Jen08 Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Last year when me and my husband went to bed after a very good Thanksgiving, we watched a show that was, I think called, "worlds dumbest shoppers". It was showing cameras that have caught people running into stores and running into a pole, or tripping over the side walk. It was hilarious. So far, i haven't done anything to embaress myself so I hope I'm not jinxing that. I try not to get to anxious but sometimes it happens. I must admit that I have seen a few people argue but it hasn't ever turned into anything serious and I actually chuckled alittle bit b/c they are so unbelievably serious and get so pissed if a person accidentally skips them in line or is asking to cut thru the line so they can get from one side of the store to the other. I love BF but I can honestly say I've never gotten "fighting" mad at someone and this is after a lady thru her crutch up and hit my stomach when Heights opened their doors. (She did this to keep the line back so her family could get in the store).
Buckeye Shopper Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 OK...this isn't quite what you're looking for but it still makes me laugh today. I was shopping with my sister and a good friend who had recently died her brown hair auburn. When we were checking out at Meijer's the male clerk gave her extra santa bucks because he said he had a thing for red heads. My sister and I were standing there in shock (we're both blonde) and I spoke up and said that red comes out of a bottle. He didn't care where it came from tho. So...later that night we had returned to Meijer's different male clerk mind you, and was joking with him about not giving our friend extra discounts because of her red hair. We told the story to him and he said "Oh honey she doesn't affect me, I'm gay" and we all laughed. He went on to tell us that his family doesn't even know, and so on. He gave so much info my sister said Oh, I know your mom, I work with her. This poor man turned a thousand shades of white and said please don't tell my mom. It was such a funny day and still makes me laugh today.
jade6700 Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Funny story about karma - Last BF I wanted to go to Sports Authority when they opened to get one of the gift cards they were handing out. First 100 shoppers got anywhere between $10 - $300. When I pulled into the parking space there was this car with two young men in it that pulled in beside me. We were walking quickly to get in line and I got there before they did. However they both stepped in front of me and jumped in line ahead. Rude but I didn't care since there was way less than 100 people in line and I knew I would still get a gift card. So we go in the store and we get our cards. Well what do you know I got the $300 one! So I made sure when I called my husband to say I had won $300 to say it loud enough that those two young men heard me. The look on their faces was all I needed to erase their less than kind behavior earlier. Had they not done what they did - they would have won $300. Karma, sweet karma!
angied64084 Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Not necessarily a funny store, but here goes anyway. I wanted a DVD player from Walmart several years ago (it was $20 or something) for my parents. They cut the pallet and I got shuffled back in the crowd and ended up not getting one. I was reporting back to my sister (this was the ONLY BF she ever shopped with me) with the disappointment and told her they were all gone and we would have to figure something else out. The lady parked next to her had 3 of the DVD players, gave us one of hers. Just pulled it out of her basket and said Merry Christmas. It was nice!
tinkrbel Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 that's a sweet story. I don't have much of a memory but I know one year a bunch of college kids tried to jump the line at Target and the yelling and booing and a bunch of security guards scraed me into thinking a brawl was going to start. There was I think 2 in lawn chairs to begin with and as opening time came closer another 20+ showed up and stuood with them.
tyreejames Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 jade6700 said: Funny story about karma - Last BF I wanted to go to Sports Authority when they opened to get one of the gift cards they were handing out. First 100 shoppers got anywhere between $10 - $300. When I pulled into the parking space there was this car with two young men in it that pulled in beside me. We were walking quickly to get in line and I got there before they did. However they both stepped in front of me and jumped in line ahead. Rude but I didn't care since there was way less than 100 people in line and I knew I would still get a gift card. So we go in the store and we get our cards. Well what do you know I got the $300 one! So I made sure when I called my husband to say I had won $300 to say it loud enough that those two young men heard me. The look on their faces was all I needed to erase their less than kind behavior earlier. Had they not done what they did - they would have won $300. Karma, sweet karma!Sweet:cheesy:
wx4svr Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 The funniest thing I've seen... people walking in and out of a store all bundled up like they are going to be outside for days and days... only to find that the store is open 24/7.
cnbeter Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Many years ago, my sister and I were in KB Toys to get things for her kids. Our KB was in the mall and the store was small. It was the year they had the bouncing Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. They had box lights that hung from the ceiling and on top of them were loaded with those Tiggers, but the employees would not get them down, they said it was only what was on the floor and those were upstock for after 11:00 p.m. That did not work for many of the unhappy shoppers, so a lady in the crowd, helped her self to their stocking stair thing from the back, rolled it up to the Tiggers, climbed the stairs and started throwing them to the customers. The Manager kept saying, "Mam, you can't get up there" "Mam, get down please" "Mam please YOU CAN'T DO THAT" To which she replied, "I just did" It was so much fun!
chilimak Posted October 23, 2009 Posted October 23, 2009 Wow, thats annoying that they had the product, but were only going to sell a certain amount at the sale price then keep the rest for full price. I would have been upset too. Good for the lady for helping her fellow shoppers. My dh usually ends up being helpful to other shoppers in some way. One year, there were 2 ladies at wal mart trying to get the trampolines on sale. My dh is big and strong, so he picked one up for each of them and put them in their carts for them. We weren't even buying a trampoline, but happened to be right next to where they were at the time. The ladies were so grateful to dh for his help. I think he did the same thing for another shopper another year with dvd players for $20. or something. He is tall, so he just sort of reached over the crowd and grabbed a couple dvd players, one for us and another for a lady who was having trouble getting to them. He's such a nice guy.
arci122 Posted October 23, 2009 Posted October 23, 2009 angied64084 said: Not necessarily a funny store, but here goes anyway. I wanted a DVD player from Walmart several years ago (it was $20 or something) for my parents. They cut the pallet and I got shuffled back in the crowd and ended up not getting one. I was reporting back to my sister (this was the ONLY BF she ever shopped with me) with the disappointment and told her they were all gone and we would have to figure something else out. The lady parked next to her had 3 of the DVD players, gave us one of hers. Just pulled it out of her basket and said Merry Christmas. It was nice! We had a 19"TV w/ DVD player at Target that someone gave us out of their cart. I told them thank you and Merry Christmas.........there ARE really nice people out on Black Friday....even though a lot of the world thinks we're all crazy, wild, uncivilized beast.
azucar323 Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 I use to work at Wal-Mart and have some interesting stories. I worked at the store in dickson city pa before the boulder went though it. It was not open 27/7 so at 6 a.m. all the associates would go to the front of the store to watch the "running of the customers" There would be so may people running in the floor would actually bounce up and down. One lady on her way in did a complete fact plant on the floor. Another tripped over a clothing rack and took the whole thing down with her. My friend Robbie brought out 13 inch sale TV's from the back. As he was picking one up off the pallet an old lady (about 75) punched him in the stomach and took the tv. We always had customers in fist fights and stealing from each others carts.
Ohgoodie Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 I am one of those crazy people who spend all of Thanksgiving day and night waiting outside of Best Buy. To keep upbeat during the looooong hours, I get up every hour and start at the front of the line and go all the way to the end doing the wave. It keeps everyone friendly.
tn20 Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Either last year or the year before, DH dropped me off at TRU and went to WM. It was crazy and I was trying to get a Transformer toy for my son. Well, I stupidly had grabbed a cart (I thought I was going to be getting a train table, but they ended up being sold out). I was walking down the aisle where the Transformer was on the end cap, there were only a couple left and I was a few feet away. Suddenly, this woman knocks me over and I fell into the shelf. A man was taking one of the 2 Transformers left and saw what happened. He reached back, right past the woman, and grabbed the last one. Which he then handed to me, right over the woman's shoulder. The look on her face was hilarious. I wouldn't have been suprised if she had attacked him right then and there. He really seemed to enjoy it!
Scanner420 Posted October 28, 2009 Posted October 28, 2009 My first BF out with my wife, years back. We went to TRU, (at that time, we were only shopping for two!!) as we were walking by the front door, I noticed a cart sitting by the door stuffed with what appeared to be blankets. Anyway, the store opens and by the time we get to the door, I hear, "SH!T!!! They're Open!!!" And a 14 yr old kid pops his head out of the cart and the cart falls over. The kid lands face first on the pavement. Apparently, the kid was first in line for a new X-Box and fell asleep in the cart and his friends put their blankets on top of him as they walked inside!!! I dunno if he got his x-box, but I do know he opened up his chin when he fell.
dragonriders Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 Two years ago, My husband and I let our 16 year old son go shopping with us, cause we were short handed and he was really interested in Black Friday shopping. So we didn't sleep Thanksgiving night and left the house a 2:30 AM to go to the biggest town around us (as they have the biggest selection of stores and it happens to be the state capital). This is about an hour trip. When we got there, we dropped the son at Target, we a few blocks down and dropped me at Wal-Mart and my hubby went down a few more blocks to Toys R Us. By this time it close to 4 AM so we have an hour wait until Wal-Mart and Toys R Us open but my son had 2 hours to wait until Target opened. We are all standing in line and calling each other on the phone to keep each other awake and to pass the time. about 4:40 my husband calls me and says you are not going to believe brother-in-law had called my husband because he was watching the morning news and had saw our son being interviewed at Target. My brother-in-law was gripping at my husband for "leaving that poor boy to stand in line in the cold, while we waited in the car" LOL.....Hubby finally explained that we were all in the cold at different stores. But it figures we have been going Black Friday shopping for years and never even seen a news crew....the first year my son goes and he's on the news :). He loves Black Friday shopping and can't wait every year until time to go.....I don't know who gets more excited me or him :)
miss_heidi Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 Buckeye Shopper said: OK...this isn't quite what you're looking for but it still makes me laugh today. I was shopping with my sister and a good friend who had recently died her brown hair auburn. When we were checking out at Meijer's the male clerk gave her extra santa bucks because he said he had a thing for red heads. My sister and I were standing there in shock (we're both blonde) and I spoke up and said that red comes out of a bottle. He didn't care where it came from tho. So...later that night we had returned to Meijer's different male clerk mind you, and was joking with him about not giving our friend extra discounts because of her red hair. We told the story to him and he said "Oh honey she doesn't affect me, I'm gay" and we all laughed. He went on to tell us that his family doesn't even know, and so on. He gave so much info my sister said Oh, I know your mom, I work with her. This poor man turned a thousand shades of white and said please don't tell my mom. It was such a funny day and still makes me laugh today.LOL! My partner and I always get one of two guys waiting on us-1. Gay guys who can pick up on us being together or 2. Straight guys who think two girls out "together" is just the greatest thing in the world. So, we always wind up getting extra freebies because of that. Always funny to us. Adding to something else funny. Back when Value City was still around in 2007, they opened at midnight on BF. My partner's mom thought it would be fun to go. Well, it was certainly funny. There were two entrance doors but only one was supposed to open. That didn't stop people from getting there and standing by the door that wasn't supposed to be open in hopes. Well, due to lack of employee communication, one of the younger employees started to open the wrong door. Well, the first lady in line got furious and started pounding on her door. When another employee told her to stop the lady yelled "H--- No! I've been here since 8 P.M." To which the employee replied with "You should've been home with your family eating turkey".
dustysky Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 THIS is the BEST and most funny thing I have yet to see. The best part is he said when his mother wakes up she is going to wonder where her love seat and TV went!!! HAAA!!!!!!!!!
neliak98 Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 OK so not nearly as funny as they guy above on the couch but ...a couple of years ago I was at Walmart with my mother and there was this loud obnoxious rather large woman pushing her way through the aisles. I have no problem rushing to the bargains but literally shoving people out of your way... obnoxious. Anyway at some point she must not have pushed hard enough and ended up crashing into an endcap loaded with glass jars of turkey gravy. She fell the gravy fell and there she was sitting in a pool of gravy. Kharma sucks.
bigjimslade Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 People think my port-a-potty I rent and the "Buck a Dump" sign I post is funny.
dustysky Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 bigjimslade said: People think my port-a-potty I rent and the "Buck a Dump" sign I post is funny.I would be torn on this - I am spoiled by our BB manager here with the free port a potty, free water, and free dj all night so paying to poop would tick me off, lol!
titanfanru Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 One Year Me and Some of My Family Thought it would be cool, to get up early and do a Family BF. We were in Line at Target outside, when we were talking about what we were all going to get. There was this Couple in front of use that were VERY RUDE!!! They Pushed a Little Old Lady Down in line. To Get ahead.. MEAN ... They were going to buy these Totes that were Crazy Cheap.. So We were like we are going to get some too.. So When The Doors Opened My Nephew Ran as Fast as He Could and SAID "THE TOTES ARE OVER HERE" !!! Which Of Course THEY WERE NOT .. Those people Ran Over there with there Cart. And We Just Laughed SO HARD!!!!! We still Laugh About that Ever Year!!!
bclvr61889 Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 My 60 something BFF and I were in Kohls last year, she walks with a cane. A group of young men walked past us in the aisle, well all but one. He shouldered into her pushing her away from the digital frames we were looking at, getting the last one. (we thought) Just as her started away he got tangled up with her cane, down he went flat on his face breaking the frame. We went to check out and found a display with lots of the db frames.
allisonfc21 Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 I used to go BF shopping with my dad when he would visit each year for Thanksgiving. One year I drank way too much Thanksgiving night and wound up staying up playing drinking games until 3:30 am. At 4:00 my dad came banging on my door to hurry up and get up because we had to leave immediately. I grabbed my purse and ran out the door with him. I went shopping in pajamas with ducks on them, slightly tipsy and miserable. Not my finest year!
areno79 Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 About 3 years ago SIL and I decided to go to Kohl's as our BF "opening" store. As they open the doors, this rather large elderly lady (who was at least 75) grabs a cart and proceeds to start mowing people down with it, myself included. She was pushing the cart into people's heels, causing them to fall over or trip. I would've been mad if I wasn't laughing so hard.
chimeralife Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 No bloodshed...but ironic. Last year we got a new BB. Up until then it had been occupying an old grocery store and was called a warehouse or something. But it was great because it had an overhang and was mostly protected from the wind. The new BB is just like all the BB's everywhere. Sheer face and concrete everywhere. So of course for the first time in our three year BB life it is predicted to rain. We bought a EZ up. with sides. to protect us from the wind and rain. Yes it's warmer here than up north but I've got thin blood, okay? Unfortunately I wasn't thinking about all the lovely colors available in EZups now. I got the standard blue one. And I was the first in line. Ever notice the pretty blue of BB? Matches the EZup perfectly. I had to fend off people all day Thursday looking for freebies and flyers from BB thinking it was the hospitality tent. Finally had DH bring me something to post a sign.
miss_heidi Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 chimeralife said: No bloodshed...but ironic. Last year we got a new BB. Up until then it had been occupying an old grocery store and was called a warehouse or something. But it was great because it had an overhang and was mostly protected from the wind. The new BB is just like all the BB's everywhere. Sheer face and concrete everywhere. So of course for the first time in our three year BB life it is predicted to rain. We bought a EZ up. with sides. to protect us from the wind and rain. Yes it's warmer here than up north but I've got thin blood, okay? Unfortunately I wasn't thinking about all the lovely colors available in EZups now. I got the standard blue one. And I was the first in line. Ever notice the pretty blue of BB? Matches the EZup perfectly. I had to fend off people all day Thursday looking for freebies and flyers from BB thinking it was the hospitality tent. Finally had DH bring me something to post a sign.So, I take it you spent the summer painting it hot pink with zebra stripes for this year, right?! Thanks for the funny story :)
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