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Everything posted by MsKate

  1. Yeah, I missed a couple of months. I'm back, baby!
  2. Way behind on decorations here. Had to take DS11 to ER last night. He was diagnosed with the flu, so we've been low-key around here.
  3. So far: Kohls The infamous throw blankets Washcloths (to donate to homeless shelter) Pants Dutch Oven Pillow JCPenney Sweaters Jeans Clothes for son Wife and I both had gastric bypass surgery this summer, and none of our clothes fit anymore. I'm sure we'll try to get a few more things over the weekend, but haven't decided. I wish roofing companies ran Black Friday sales. That's what we're really needing right now.
  4. DS11 would love one of these, but has absolutely too many electronic devices as it is (Echo Show): https://www.amazon.com/Echo-Show-5-2nd-Gen-2021-release/dp/B08KJN3333/ref=sxin_15_pa_sp_search_thematic-asin_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.0e2e99df-7f26-492c-bab3-76a1b647d074%3Aamzn1.sym.0e2e99df-7f26-492c-bab3-76a1b647d074&cv_ct_cx=echo+show&keywords=echo+show&pd_rd_i=B08KJN3333&pd_rd_r=f3536fb4-a278-46e3-b168-c6cb4a1a3eb4&pd_rd_w=NcZdp&pd_rd_wg=Hg8jC&pf_rd_p=0e2e99df-7f26-492c-bab3-76a1b647d074&pf_rd_r=N5GFRGX03QTPAF1AX7D7&qid=1665763884&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI0LjI1IiwicXNhIjoiNC4xOCIsInFzcCI6IjMuNzcifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=echo+show%2Caps%2C237&sr=1-1-e14c2fea-fdc3-4a59-b75c-d68d077eaeb5-spons&psc=1
  5. Everybody needs a Santa bag, right? https://www.amazon.com/Blank-HBlife-Christmas-Drawstring-Style_4/dp/B0B55TZTMG?th=1&linkCode=sl1&tag=humblewa-20&linkId=c3cc2819ac81b87f60a8dc36f2818005&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl&fbclid=IwAR2R0J827P_qYQcbBEzLXroneA0CG5qHFCJHkwPXxQbM5Jb1rSEL1CneTGc
  6. Since I'm working on high-protein foods since gastric bypass: https://www.amazon.com/INFUSIONS-Refreshingly-Vigorously-Pineapple-Servings/dp/B07FNVR99K/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=liopV&content-id=amzn1.sym.3582b376-b34d-4a05-8009-7fe01723f0ea&pf_rd_p=3582b376-b34d-4a05-8009-7fe01723f0ea&pf_rd_r=S4X48QZEKDJ51JMQ5V2J&pd_rd_wg=WR4jM&pd_rd_r=f70c7047-c6c2-4a95-87f0-ed7f797920e3&ref_=pd_gw_deals_vi
  7. Nintendo Switch Sports https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KRK6C82/ref=twister_B09TVC1MC6?_encoding=UTF8&th=1 Son's birthday coming up, might have to get this for him.
  8. It's September! Who's got plans for Labor Day weekend?
  9. It's August...which means we are even closer to BLACK FRIDAY!!
  10. Thank you! Today is the first day I can have non-liquid foods, and cottage cheese never tasted so good.
  11. Whoa! Recovering from gastric bypass, and nearly forgot that it was July! Ready for PRIME DAYS!
  12. It's May...I would really like spring to arrive, please!
  13. Spring is coming, but right now, I'm FREEZING! Happy March, y'all!
  14. Overnight Thursday, 16. Friday, high of 37. It looks like most of our shopping will be online.
  15. Just ordered socks to take to the homeless shelter. 10 10-packs of crew socks, 8.49/pack after discount.
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