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Everything posted by ilikefree
First day of school in a new position in our school cafeteria. What a day! I'm ready for summer break again!
What happened to summer, July in particular?! It seems as though it just started and poof, it's gone!
Aloha, July, from beautiful Hawaii!
Summer has arrived! High 90s all week expected with heat advisories. We leave for Hawaii a week from tomorrow and looking at the forecast for here and there, it looks like we'll have better weather there than back here.
I feel your pain! I'm the same way!
Welcome, June! Now if Mother Nature would just cooperate and and warm things up and hold off on the rain things would be great!
Last day of school! The kids were done yesterday but we had a work day today. I'm so done with this school year! We had 2 people quit just before Thanksgiving and 1 quit maybe a month or so ago and have had quite a time trying to replace the bodies. First it was that administration didn't even post the jobs till just before Christmas for the 1st 2 that left. We had one lady work 1 day then quit. Another lady we hired had the flu on her first day and was out a couple days, then her mom passed away and she went to Georgia for a couple weeks. The other one we hired was sick for her scheduled interview then had to reschedule. She had her interview and was hired, but just before she was to start she got sick again and was in the hospital & ICU. They're both really good workers now. Then we had a part-time person quit about a week and a half ago. Our substitutes have been lifesavers for us! One of our ladies retired today so now we have 3 spots we have to fill. The sad thing is that administration won't post the positions till the beginning of August. It's so frustrating! And then about 3 weeks ago one of our kindergarten teachers, my husband’s cousin, suddenly passed away at 54 years old. To say It’s been quite the school year is a major understatement! On the bright side, we only have 34 days till we leave for Hawaii!!
I hear you about the prices! My son and I are going to see The Oak Ridge Boys for their farewell tour (this will be my 3rd or 4th time seeing them) in a couple weeks, then my sister and I will be going to see Tim McGraw the end of the month.
My favorite flower!! I just wish they lasted longer than they do.
That eclipse was the coolest thing I've ever seen!! And the weather in our area of NW Ohio was perfect!
I agree!! We're expected to have bad storms with a good chance of tornadoes and hail tonight and a little snow tomorrow. I don't have any girls but I can confirm that yes, boys DO love to hoard silverware in their rooms!
Looks like our little town lucked out again. Tornadoes, some really bad, hit in our region again yesterday/last night. One area in particular got hit pretty hard. That's the second time in just a couple weeks we've had tornadoes in our area and it's not even tornado season here yet. Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come.
Hope you're all feeling better. It's going through our school like crazy! My niece just missed all last week because she had influenza A and an ear infection. This is the second or third time she's had it this winter and she's not the only one. It's awful!
There was a tornado just outside our small village yesterday. It wasn't "bad," but it did damage one property. I'm not positive, but I think the house it hit was under construction. There were no injuries, which was a great thing. It hit about 15 minutes before school was dismissed. The school went into lockdown mode and didn't dismiss till about an hour after the tornado touched down. Just so thankful it didn't do more damage.
March already! Before you know it school will be out for the year!
I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs.
Vacation is booked!! Heading to Hawaii the end of June/beginning of July. It's been too long since we've been there, I can't wait to go back!
Mine too! Happy Birthday to you!!
I'm right there with you! I went back to work last Wednesday and was so ready for the weekend! I don't know what I'm going to do with 5 whole days this week!
Hopefully your mom listens to you and eats, drinks and rests. I always thought I was grateful for my loved ones, that I never took them for granted, until my dad got sick a couple weeks ago. He hasn't been feeling well so he took 2 home covid tests about a week apart and they both came back negative. He called me the Saturday morning before Christmas and asked if I could come over and sit with him for a while. That's when I knew something was wrong because he never asks for anything, he's always the one who is there for you or doing something for anyone. Being a Saturday there were no doctors in so he asked if I could take him to the local emergency room (we don't have an urgent care near us). They did a covid test, flu test, x-rays and other tests and everything came back negative. They said it was probably just a virus but since he had prior heart issues they suggested he go to the main hospital. This was 2 days before Christmas but he went (he lives alone). They said everything looks good but ordered an echocardiogram and released him the next day with a heart monitor he has to wear for a month. Lots of confusion with the echo and still waiting to hear back, but for the most part he's feeling better and we had a great family Christmas. Like your mom, he also has to drink more water.
I've been running nonstop since this past Friday. This is actually the first time I've gotten to sit down for any length of time. I received my Secret Santa package a couple days ago. I received a bag of Hershey's Kisses, a pair of REALLY cozy sherpa-lined Snoopy socks, Bath & Bodyworks soap in my favorite wintery scent, Winter Candy Apple, and a box of fruity teas, which I can't wait to try! Thank you, Secret Santa, I love everything!
It was something with a lot of feathers on it.