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Everything posted by fabnsab

  1. Don't forget to factor in no sales tax with amazon
  2. Ahhhh, the smell of a freshly printed newspaper full of black friday ads! Only thing better is the first click of the mouse to open a newly leaked ad Brad posts! Good times
  3. Lol, I just searched "24" television" at amazon... No such luck!
  4. Thank you! I wondered about that when hubby just walked out of the house with the cc in his wallet!
  5. I'm sure y'all have already done this but I created a BB account earlier and put my shipping and cc info in already so checkout will go faster. I would hate to fumble with a cc and have it sell out from under me. Just in case someone out there hasn't...
  6. Ok so hubby just left to get newspaper. Now, watch the baby start to cry as the sale goes live!! What to do, what to do...?
  7. Just finished top chef- Now I'm craving chili!
  8. For those of you waiting for the 24" tv... "you are getting sleeeepy.... Very sleeeeepy!"
  9. Is 3am too soon to send the hubby to go buy a newspaper for the ads? What time do they normally get put in the machines?
  10. Through the threads link on my gotta deal iPhone app the iTunes showed $60 for me. It sucks so bad that I have just enough saved for the gifts i need and nothing left for me so no itunes... how's that for Xmas spirit? Lol
  11. Ty! He's probably just happy I don't have him camping out!! Lol
  12. Is it bad that I woke hubby up so he can relieve me for potty breaks so the refreshing can continue and now I have him making me a sandwich?
  13. I'm with ya! I can do this all night... Lol
  14. Ugh! I'm a night person! Mornings are the hard part for me... Lol I'm up cooking!
  15. Last year, my store had the 5am door busters out at opening, which of course, annoyed the hell outta me.
  16. I saw Missoni duvet sets for 50% off but the suitcase scanned at regular price.
  17. Seeing as many of us had similar experiences when Walmart had their secret bf items one year and the store didn't even know about them, I'd say it is very possible he doesn't know much. In retail, managers get "packets" of information and it is usually sent the week of. They probably are now finalizing security and such but knowledge of sale items and stock comes late. I spent 8 long years in retail. We would find out what our BF prices were the night before thanksgiving as we set the signs out.
  18. I think people will definitely go earlier than normal. The midnight opening opens BF up to people who didn't want to be out all night now. I think it will make it doubly worse. Diehards will still line up and now newbies who are day people will join.
  19. Thanks Brad! TRU BF is good if you need to buy alot of presents cheaply. They seem to cut deals with makers of older toys and bring them in at great prices. I am surprised not 1 Melissa and Doug deal. I was counting on that. I am glad I got the Leappad bundle already...and I just put the large Imaginarium train table on layaway last night so I am happy they didn't have THAT in the ad! Lol
  20. Well, seeing as I bit the bullet and put the stuff I needed in layaway last night, I KNOW it'll come out today! Lol Murphy's law!
  21. I am waiting too. Last year they had the Imaginarium train table complete set for $99. I just left TRU and it's on sale for $119. I think I may bite the bullet and put it on layaway now. I would like to see the ad first though. I figure I won't have to fight the crowd, I'll get the $10 gc, so the difference is truly only $15(w/fee). And it'll free some BF money up for other things!
  22. Thanks for the reply, Magst. It definitely sounds like a good deal
  23. Anyone know anything about the Xbox kinect bundle for $199 with gc? Is that a good price? Is the 4 gb workable? What's the going price normally? I know nothing about the pricing for this so I am curious. Thanks GD team for the ad!
  24. Does anyone know if the coupon for a $10 gift card with $75 purchase works if you layaway? TIA
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