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Everything posted by krissy904

  1. outlet stores are a sure bet but you can gamble on a find at TJ Maxx or one of those discount stores. the ones that they have at the outlet stores are not too "old" in style. I have found found some really good deals at the outlet store AND they have dirt cheap sales on top of their all ready low prices. good luck. need a personal shopper????
  2. Since I haven't posted here in such a long time and have never participated, I would like to this year. I'll send you a PM w/address for the card exchange and ornament exchange. Just a note, while I am certain that your plan will work, in all cookie exchanges I have participated, it was broken into "groups" of no more than 12 people and each send a dozen...just an idea. Please don"t thnk I was being rude, just trying to help and make it easier on the participants. have fun. Kristyn OOPS just saw the original post to email info, I did that
  3. mine is an older stlye, not sure what number, but I know it's called sonic care elite and beeps at 15 second intervals to tell you to change to another area, but my toothbruch heads are not too big, they are much smaller than a regular toothbrush. Or heck, maybe my head is too big and I just don;t notice. The only thing is don't try to use a sonic care in the middle of a migraine, it makes you feel like you just put your head in a blender, oh on high then pulsate.
  4. when I check, it shows 19.99 w/free vase. doesn't include delivery, but that would still make it less than 40??
  5. I bought a whole bunch of 3.00 shirt/hoodies also and I was quite pleased. I am freezing all the time so I can wear lightweight sweats even in florida summers! Boo-Hoo though, they didn't have any boys stuff on clearance.
  6. the corrected ad should have read: Listed Price 9.99 Salr Price: .99 Savings: 90% I suppose if you had a Prime account and could get free shipping (is that a prime membership benefit?) it may be a good deal for school give-aways
  7. anyone interested in buying me 3 rings (with their Kohls card - I don't have one) and in exchange, I will pay for their ring (and of course mine) and express shipping? I tried to order but the shipping was nearly 9.00. I'm too cheap for that. I want the rings for 2.70 X3 plus express shipping (plus the price of someone elses ring) never mind, too complicated an offer just to save 2 or 3 dollars. I'll order and pay the high shipping. UPDATE - I called and ordered by phone and got 4 rings for 16. including shipping so everything worked out.
  8. yoo hoo. my daughter just told me that she will begin working at Target (part time) to help with her college costs. 10% discount card for cash purchases! I know it's not much, but when you're doing clearance shopping almost with as much energy as an olympic sport, every bit helps.
  9. when I looked at the site it said "free vase", then when I clicked order, it indeed did have a free vase (there were also some that had a small charge, but the free one is pretty...especially for free). Mom2monkies, I love that arrangement. it really just jumps out at you when you view that page, hopefully she'll love it. I haven't decided what to order, but I have a special friend online that has been working extra hard lately...with brats!, so I think she needs some flowers.
  10. that's really a good deal! I'm not a F & F person, but did browse and saw some nice things. For the person that likes Fitz & Floyd, this is a must see..thanks!
  11. I'm not a chocoholic so don't eat a lot of chocolate, but when I do Godiva is always good. If you want some though, you can probably get it locally for at least 50% off and save shipping. For those in Jacksonville, I saw a giant table full at The Fresh Market yesterday and although it was priced 50% off, the manager who caught me spying it , said he would gladly mark down whatever I wanted to 75% off. The only thing bad about Godiva is the fact that unless you buy it at one of their little specialty stores, it's usually wrapped up so that you cannot actually see the chocolate before it is opened. To have the "see" feature, I think you's have to go to one of their stores.
  12. picked up my pack yesterday...adorable, again thanks so much!
  13. WOWEE THANKS SO much it worked and i plan to pick up later today. thanks so much!
  14. i have seen at big lots and pretty sure they are cheaper tghan 3.95. just curious, did you wake up and just start craving these? asking because other than seeing them in big lots, haven't seen them in probably 20 years. i think it's cute that you want them!
  15. i have been saving my codes for a special pal that i know collected coke codes but if she is not collecting, i will find an alternate recipient. my husband drinks a 12 pack of cans about every 1 1/2 days. Update - my collecting pal recognized my reference, so my codes will have a home.
  16. DARN, I DIDN'T ANY OF THOSE. i'm going back tomorrow to get a few more packs of the hannah trading cards, maybe i can find the closet thing in toys since the stage show was in the hannah section of the girls dept. i confess, i went back today and bought another stage show because for 20.00 it would make a nice birthday present when mty son gets another girl invitation. btw - yes, he has boy stuff too, he jusy loves hannah.
  17. sorry, broke my typing hand so excuse mistakes. jusu wanted to say that i rarely find bargains at walmart but did get my son a big hannah light and sound show that is so cool. i can'y renmember the orifg price but it was clearnce for 20. i thought it would be another tempoary toy that ends up in the toy graveyard, but it's actually a good quality toy. it dowesnt include the doll but i still hve plenty of those frm xmas - hannah and miley since it's important to kids to recognize the diffrence. darn this hand hurst
  18. No No. If you bought a ticket then you can see the show. When they sell out, they will tell you that they have no more tickets available for the show you are requesting. So you're safe. I hope you (and kids??) enjoy the show. I know we will.
  19. Be careful, some places are selling out of show times for the movie! I'm taking my son this Sunday, he is very excited! I like Hannah Montana'a daddy :).
  20. i've never been to our hobby lobby but for 90% off I'll have to check it out. every single year I promise I won't go out and stock up quite so much stuff and it seems like every year I end up with a bigger stash than the year before. God, someone help me. I just love sending out goodie boxes to good girls and boys each year. there must be some help for people like me.......somewhere. I know there are a lot of you out there though, right?
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