us all those puffy jackets just to keep at the cabin but they did not seem very warm to me...they had tons left. The 3n1 coat was nice though for the price! Didn't end up getting them either though My store had TONS and TONS and TONS left so I will definaly be keeping the reciepts in case they start marking things down more.
tinkrbel Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 today was not a good day. started off NEARLY missing amazon lightning deal(monsters v aliens) followed by wasting time at kmart which worked out since manager sold me a similar(possibly better item) than what was in ad as it wasn't received. Then off to Office Depot where the associate tried to sell me a regular priced item for the sale merchandise (apparently basic and rangeplus are the same) only to have the manager clarify it was a different item but after 20 minutes is no longer in stock. I did manage to snag the last 12.1" frame at Staples which made my day though not sure about quality however was mortified when I got to register and CC wasn't in pocket as thought I'd lost/dropped it but found it in car(which really could have ended worse). Then off to walgreens for some free and nearly free stuff only to have my CC declined on last transaction since I split into 4 sales to get and use all Register Rewards. I specifically spoke to them(CC ppl) this week advising I would be shopping etc and am still well within my limit but nonetheless the # of transactions clicked fraud protection which then put all my amazon orders in jeopardy:( Then I checked BB to make sure order placed yesterday was cancelled and as it didn't reflect called and they tell me a)there's no record of a call b)there's nothing we can do about it and c) the supervisors are too busy to bother with you. Off to try and call Amazon and beg them to honor my orders and reprocess CC, I made the mistake of changing the expiration date on first one I tried to verify since was looking at debit card. In between walgreens and BB mess had to rush back out to Walmart since my dad accompanied my mother to JCP for snowglobe and walmart and he picked up womens bubble jacket when he needs a kids one. I managed to find one after sorting through what looked like return or just clean up carts.
civiclover88 Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 chr05angel said: Walmart was a mess.... we have always had a peaceful day in a small town. this year with their new rules, they created lines then changed them around at 1am. had people going to the wrong lines. decided that they didnt want to anger the people that had created their OWN line for the laptops instead of the premade one, so they removed their ropes and said ok youre the line now.. i was very upset told the manager, am writing to walmart. It became very hostile and people were very rude. we have never had this happen. granted some may be econmy but i had teen girls saying they were going to knock me out and a preg. woman got told that someone was going to shove a cart in her stomach... we have never had anything like this happen. we are a small town and a safe town.. o r so i thought. I actually got out of line becuase i could not tolerate peoples behaviors and how crazy everyone was acting. I hope they change their plan and realize that what works in one store doesn't in all.. or simple.. give out tickets like at best buy where we wait outside and someone goes through and asks who wants want until tickets are gone. i went to target at 5:09 people running but not crazy and people helping other people find things... shame on you walmart.. you won no points this year.. target was 100x better!And people wonder why I go to these "events" armed. Of course, I usually don't have a problem, seeing that I'm a very large man.
mom2monkiesx3 Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 noehlp said: Went to Kmart's Thanksgiving Day Sale and picked up a set of Maxwell Ear Buds for $2.79. Then came back home and watched the madness unfold on here. :) That was my BF experience this year.I sent Dh to get those yesterday, he got 4 pairs:D
Mrs.Gumshoes Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 At 3am, I pulled up and saw a long line outside of ToysRUs. The line ended up being for the Old Navy next door, which opened at 3am. There was no way to tell this, however, until you got up to the doors at TRU. The store was not as crowded this year as in years past - hard to tell if it's due to the economy or because of the midnight opening vs. 5am opening. I was able to find two of the three Lego sets on sale for DS10. Then I headed over to electronics to pick up two of the Wii Nerf Games for $14.99. The line was about 50 people long. No tickets for anything were handed out - maybe that all happened at midnight? During the hour long wait in the electronics line, strangers helped strangers and watched over the other's goods while one by one, we went back in the store and tried to find doorbusters. TRU did a poor job keeping the place stocked. Many deals were totally blown out! After TRU, I got to Walmart around 4:30am, and immediately picked up tons of DVDs, a couple of Wii games, toys, Nerf gun, Black and Decker power tools, and Bakugan. At 5am, a loud "WOOOOO" came out from the people in the lines that were wrapped around the inside aisles of the store. This was one crowded store! Lots of "cart peekers" too - people looking into others carts to check out what was inside. The lines were long, too, but all lanes were open. It was rough finding a parking space at 5am, but it was starting to clear out when we finally headed out around 6:30am.
Mrs.Gumshoes Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 They didn't do that at the Target in Reading, PA. Lots of people had items from all over the store, and then went to electronics to pick up items there and check out one time for everything. This was around 9am or so, and it wasn't as crowded. I was at ToysRUs in the electronics dept around 4:15am and was very thankful they were able to ring up all my items, not just the electronics. The line moves slow enough as it is, no need to duplicate that miserable experience of waiting if you don't have to!
Jeanne515 Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Where do I begin? The things I got or the ambulance ride out of Walmart? I got everything I went for at Walmart except any of the little girls clothes. They got none of those in. Only things for boys. We got there at 3:45 and was in line to check out at 5:25. Not too bad. Then came checkout -30 minute wait in line - I was arguing with an manager over a littlest pet shop toy that they should be price matching but refused, the checkout lady was begging me for my Target paper so she could price match later and my 16 yr dd was calling my name. I ignored my 16 yr and told her to hush a minute I was busy, thinking it was something trival she wanted to tell me. Next thing I know she screams "Mommy help" and hits the floor. She blacked out!!!! The checkout lady screams for management and I am surrounded by police before I even realize what is happening. They officer makes her lie down in the floor and begins to take her pulse (she has came back to by now) and then he screams "she has no pulse". OMG!!!! She goes to sit up and he tells her to lie still and radios for an ambulance. The line is screaming whats the deal? Total chaos. Finally a manager brings over a wheelchair and the officer places her in it and moves her to the front entrance to wait for the ambulance. Once the ambulance gets there, they check her blood sugar and its fine, bp is low and pulse if faint. So they tell me they are taking her to the hospital. Walmart management is super worried about her and bring her some oj and keep asking if we need anything. They were nice but I wish the officer wouldn't have panicked. All that was wrong was her blood sugar dropped and she was standing with her legs locked. 2.5 hours in the ER to fine out she needs breakfast which is what I was telling the ambulance people at Walmart. At least I was checked out and didn't have to abandon my cart full of goodies. Next year - I shop alone!!!!!!
deanabrown Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Headed out about 11:30 over to Target, which was not as busy as I would have thought. They still had plenty of the items I thought would be long gone - Sony Blu Ray Player, Portable TV, $5 PJs, and Nerf Toys. Didn't feel like checking out the TVs to see which ones were still left because electronics was busy. Next was Best Buy, who also had plenty of door buster stock on hand - Cheap DVDs, Blu Rays, GPSs, Video Games. The store was so dead compared to BFs in the past - only 5 people in line ahead of me. Macy's was very dead - like shopping there on a weeknight. Found the crowds to be very light compared to year's past. I don't know if this is because of the economy or the people are making purchases online.
queenofshopping Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 I decided to do my BF shopping online this year. Kohl's was pretty much the only place I really needed a bunch of stuff from. I started adding stuff to my cart around 11pm EST, thinking the sale would go live at midnight, but it was actually scheduled to start around midnight CST! By 12:40 or so Eastern it was taking forever for pages to load. Not long after that the site started randomly dumping people's entire carts (this happened to me even though I was signed in). It was all downhill after that: the entire site went down a few times and everyone was enraged. As it came back up, I have a feeling everyone was refreshing pages like mad, because it was still another 2 hours' worth of putting my 9 items in my cart over & over, only to have them disappear. I finally checked out at around quarter to 4 Eastern. In spite of the utter insanity, I'd still probably do it again rather than going to the store...whenever I do go in the early morning hours I wind up in all the pushing & shoving and lines wrapped half way around the store. The amount of money I saved was totally worth it. I got: Presto Cool Touch Griddle, reg. $39.99, $16.99 [there's also a $10 rebate]Oshkosh Infant Jacket, reg. $40, $13.60Carter's Toddler Footed Pajamas x2, reg. $20 each, $6.79 eachWarner's Bra, reg. $32, $11.89New York Jets Equipment Bag, reg. $31.99, $19.03Isotoner Knit Gloves, reg. $24, $10.20Fisher Price Soothe & Glow Seahorse, reg. 16.99, $7.22King Sheet Set, reg. $89.99, $12.75 That was after an extra 15% off. And I got free shipping, obv. Plus I should be getting $20 in Kohl's Cash
teverett13 Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 caliboy345 said: Old navy had less than 30 copies of lego rockband. What a crock!This was the only thing that was a MUST on my list and was super excited for. I went to OldNavy on Sunday and asked questions about Black Friday. They told me not to worry about the game, that they'd have a ton, and to get there about an hour early. I got to my Old Navy an hour and a half early and the line was longer than the BestBuy line. Needless to say, when the associate came out with 50 total wristbands, I knew I was out of luck. My new question is: did anyone here get an extra copy they'd be willing to part with or sell less than retail? I have a paypal account, so the transaction wouldn't be "shady"! :) I would be so thankful! Let me know.
angelashly Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 And now I am mad at myself because I didn't go online first and Walmart had the first 2 seasons of Friday Night Lights for 4.00 each, but of course they are sold out. I bought the 2nd season at Target for 8.99 and couldn't find the first one. Blah
dtwdmaty Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 I actually have a "story" this year! It's also the first year I didn't get up early, but rolled out of bed around 7:30.... Anyway, I got 99% of everything online (thanks Amazon!!), but still needed the Wizard of Oz blu-ray from Target. I got there around 8:30am, picked up the last one and proceeded to the check out. On the way out, I stopped by the pharmacy to say Happy Thanksgiving and they offered to ring me up. After I paid, the gal there had to go to electronics to get the security cover off the disc. I waited for her to come back for 15 minutes or so then went looking for her. It turns out they had a hard time opening the box so while they were looking for another opener, they set the disc down on the counter. Of course, some customer swiped it right out for under their noses. MY already paid for, last one in the store blu-ray! They were very apologetic and gave me a rain check for the BF price, a $10 credit (literally handed me a $10 bill) and refunded my money. It was the most excitement I've had in a long time and I'm coming out $10 ahead :)
mom2monkiesx3 Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 What a great CS story for TARGET...WTG Target!! But what GDer is going to come on later an admit to stealing your bluray
lovebears65 Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 I shopped on old navy to get my niece a coat but when I was checking out the coat in her size went out of stock . I didnt want to drive 100 miles round trip to go to old navy so I chose my second choice of coat for her which was only 5 dollars more .. Bought DS 3 Polo shirts and my niece a shirt to make it 50.00 to get the free shipping.. Then we went to walmart.. The only thing they had that we wanted in stock was the shredder. The office chair and microwave was gone it we got there at 9am.. We did end up get youngest DS his own electric razor so he can stop using his older brothers LOL.. and got me an arm brace because my carpel tunnel is acting up bad. We went to Office depot because the computer chair was out of stock at walmart and they had one on sale that was only 4 dollars more they had plenty so we got that chair it was worth it because I didnt have to get up so early.. Then went to Home depot and got the 99 cent poinsettas for my mom she giving them as gifts so we got 7 of those and they had the 25.00 microwave still in stock so we bought that one. A little bit more then the 18.00 dollar one but it was also a better one . This is for DH to take to work so we didnt care if it was a cheapo one. Then went to big lots and got the 50 percent off wrapping paper for my MOM at lunch and came home. We didnt need any big electronic things this year so we did camp out . Probably wont until those LED tvs getting a little cheaper.
rogue1230 Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 my score of the day? the $99 irobot Roomba.... Merry Christmas indeed.
sf49erfreak Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 today i got two pj sets one mickey and one transformers a 4gb and 8gb sd card journey to the center of the earth, the lake house and elf dvds psych season 3 2 of those look like cat cat beds my best deal was a 50 pack dvd+r memorex recordable discs for 2.50
sageraistlin Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 I have to say I was very disappointed this year with my local walmart. Last year we had all shopping done and were out heading to the mall by 5:30. This year looked like something from the three stooges. First off I got there at my normal time at 4:15 and noticed there seemed to be a lot of cars leaving, which I've never seen there. We get into the store and see all the movies are openned up and people are going through them. Then I see that a good amount of people are walking around with sale stuff in their carts at 4:20. Last year they were throwing people out of the store for this and this year all the employees are just standing around not careing about anything or trying to stop people except on the big ticket items. Needless to say it was a massive cluster !@$% there and then having to wait 45 mins in line to check out didn't help any. I have to say I've very disappointed with them.
CatandJacks Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Got in and out of every store by 6am with every single thing on my list. No pushing, no yelling, no drama. Everyone was actually extremely accommodating due to me being pregnant- even let me in Kohl's early to use the bathroom and browse before it opened. I was first in line at Kohl's and I felt silly being there so early, but it was a good thing. I really wanted a down comforter and those FLEW off the shelves. They were super organized and gave the smack down to the line jumpers. Target was a joke. They handed out maps which were completely WRONG. Hordes of people with carts were all running around in confusion because items were in their normal spots not where the map said they would be. I got everything on my list, but I didn't bother with movies which I kinda wanted. Not bad enough to try and find them though. Wal-mart I went into just because I felt funny passing it up. All computers and gaming systems were gone, but there were plenty of TVs hanging around at 6ish. The hundred toys under $10.. yeah didn't see that. There was an aisle with about 5 toys for $10 and that was it. I wasn't there early enough to know if the new system worked or not. Must have because it was dead by the time I got there.
daftande Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Had a great BF! 1st got the Compaq Netbook $179.99 with only $11.50 shipping and$99.99 Insignia Blu Ray play free shipping with free transformers DVD from BB online. 2nd Went to sears to get the $25 craftsman 5" orbital sander and she grabbed the $99.99 one that was only realy on sale for $89.999 AND DID A PRICE OVERRIDE TO $25 when she got confused since I wasn't checking out in tools (jewelry). 3rd Went to Target about 4:55AM and got in the already moving line, went straight to the hard drives grabbed one of the 500GB and one of the 1TB to check em out and went straight to the $8.99 blu rays scored Goodfellas, Full Metal Jacket, Total Recall, Lord of War and The departed and turned out the 10 off 100 was INSTANT so my 1TB external was $49.99 or less than a NICKEL A GIG! DAMN! THANK YOU GD!!
Promom Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 DD and I got to Old Navy at 2:15 in the rain. First learned that wristbands were handed out at midnight (thanks for telling us when we called on wednesday, ON). While standing in line we bought a wristband from a guy behind us for $20 for PS3, would have loved to had one for Wii also but you take what you can get. I did win some candy (poprocks). Store inside was a mess, merchandise in the floor, tables a mess and clearance items changed from $3 to $8. Got to Kohls at 3:15, up near front of line, again in the rain. DD went one way I, another. I finally found the hotwheel track wayyy in the back of the toy section, DD got her pot/pans and my kitchenaid mixer barely in the basket (why do they make those things sooo small). Heading to the christmas houses and no one was there. DD picked out two and headed for checkout. Along the way I grabbed ds a memoryfoam mattress pad and joined dd. Only took 10 minutes to check out. With extra 15% card saved an extra $46 and spent $267 and got $50 in kohls cash. You should have seen us trying to get our things out to the car. We went back in and dd got her some jeans and it took her over 30 minutes to check out. We rode bye Target and it was too crowded. I went back later about 10 and got a price adjustment for dvd player and went to Walmart and scored the 2.50 batteries, polaroid digital picture frame and 7 picture frame collage for dd, which was all I wanted from there anyway. So very, very productive day. Now if I could only get some sleep.
dietcokejunkee Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Was 5th in line at Target at 10pm. We got 3 of the 32" tv's. They had them in carts at the end of the entrance aisle. Of course, police were yelling no running and everyone started running through the clothes to get around us that were leading the pack. My dh, dd and I all snagged a tv. In and out in 5 minutes. My mom went to walmart at 3:30 trying to get a tv there and was told all the tickets were gone at 11 p.m. She said people were on the floor in sleeping bags camping out and it was pure madness in there. She said the lines snaked everywhere and she couldn't get anything she came for. That's when I called dh to get up to T and get in line with me and snag one for her, as limit was 1 pp. DD went back in to get some movies and heard people in line complaining to mgr that families were snagging 2-3 tvs each and that wasn't fair. Maybe one day she will realize why 3 different families were camped out at 10 p.m. We only bought 1 each. We broke no rules, imo. One for us, one for my mom and one from BIL, who couldn't go out because SIL was working at the mall at 4am and he had to stay home with kids. Headed to Denny's then the mall with our tribe (2 other dd's and a friend) and didn't get much, just a shirt dd3 wanted at justice. Was pretty crowded and I was too tired to bother to wait in lines, which were all pretty long. Home by 9:30, slept until 2:30. Maybe gonna do some online shopping...
fluffkin79 Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 (edited) I couldn't get out until 8:00 - that's the soonest my friend could watch my kids, and I wasn't going to take them with. I made it through: Menard's. I got everything on my list: Slippers, photo albums, FAR tape, screwdrivers and measuring tapes Walmart. Found 5 movies 3.20 (WI minium markup ), $6, and $9, Wii play with remote (PM'd Target for $39), I did find 1 red track suit size 7/8. I think there were 2 more that size, the rest were all size 10/12. There were no kids PJs, kid's boots, boys sweatshirts, boys track sets, or girls track suit for my other DD. Sears. I was pleastly surprised to find that they DID have the Edsal shelf in stock. When I tried to order it online this morning, the price was $59.99 instead of the $39.99 doorbuster price, and it was showing that it would be avalible in 7-10 days. I figured I would look anyways and they had several in stock. I got one shelf and two 2GB SD cards ($5.99). Target. 3.99 movie, $5 & $7 kid's PJs. Kmart. Checked out at 11:10, but the sale prices were still in effect. I got 2 women's long-sleeved tees (3.99), 1 women's sweater (8.99), and 2 girls' fuzzy slipper socks (2/$5). Couldn't find the Joe Boxer pillows, but I didn't look too hard because I wanted to be sure to check out before the registers switched back to regular prices. Then I was back to pick up my kids at 11:15. 5 stores in 3 hours, 15 min! The longest line I had to wait in was 3 people deep. I missed out on a few things, but it was nice to get in and out quickly. I did stay up all night ordering my hotter items online so I didn't miss out. After picking the kids up, we went to Boston store to get something for my mom. The didn't have it, but the kids did get to see Santa ($5 for the pic). So we went to check the other Boston Store. They didn't have mom's dog beds, either. However, I did find a 10-pack of glasses for $8 that begged to come home with me. Of course, being a doorbuster, they were not eligible for any coupon usage. Whatever, nothing in the store is, right? So I paid and on my way out I ran into a bin with a green sign that said "Use your $10/$10 coupon on this item". Inside were pillows for 12.97. Weeeeeellllll, I did miss out on the pillows at Kmart, so I stood in line second time to purchase a pillow for 2.97. Then out to lunch and now time for a nap before tonight's holiday parade. I think the Christmas tree will have to wait another day. Edited November 28, 2009 by fluffkin79
AuntieJul Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 At 5am spent 40 minutes in line at Kohl's; from then on had DH wait in line while I grabbed items and piled them into his cart - had the time, so might as well! Only two items that I could not get from my list were Adidas sneaks at Sears and Down-Alternative Comforter at Sears (ended up getting it at BonTon).
lesliepear Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Got up around 4:15, decided to go Target around 4:50 - got there about 5:05. Went in and was surprised to get the 3.00 coffee maker. browsed around got some other stuff (not all BF deals), finally decided to see if dsi's were left. found the line by photos for video games, got on it -was able to get one. they just checked out the dsi so i had to get the rest on another line. But ended up with 2 over 100.00 purchase gift cards this way. then to staples by 7:30 - was able get Norton and the CD's. this was the first year I wasn't at staples opening for the CD's. Did miss the free calculator, but have enough of them. Then off to the upscale quiet mall and gap/gymboree. Got what I wanted there also :) Then decided to try toys r us for one non-sale item. Line was way too long after 9 AM so I left. (I'll go back another day or use the one near my office.) Stopped at Sears and found 9.99 jeans and slipper socks for me. Lastly hit Rite Aide for their TDK CD's - no problem. They only had one hot wheel left of the 2 for 1.00 sale, so I passed. So a successful day, got what I needed the most!
arf110106 Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Mine wasn't too exciting, I was at the mall for Old Navy around 2ish and needless to say I DIDN'T get the Lego game. No biggie though. The line to get into ON was insane. Once in I was able to get everything we needed. The sucky part though was that it took TWO hours to check out!!! Insane right? Once I left there I headed over to Micheal's to get some things with the 25% off everything coupon. I was back home by 6:30, I'm pretty happy with how everything went. Didn't even think about going to Walmart or Target. Will probably go to both later to check out the two day sale items.
123abc Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Started Thurs, w/JCP on line. Placed order on items scoped out at store. Last night, after putting my kids to sleep, I said to myself, let me check gottadeal to see what they're saying... Well, that led to me going to gymboree.com and saw that they had 30% sale prices, plus additional 15% (thanks to gottadeal code), end of story - earned $125 gymbucks. My first BF experience, woke up @ 3 and left at 3:30 w/my niece. We were 1st in line at our local JCP. Went in adn went straight to home section and purchased the pyrex, tea kettle & oster blender and was checking out before 4:05! Went to mens section to get items not available online. Did not see anything good for woomen (clothes) and headed to Macy's for their 5 a.m. opening. 1st in line again and went up escalators to get my homedics massager and pizza set. Great thing at Macys, the 1st cashier said my coupons for 20% was not working. Once downstairs, at mens dept, found shoes, a tie & shirt for DH - told lady about the coupon and she said she would make it work. She did! even on sale items :) Went to Gymboree and found things I didn't see online and earned another $50 gymbucks!!! Funny story, we met DH w/kids and when I opened the door my poor baby was dressed in clothes that I had picked out... her sister's clothes 6 sizes bigger!!! Went to gymboree and bought an outfit to be able to continue shopping. All in all, wonderful experience.
Thumper501 Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Got in line at Target at 3am and was number 59 in line. The line was barricaded off. At 4 they handed out the free shopping bags. At that time the line wrapped around the back of the building. Then a security guard came out and handed maps out to where everything was. Then they came out and handed tickets out for the 32" tv and the 40" (one per person). Got my 32" ticket. About 5 mins before the doors opened line jumpers tried to start standing in front of the doors. Security came and told them to get to the end of the line. Woohoo! We cheered for the security guard. Picked up my tv and customer service. Then headed to Meijer. It seemed like no one was there. My sister picked up some things for her kids. I got some $3 dvds. We were in and out quick. Then to Walmart by 6. It looked like a bomb had gone off. Clothes everywhere, register lines had no order to them. We did manage to find some of the cheap sleepsets and other clothes. My sister grabbed some more toys for her kids. A quick stop at Kmart for the $9.99 Snuggie, before rushing off to Old Navy. Grabbed a few more things there. Then a quick stop at Sam's Club for a side item. Stopped at Best Buy on the slim chance that the $69.99 HD camcorder would still be in stock. Asked a employee about them. They said it was a ticked item, but alot of people never came for them, so I could go to customer service and get one! Then we hit BBW, Micheal's, and Blockbuster. I got everything on my list and a little bit more! A great BF experience. Target seemed the most organized and properly prepared. :)
snowcrustracer Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Had a good time today set out at 3:00 am to pick up my Mom. Then we headed off to the Buckland Mall. Started off at JcPenny to pick up a snow globe. Then off to Sears where I picked up 2 sets of wireless head phones, screwdrivers and some Covington shirts for my son. Hustled out of there and headed over to Sports Authority, but we were just 10 people to late to get the same day coupons. I ended up buying 3 of the Alpine zero gravity chairs. Stopped for a coffee and then headed off to Target where things just were crazy. Lines snaked thru out the entire store. And managent and the police were trying to get all the lines that went no where formed into just one line. A lady passed out in line and a ambulance had to be called. She was on the floor for a long time and I'm not sure if she was ok. We headed off to electronics and grabbed a few of the $25.00 snowflake I-tune cards. and then got in line for the 8gb nano. We were stuck in that line for about 1 1/2 hours. Got a chance to chat with some of the nice folks in line and heard about the near riot that went down at Toys are Us. I guess it turned into a ruckus as two lines formed and one line was forced to the back of the other by the police. They ended up delaying the store opening by a hour until folks calmed down. As we waited in line I picked up one of the small sewing machines and a few items of clothing. Off to Kohls where we picked up a bread machine, a locking lid crock pot, snuggie for the pup and one of the Roomba's. As usual Kohls is a crazy maze and we had a hard time finding the things we wanted but with the help of some really wonderful employees we got everything we went for. And to top it off one of the employees told us to tell the cashier about a 15% off coupon...she ended up saving me $10.00 off the Roomba. Not sure how much my Mom saved. The check out line was long but moved really quickly. I love Kohls! I'm pooped but all my holiday shopping is done. Happy Holidays folks, Snow
choliscott Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 I didn't realize that Old Navy sold video games caliboy345 said: Old navy had less than 30 copies of lego rockband. What a crock!
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