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Everything posted by mcwalker

  1. I agree that it would be nice to have it for each store. I sometimes put a note under another item just so I see it when I am looking at that store. For those who don't know, If you click on "View Your Black Friday Shopping List" there is a space for "Extra Notes" that are not associated with any particular store at the very bottom of the list. This information also prints at the end of your list. And here is another trick: whatever you write there will reappear next year and you can edit it again. I leave reminders for things to look for there.
  2. Try this direct link: https://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/ShoppingList Also, in addition to the link at the bottom left on the main page, there is also a link at the top if you hover over "TOOLS," then MY SHOPPING LIST is the first option. Not sure about the login issue, though. Maybe try logging out and back in, then try it.
  3. One of my favorite features of GottaDeal as well. I have been using it for years. Highly recommended to keep things organized.
  4. Here is a link to the appliance preview sale: https://www.sears.com/appliances/b-1020003?subCatView=true&searchBy=tag&tagLabel=Black%20Friday%20Deals&pOfferID=1026434&lid=Dynamic_VIDOR_Slice_1&rioptypeid=&emlid=339211462&ruid=2009526&sid=IOx20181101SRSCURFLSx1610407x2009526xS00TCONTMA&utm_source=promotion&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20181101SRSThursHybridSW_Contingency&bxid=75451445212&enmem=
  5. Here is an article published yesterday (10/31) on Sears and Kmart holiday plans. https://www.twice.com/retailing/attention-sears-and-kmart-shoppers-were-open-for-business They are already having a BF sale on appliances to match the other retailers doing the same, and they will have a Member Preview Night on November 18, when Shop Your Way loyalty program members will have early access to all Black Friday Doorbuster Deals. Maybe I am just an old fogey who remembers when Sears was the biggest retailer in the world (and the tallest building was still called the Sears Tower), but I am hoping that they find a way to keep the venerable business alive and relevant, and maybe return to growth some day. There is a Kmart in the first floor of my office building in Manhattan that appears to be doing OK, but the last Sears in my usual shopping area is slated to close. Surprisingly, there is still a stand alone Sears Auto in Queens where I recently bought new tires and had them installed.
  6. Welcome to November! This month: First Big Black Friday Ad (Kohl's, 11/1) Daughter's Birthday (11/14) Daughter gets her drivers license (and my insurance goes up ) (soon after 11/14) Thanksgiving and associated travel (probably Pennsylvania this year ) (11/22) Black Friday (11/22-23) Brother's Birthday (11/23) My Birthday (11/30) Now I can remove the monthly reminder to post in this thread from my Outlook calendar. And thanks again, Brad, for the t-shirt and pouches already received.
  7. I know this is about artificial trees, but I will just add that Home Depot is a great place to go for real trees, too. We used to buy at local lots in our area of Queens, New York, but have been getting our real trees from HD for some years. Here is another tip: Rite Aid has had a points back deal on Home Depot Gift Cards (also good at other home stores) in their special Thanksgiving/Black Friday weekend ad the past few years. I always get the maximum $100 and use it to buy a real tree and the balance for later purchases. You can pick them up on Thanksgiving, so you have them in hand for Black Friday.
  8. The following article has a list of the Kmart and Sears stores that are slated to close taken from the filing documents: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2018/10/15/sears-holdings-bankruptcy-store-closures/1645971002/
  9. Anti Virus software for some years, but I now have four more years worth, so not this year. A number of years I have bought Wrangler jeans at Walmart, but don't think I will need them this year. I visit the pharmacies every year and get many of the "free or cheap after points" deals, some of which are repeats year to year.
  10. Received my shirt and zipper pouches yesterday. Thanks, Brad!
  11. 1. Looking perplexed: if she had checked GottaDeal.com she would already know what she is here to buy. 2. Solid red, checkered red, lumberjack red plaid, burgundy red, even red hair will do! 3. Toss some over this way!
  12. Time for Octoberfest! And just one more month to post in this thread. Then the real fun.
  13. The only thing I know that I will be looking for this year (so far) is a replacement for my car GPS. I will be looking for one that is 5 inches or maybe 6 inches with "lifetime" maps and traffic. As for the discount, I am not sure as I have not started shopping for one yet, but let's say better than I can find online today (maybe 25 to 35% discount). I bought my current GPS on Black Friday quite a few years ago and it still works fine, but Tom Tom says that they will no longer support it with new map updates. (In the fine print they all say that "lifetime" maps means the lifetime of the unit, not the buyer's lifetime.)
  14. So the question for this forum is what will they be doing for Black Friday (and will GottaDeal become an affiliate again)?
  15. I happened on the Bon-Ton web site and found that it had reopened, then searched for news. From one of the articles: The bankrupt Bon-Ton stores and its associated nameplates Bergner’s, Boston Store, Carson’s, Elder Beerman, Herberger’s and Younkers have been relaunched as online retailers. Indiana-based technology and retail investment firm CSC Generation bought Bon-Ton’s trademarks and various intellectual properties for $900,000 in bankruptcy court, then relaunched the chains online over the weekend [september 16]. Bon-Ton filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in February and was unable to secure an investor to continue operating normal business, leading to liquidation beginning in April. Although Bon-Ton’s stores closed on Aug. 29, CSC Generation is in discussions with landlords about reopening stores in Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and plans to recruit former Bon-Ton employees, according to a statement from the company. “We are sprinting to get as much done as possible before the holidays,” said Jordan Voloshin, co-president of CSC Generation, in a statement. “We hope that our track record of revitalizing retailers reassures Bon-Ton customers that the company is in safe hands.” CSC Generation was founded by serial technology entrepreneur Justin Yoshimura and in 2017 bought home furnishings company DirectBuy out of bankruptcy. CSC Generation has also bought leasing company LeaseCo and men’s apparel company Killion. __________________________ They are also planning to reopen some stores.
  16. Harbor Freight, October 10
  17. I have been buying Wrangler jeans at Walmart on Black Friday the past few years. A good deal on some good sturdy jeans. Recommended. As for me, I might want to buy Levis this year to support the company.
  18. Wow, September already; just two more months to go. Brad, I sent you a PM. Nice shirt design and like the zippered pouches!
  19. There were some reports of a possible resurrection of a downsized Toys-R-Us (fewer stores) in late June as they were closing, but a Google search now shows no further sign of that talk. They would have to be freed of any remaining debt that was associated with the company (that is what bankruptcy is for). Maybe someone will create a new smaller national toy specialty chain under a different name?
  20. Welcome to August! I have never understood starting school in August. Growing up in Dallas, school always started after Labor Day for me. It has always been the same for my daughter who graduated HS in New York City this year. She starts college just after Labor Day. I like traveling the last two weeks of August because hotels are cheaper and easier to book and other travel arrangements are a bit easier than earlier in the summer.
  21. Darn, I missed that, too, but I didn't spend all that much.
  22. Where to buy toys now that TRU is gone: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/where-to-buy-your-toys-now-that-toys-r-us-is-gone-2018-07-06 Nothing really surprising in this article, but it will be interesting to see how much more the other stores offer in toys beyond what they previously offered in order to get a bigger slice of the TRU pie.
  23. Oh, and I forgot to mention: it was 100 degrees outside when I visited the Bon-Ton store, which was at the end of a small mall. They were not running any air conditioning inside the Bon-Ton, only some very big fans. It was probably about 85 degrees in the store.
  24. I stopped by a Bon-Ton in Pennsylvania on Sunday. Discounts were mostly around 50% off ticketed price, with some 60 and 70% off. Still, I didn't see much that I considered a real bargain because the printed ticket prices were high. I looked at one particular pair of HiTec hiking boots that I was interested in previously and did an online comparison. Their printed label showed a price of $100 and they were 50% off. But their price for sale on the HiTec website was $70 and other stores and sites had them for just under that price. That makes $50 look good, but I know that I had seen them on sale for 40 to 50% off that $70 price during sales in the past, so a fair deal, but not so great for a true bargain shopper. So maybe worth a visit, but don't be fooled by the % discount alone.
  25. Just back from a little vacation to visit friends in Kentucky. Looking forward to July at home in New York City, but could someone turn down the thermostat a bit?
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