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If you have a DH/DW/SO, what are you getting them this year?


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I have a few ideas for my DH, but he didn't really mention anything specific yet, so nothing is set in stone. I'd love to hear what you are getting your SO this year. Do you have a budget for your SO, or just buy what they ask for?


I am usually done buying for my DH before he has even started his shopping, so whatever I spend on him is his allowance to spend on me. He doesn't always follow that though. LOL

Edited by AudreyNicole
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My DH keeps several lists updated for me of games(1 for each system that he has), a list for books, movies, cd's and anything else he can think of to make a list for.. I watch for sales and if i see a good deal I cant pass and its on the list I will buy it. He will mark something if its something he really wants so i know its what he calls a must have!!
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He's getting a couple different accesories for the wii, couple notre dame shirts, notre dame blanket, couple 49er bobbleheads, a print of a sports guy he likes. we celebrate hanukkah so we get each other 8 gifts. sometimes i ask him what he wants but buying suprises are more fun.
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For the DH: Clothes.... undershirts, a pair of khakis, other good stuff. We are budgeting about $30 to spend on each other, so we're keeping it modest. Last year we had a budget of $100 each and we both ended up buying almost the exact same items for each other! (A radio - since we would share the same one between the kitchen, the shed, the basement - he bought me an under-the-counter radio, I bought him another portable one!; also we bought accessories for each other's MP3 players... So... we're trying to avoid that this year).
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My dh has an online wishlist at Quadratec for his Jeep. I think he might love his Jeep more than me :P


I have already bought him some slippers and a tool kit (he is always misplacing his tools). I will probably get him something for his beloved Jeep as well.

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We fill eachothers stocking and we will do one or two gifts this year. I think the bluetooth thing that I posted about in the techie forum and Life season 2 will do it this year. We are going to Hawaii right after Christmas so we cut back on gifting to eachother. I would rather go on another tour or event while we are there.


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My DH just bought an old 1959 Chevy Apache to tinker with on the weekends, so I'll probably buy him stuff for that, i.e. tools, truck accessories, etc. Whatever I can get for $100 since that's our budget for each other. I'm really going to have to look for some good deals!
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my dh is getting a deer target for bow hunting and a trail camera and he also wants a new tool chest. what does everyone think of the 14 drawer that sears has in the bf ad? and i'm not too sure what else because our computer is taking a crap! :( and he wants a big screen..so we shall see..lol..
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I'm going to try and get him most or all of the stuff on his list:



Case for PSP

Several PSP games

Computer Monitor

Wireless Router

Wireless Headphones

Several XBox 360 games

Gift Cards: Movie Theater, Barnes & Nobles, etc.


And if there is a good deal on BF and I can get one I'm going to try and suprise him w/ a laptop - but we shall see. We have hardly ever bought for each other in years past and we decided this year we were going to start planning/saving earlier than usually so we could both buy for each other.

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AH! My DF is THE HARDEST person to shop for!!! He is one of those people that if he wants something, he just goes and gets it! I have to stop him in about Sept. from doing that and tell him that he needs to make a list for me too! Luckily, well not luckily, but he isn't here right now and won't be til Thanskgiving, so I don't have to worry about him doing that this year and next year he won't be here at all.


But he likes the shows House and Bones so I know they came out with new seasons of that recently, so I am going to get him those and I am completly lost on anything else to get.

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