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My 3.5 yr old Went and Snooped and Found His Presents


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He'll be 4 in Jan and he went snooping in the basement and opened the closet and found his gifts. I am fit to be tied right now. I don't know what I should do. I THINK he only saw spike the dinosaur and 1 other mickey mouse toy but I don't know. I scoped the bottom of the barrell to find him these toys and now he knows about them. What do I do? I am furious!
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I had this happen with ds at that age too. I told him they were for his cousin and then gave them to him anyway. Since his cousin lived out of state, he never realized I hadn't sent them to him. He never even mentioned that his cousin got the same toys. I think by Christmas he had forgotten all about seeing them. Maybe that would work for you.
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oh man! i am sure right now you are angry and broken hearted at his find, but chances are, with everything that the next 2 months (ok i know i am off here a little) has to offer with thanksgiving and lights, and the tree, and christmas shows, and all the other stuff if you play dumb if he asks about them I bet he forgets! I am sorry. I am just waiting for my kids to find their stuff. I think I may get more crammed in the attic tonight!
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First take a deep breath and relax. I know you are probably upset, I know I was when this happened to me. You could tell him that you purchased these for a charity. Maybe take a few and have er help wrap them and then unwrap them. But don't worry, they forget.
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