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Got A Paper Yet???


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Yup! My hunny worked midnights last night so he brought me one about 4ish?? The only ad I don't have is a TRU ad....the 1st on my list. I got a JCP one, Sears etc. they are in the same area. So I guess I will have to get one when we go to my mom's for lunch. We already got 6 of the local papers...You should see my table....it's covered in ads!! I LOVE IT!:)
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I want my paper!!!!! I just signed up for weekend papers a couple weeks ago and he promised that it would include all holiday papers! I got both last weekend but nothing today yet:(. How late do yall think I should wait before I call? It's 8am here!




EDIT: Paper delivered at 9:30am!

Edited by harrispizza4
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