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Everything posted by LainieB

  1. Hello! Starting my new position in the kitchen August 13th!
  2. It’s my birthday month so I’m looking forward to using all my coupons and freebies the stores send out!
  3. Watching Wrestlemania this weekend and shopping the next!
  4. I love having Fridays off. Time to do some shopping.
  5. Happy new year! Enjoying my extra time off from work.
  6. Baking is done. Wrapping is almost done. I just have my husband’s gifts to wrap. Shopping was done, but now I have to get one more thing. I decided I like my mother-in-law’s gift so much I’m keeping it for myself! So I have to find her something new. Lol
  7. . Well they have the highest paid quarterback and the best kicker in the league so there’s always hope they’ll turn things around. *fingers crossed *. Atleast that’s what I keep telling myself. Lol
  8. Got my Secret Santa gift today! Thanks so much! I just wish the Lions were doing better.
  9. Almost got my Christmas shopping done. Just a couple more items!
  10. We always stop at Hardees Friday morning before we do any shopping, but this year Hardees was closed! They didn’t open till 7 AM so we went to Target first then ate.
  11. I donate items to the local humane society off of their Amazon wish list.
  12. I love wrapping! I wrap whenever I have time usually about 3 different nights. I prefer using wrapping paper with lots of decorations like ribbon and bows and small ornaments. I do use bags too because some things are impossible to wrap. I’d prefer to sit on the floor, but have to wrap on the dining room table because the dog and cat are too nosy!
  13. I was at Walmart one year on Thanksgiving Black Friday shopping and one of my coworkers who hates Black Friday shopping comes strolling in. I asked what she was doing there in the chaos and she said “getting milk”. Lol. Good luck getting to the milk. It’s blocked by dvds.
  14. Got my secret santa shopping finished if everything arrives on time and in one piece!
  15. I must be one of the few people that love wrapping. I usually run out of presents to wrap long before Christmas so I offer to help my friend's wrap gifts.
  16. I bought some small Harry Potter items and a fingerling monkey for my friend's kids, a squishy cat for my niece, and I have a lot of other things I plan on buying next weekend. My coworkers think I'm nuts for Christmas shopping already!
  17. I caught myself humming Christmas music today so I knew it was time to check out the Black Friday forum! Looking forward to the gift exchange again this year.
  18. I have everything bought, baked, and wrapped other than adding a few bows and ribbons to packages.
  19. Thank you to my secret Santa! My gifts are just perfect. My dachshund is especially excited about the new blanket to cuddle with.
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