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Anyone buy on BF to donate to charity on BF?


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Yes, I know on BF everyone grabs stuff for their kids, themselves, their family and friends. Does any one ever buy gifts to donate to charity? Every year, I buy gifts for Toys for Tots and BF is a good time to buy those toys.


I gift wrapped for the elderly last year in Nursing homes. Everyone wanted to gift wrap for the kids so lots of openings to gift wrap for the elderly. I didn't want the elderly to get "shoved away" during the holidays. The items that were wrapped were mainly, PJ sets sizes XL - XXL, slippers, and candy bowls. Christmas time is a great time to donate. There are so many good deals on many items on BF and the holidays in general.


I just wanted to get the word out. Lets not forget the less fortunate this holiday season.

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Yep - we do adopt-a-family at work - we usually adopt at least 6 needy families - I always take the sizes and wish lists with and pick up things while I'm out!

Same here. We usually each take a family member. I have 2 boys, so I usually try to shop for a little girl since I don't get the opportunity.

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Yep, my boys buy a toy that they would like and I pick up sheets on clearance when I see them during the year and "wrap" the toy in it. A local childrens home here gives them to children in transition through the foster home system.


I like the idea for the older people though.

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This past christmas we adopted 8 angels, 6 kids and 2 from the elderly tree. My husband about crapped his pants when he saw how many I had taken but he was great about helping wrap everything and deliver it. I feel like we are so very blessed and its the least we can do to ensure little kids get christmas and the elderly aren't forgotten. Like many GDer's I keep a well stocked gift closet and was able to use a lot out of there and only had to buy a few things from their lists I didn't have on hand already. Each child got about 7-10 gifts depending on their lists. I too shop all year long for deals to donate to the needy at christmas time. There isn't a better feeling than knowing you gave a child christmas who might not of gotten anything otherwise.
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Since I am a volunteer for Big Brothers Big Sisters, I buy for my "Little Sister" This year I am planning on sending care packages to the troops. My friend was just deployed in October to Iraq and I will be sending something to him and the rest of his squad!!
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last year i raised 30 something blankets and hand passed them to the mass amounts of homeless in our area. I am going to try and do the same this year. I also like to buy off the angel tree. :)


last year 90% of my blankets came from complete strangers off of Amazon. I was in tears the first few times the UPS driver left 10+ boxes stacked at my front door full of brand new blankets from people I had never even met. That is one bunch of amazing people. **sniff** They did their part last year though and I dont plan on asking them to give again this year.

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My team at work and another team have adopted our troops this year so I probably won't be shopping BF for them as we have to get the stuff done and ready for mailing just after BF (and we are closed on BF so there is not an easy way to get together to add stuff to the packages). But in the past we have adopted families and have used BF to get stuff.
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We "adopt" a family every year with several children so I shop for them on BF. Also for the mom/dad. Household stuff, etc. The last few years we have taken a family of 3-4 children with a single parent. Don't technically look for a family like that, but thats what we have gotten. Its so much fun to shop for little ones. My children are 15 and 9 so I miss buying the "toys".
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I buy a couple things on BF but I also give extras that I buy during the year when the deal is sooo great that I just can't pass it up even though we have no need for it or even no anyone that does. DH says I would buy anything with a clearance sticker on it ;)
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Yes...my DH and I attend the Margarita Ball every year which is a toy charity event. I also adopt a military family through Soldier's Angels, pick up a few toys for the local shelter, and take a name from the Angel Tree. That really is one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season!


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A group of us I cant say what group... make up care packages for the local soldiers over seas, about 300 pkgs last year. We also help with out local shelters used toy drive. I won't do toys for tots... I've seen too much shadyness there. So we collect USED toys, clean them up and give them to our mens rescue mission, for them to clean up and give away.

ANd last year instead of everyone picking a name (ok most of us still did) off the angel tree, we decided not to just make a holiday for a family, we would change their lives! WE re-did their house, not home makeover we didn't blow anything up, but re-insulated, paint, carpet, checked all the plumbing, fixed what needed to be fixed took care of christmas, paid a few bills, stocked the fridge... they were able to get ahead this year! and are going to help the next family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you wouldn't think that a slipcover and throw blanket could mean so much, but it did. so we buy all year.

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Yep - we do adopt-a-family at work - we usually adopt at least 6 needy families - I always take the sizes and wish lists with me and pick up things from thier lists while I'm out!

:yup: Us too, although this is year is especially tough for us so we will not be able to be as generous as in the past but I will still do something as there are always people out there worse off than us!! :yup:

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A group of us I cant say what group... make up care packages for the local soldiers over seas, about 300 pkgs last year. We also help with out local shelters used toy drive. I won't do toys for tots... I've seen too much shadyness there. So we collect USED toys, clean them up and give them to our mens rescue mission, for them to clean up and give away.

ANd last year instead of everyone picking a name (ok most of us still did) off the angel tree, we decided not to just make a holiday for a family, we would change their lives! WE re-did their house, not home makeover we didn't blow anything up, but re-insulated, paint, carpet, checked all the plumbing, fixed what needed to be fixed took care of christmas, paid a few bills, stocked the fridge... they were able to get ahead this year! and are going to help the next family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you wouldn't think that a slipcover and throw blanket could mean so much, but it did. so we buy all year.

that is awesome! Wow!!

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I don't on BF but have already started shopping for the family we adopted at work. We adopt a family from a local shelter, most everyone pitches in and I buy from their wish list and add more.


So far I have been able to purchase 2 outfits for each family member, shoes for each, pjs for each, stuffed Christmas stockings for each, dishes, pots n pans, flatware and books/toys for the kids. If they donate more money I would like to buy a coat, gloves & hat for each person.


It has been difficult this year because several of the "big" givers & helpers were downsized from our company. But we just adopted a smaller family and will still be able to make their holiday bright.

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:yup: Us too, although this is year is especially tough for us so we will not be able to be as generous as in the past but I will still do something as there are always people out there worse off than us!! :yup:

We usually do at least three or four gifts off the tree at Walmart. Although the last few years we have not been able to do but something small because my husband has not been able to work like he used to (had knee surgery and is not able to handle it.) But I agree with you, there is always someone worse off than we are, and my two oldest kids are old enough to understand that there are others that have less, and my youngest one is not old enough to really understand anyway. We always let our boys help us pick out a couple of the trees at Walmart and let them pick one gift off a couple of them.


My husband and I are over the youth group at our church, so I think this year we are gonna let our youth group buy some gifts for those in need. Many of our youth are children that have grown up in foster care, so they would love to do this for kids who won't get a Christmas otherwise.

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Yup. We usually get a couple of kids off the local Angel Tree and a couple of elderly folks from a nursing home who don't have any family (my mom is the patient coordinator/advocate at a nursing home). BF really helps stretch our dollars so we can afford to help more people.


We are foster parents and each of our foster kids receive a couple of gifts each year that have been donated. We get to see their excitement when they open their gifts, so THANK YOU to everyone who donates gifts! We are Christmas nuts and tend to go a little crazy on our own, but it is SO nice to see a kiddo that got nothing the previous year get everything they asked for that year.

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