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Everything posted by ilikefree

  1. I've debated a bread machine for a while now so that might be on my list this year. Our current TV stand is in good shape so I can't justify getting rid of it for a new one, but I'd really like one with the electric fireplace in it. Oh, and I almost forgot...a new iPad since my old one is just about on its last breath.
  2. I don't know how you all get the pictures to show up with your posts...I'll have to do some investigating. My sister and her 2 kids were just in a car accident and her 4 year old suffered a broken leg. I'm getting her this now since she's in a cast. It's a doll wheelchair, cast & accessories. https://www.amazon.com/Click-Play-Wheelchair-Crutches-American/dp/B0170C08KC/ref=sr_1_1?crid=KY02ADHSZ3PF&keywords=girl+with+cast&qid=1665247871&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjg4IiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=girl+with+cast%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-1
  3. My top 3 I always look forward to are Walmart, Meijer and Menards. I usually find so much stuff to buy in the Menards ad.
  4. I always buy the Kohl's throws, whether I need them or not (I don't!). I don't care for too many Bath & Bodyworks hand soap scents during the fall & winter seasons, but I always stock up on those to give as gifts as well. I love when they have their $3.95 full-size lotions. I stock up on those for myself and gifts. I usually buy new hand towels from Kohl's too and the bath rugs from Walmart.
  5. I'd like to keep it under a thousand total but with the prices the way they are we'll have to wait and see.
  6. https://www.amazon.com/Classic-Accessories-Fairway-Deluxe-Enclosure/dp/B00KU01DSI/ref=pd_rhf_d_gw_s_trq_dl_sccl_1_3/145-2286609-7409302?pd_rd_w=kR0k1&content-id=amzn1.sym.f8906830-c93f-4613-8210-1ad2045a42d3&pf_rd_p=f8906830-c93f-4613-8210-1ad2045a42d3&pf_rd_r=FYD32W8E3XA2MWP2R2SJ&pd_rd_wg=8lUyd&pd_rd_r=67bba46c-14ab-4e0e-a9f2-7e74bfa353ce&pd_rd_i=B00KU01DSI&th=1&psc=1 A golf cart enclosure? I never knew they existed but my dad has a golf cart that he likes to ride a lot. With this he can ride more into the cooler weather.
  7. Received my package in yesterday's mail. I love the zippered pouches...thanks, Brad!
  8. October is upon us. The road to Black Friday is getting shorter!
  9. Black Friday time, yay! Show me all of the good deals. Hope to find the goods.
  10. Seems like summer just clocked out at the end of its shift, no overtime or anything! Overcast, windy and cold (57*) today. We had a cold rain yesterday with some sleet mixed in.
  11. I had to look to see how long I've been a member here... Member Since Nov 5, 2004 Crazy how time flies!!!
  12. I LOVE seeing this!!!! It's always so much fun!!!! Info sent already!
  13. Would like a new iPad since mine just died and I've been wanting a new mattress. Other than that I guess I'll know what I need when I see it since my kids never tell me what they want or need.
  14. While I don't want to see summer come to an end, I do love when all the Black Friday forums open up. It'll be here before we know it!
  15. This would be a great win since my old iPad just took its last breath.
  16. So it seems as if I'm alone here...I'm not looking forward to the end of summer. I hate pumpkin spice, cold weather and football! I really am a nice person, just don't like any season except summer and maybe mid to late spring.
  17. How is it August already?! July only lasted about 30 seconds!
  18. It's so hard to believe that July is almost over and that means my summer break is coming to a swift end. I love working at a school so I can have my summers off but I wish summer would go a little slower.
  19. Welcoming July from the Florida Gulf coast. We're celebrating my husband's birthday today and heading back to Ohio in about a week and a half.
  20. Got mine too. I was expecting it to take longer.
  21. Welcoming June with almost 90 degrees today. Clothes are hanging on the clothesline blowing in the breeze. I just love this time of year.
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