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Does anyone sleep the night of BF?

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I was just looking and so far it looks like Old Navy is going to be the first place I hit. This could change as more ads come out, but for now its Old Navy. They open at 3am, which means I'll need to leave my house by 1:30 to be able to get there by 2:30 and get a kinda decent place in line. Anyway, if I do this then I'll only get about 3 hours of sleep before I have to get up at 1am to get ready for BF. I'm seriously thinking about not even going to sleep but I'm afraid that I'll be dead tired by 10am on BF morning. I'll wake up on Thanksgiving morning at 7 to get the paper and then I won't go back to bed that night until 10. I doubt I get a chance to take a nap on Thanksgiving with all that we have going on that day. My question is has anyone else shopped on BF and went 24 hours without sleep and able to handle all that there is on BF?

My question is has anyone else shopped on BF and went 24 hours without sleep and able to handle all that there is on BF?

You're kidding, right? We don't sleep until we get home, lol.


Lots of people are awake IN LINE all night. Two of the three years I have done BF, I got a few hours sleep then went out. Two years ago my brother flew into town (NYC from Texas), we didn't sleep, and headed out with my nephew around 2 AM to wait in the cold. (My brother says, "Never again.")


You probably won't have any problem through friday morning and early afternoon, as the excitement will keep you going, but you may feel need for a nap around 3PM Friday. Be carefull driving Friday afternoon.


I usually sleep maybe 2 hours, but this year my friend and her kids (they are around the same ages as my kids) are coming to stay Thanksgiving night w/us so my husband can babysit. :D


So, I very seriously doubt that there will be any sleep this year. I am going Thanksgiving day to get all of the papers (we don't have anything but a Walmart here) so we can pricematch when we go out of town. Then we are going to stay up planning our route.



I'll sleep on the plane if I make it home in time, lol. Heck, they keep posting the BF ads on this site and I won't be able to sleep.

I haven't slept the night before BF in over 10 years. It's a dreaded night but also exciting. I pass out when the shopping is done


I'm the kind of person where it's worse if I do get sleep then go out. I would rather not sleep then get only a few hours.

The first stores I hit open at 4, so I try to hit the sack by 10 Thanksgiving night and get a few hours in... I'm up at 2:30 and out the door by 3, being only 10 minutes from my first stop. I usually have my route planned (thanks to this site!!!) several days before Thanksgiving, so I just go through the ads really quickly to make sure they didn't change anything from the postings here.
um .. I am normally at the outlet mall for midnight madness. Rumor has it that the outlet mall I go to will actually be opening at 9pm on Thanksgiving night - well the Yankee Candle outlet will be - I don't know about the other stores.

My week looks like this:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - make t-day menu, shop for grub, clean like a fool, prepare food

Thursday morning - Put bird in oven, leave to pick up paper (perhaps at Kmart?)

Thursday (after Kmart) - cook dinner, enjoy with family. Tuck kids into bed. When all calms down look over ads and plan (finalize) my attack (um, I mean shopping trip!)

Thursday 11pm-store opening is a daze of half-hearted attempts at sleep mixed with waiting for the multiple different times that things are available for purchase online.

Friday - shopping till around 10 or 12. Nap. Put up Christmas tree and watch the first holiday movies of the season with my kiddos.

Saturday - catch up on a week's worth of sleep.

I used to sleep the night before, but as the years have gone by I've gotten less and less. The past two years I've just stayed up. I'm going to *try* to get some sleep this year...but I say that every year :)
Well if the rumor about TRU is true about opening @ 12 NO, I do not see sleeping in my near future. I'm always out the door at 2:30 a.m. to be at JCP by 4. You can sleep when you die!! I'd rather shop! :)
i do all nighter too i get up early get the turkey in go to kmart and pick up last minute stuff at the store come home make a couple things and sit i might lay down and take a short nap i just take the whole day very slow and bytime its time to go i treat myself to a coffee and donut . i dont have kids at home that need me so whe i come home usually around 10 i juast relax or go to sleep for a bit then

Thursday - Wake up around 3ish go to Meijer and then to Kmart for their Turkey Day Sales, come home help mom with fixing the food, take a nap sometime before the rest of the family gets here, then up til around 10 or 11, if i do get to sleep(my nerves usually don't let me) it's not good sleep and not for long.

Wake up Friday morning around 3 again and head to our first store whichever one that ends up being, usually get a nap in sometime during the day.


Last year was the hardest on me so far. I was up at 4 or 5 am on Thanksgiving morning and didn't got to sleep till about 10 pm BF night. So that's like 40 something hours straight I guess (math is not my strong point unless it's calculating percentages off...HAHA).


I don't think I've ever slept Thanksgiving Day night in all the years I've done BF. I find it wayyyy harder to get up and get motivated after a couple hours sleep than to just stay awake the whole time.


um .. I am normally at the outlet mall for midnight madness. Rumor has it that the outlet mall I go to will actually be opening at 9pm on Thanksgiving night - well the Yankee Candle outlet will be - I don't know about the other stores.

Concord Mills? This is one of those things I really want answered but for my own well being maybe I don't want it answered...LOL!

My sisters. neice and i meet halfway for us and get a motel for the weekend. I never sleep. I am too excited. (this year i am going to try. Maybe take some benadryl. lol). Last year we went to the movies in the mall when we got out of there the disney store opened at midnight. went back to motel and tried to get a couple hours sleep. Didn't work for me though. If toys r us opens at midnight i see no sleep this year either.
Last year was my first night out at midnight...usually just get up at 3:30 and go...much better doing it that way...I didn't go to too many places last year at midnight (just a couple of stores in the outlets here), and then I had to be at Kohl's for their 4 am opening...I got there at 2:30, after killing all kinds of time, and waited outside from about 2:45 on...I think if I'd been shopping continuously, I'd have been OK, but by the time 6 rolled around, I was exhausted...but then again, I was also about eight weeks pregnant, so that had something to do with it, I'm sure! Haven't decided if I'll do midnight again this year or not...depends on what else is in ads...if there is nothing I need until K-mart opens at 6 (I think that's when they open anyway), then I may skip the midnight thing and get some sleep, because this BF, I have a 5 month old!!
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