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Everything posted by fluffkin79

  1. I'd like to get 2 copies of wii tetris party deluxe, and I would like to pay $10 or less each. I am crazy? I mean, they were on sale for $9 last year (but they never shipped). While I'm at it, I'd love a descent deal on a DS Mario game or 2, maybe Mario Party or Mario Kart. Is BOGO50% as good as it's gonna get this year?
  2. Exactly! Their stratagy DID get me to the store, but it was so packed that I was really only able to get my 1 top-priority item. I was actually excited about the Walmart ad, but I got less than half of what I was intersted in. If I had been able to order my 3 storage benches online, then I wouldn't have needed to use a cart in store. No need for a cart = I buy more. Since I couldn't get anywhere near the movies and video games (or anywhere, really) with my cart, I skipped them and checked out with just my benches and the Brave movie I happened to be able to grab as I was being pushed past the electronics department. I tried to get Monster High Dolls in store, but they were gone before 8pm. I called DH right away to have him order from Walmart.com, but they chose not to offer them online. I did try to buy some of what I missed Walmart.com when I got home. I found a few of the items available, but the website refused to let me check out. I paid .99 more to order my Nabi from BestBuy.com and it was worth every penny! DD wanted this badly, and it was my top-priority item this year. When BB offered it for nearly the same price I jumped on it! I had no idea if this was a ticket or pallet item at Walmart, so I couldn't figure out what time to get there. I considered calling the store to ask but, judging from previous experience with Walmart, I wouldn't trust them to know. Either way, I was hosting Thanksgiving this year and leaving before 7pm was out of the question. I still don't know what you had to do to get a Nabi from Walmart. I was all over the store and didn't see them anywhere. I don't see how having people come to the store is better for them. My store had almost every route through the store blocked off. In addition to the baricades I expected, they put giant pallets of general merchandise in the clothing sections so you HAD to try to find a way to get down the crowded main aisles. But there were so many people waiting in line for so many different things that the aisles were at a standstill. The only way to move through the store was to push past people. At 8:00 everyone grabbed what they've been waiting for and many items dissappeared instantly. People got bumped and jostled, and I felt like I'd be lucky to get 2-3 of the items I came for. Do they really think that I am going to stay in the store for a minute longer than I had to? Even I if I did want to get a few non-BF items, most of the store looked like a different place. Much of the regular merchandise was inaccessable because of the special displays and I couldn't get to certain items even if I wanted to. Get it together, Walmart! Offer your stuff online. Better yet, offer it online Thursday morning. I'll still come to your stores, and with less of a crowd you might even get some bonus purchases out of me. I bought my cereal and milk at CVS this year. It could have been Walmart, instead.
  3. "Nothing that was a crazy deal"? You must not be a crazy couponer! Walgreens has several items that are completely free this week, if you know how to play the game. Yesterday I got 2 tubes of toothpaste, 2 carmex, 2 packs of hair ties, and a 2-pack of toothbrushes. I paid $4.50 and got back $5.50 in rewards. I'm going back today to do a few more rounds, then I'll spend all of my rewards on stuff that I want from the ad. In the end. Ill get my wrapping paper, pistaccios, and granola bars for less than the sale prices (coupons make the toothpaste a money-maker), and get several free products along the way.
  4. I saw a display box of Brave - the ones they have when new movies come out - on my way to the storage benches. I picked one up expecting it to scan full price but it did ring up at $9. I found another copy abandoned on a shelf and it rang up as $9, too. They had different boxes.
  5. Cheap giant stuffed animals! DD requested a huge stuffed animal this year. JoAnn has black bears, monkeys, dogs, tigers, and elephants $50 - 60% sale price - 25% purchase coupon = $15. They are about 3 feet long (guessing here), really soft and cute, and fairly well-made.
  6. CVS - I got most of Sunday's freebies and all of Thursday's. Best Buy online - ordered a 129.99 Nabi2. I'm so glad BB offered this! I was all over Walmart and didn't see them anywhere. Office Max online - ordered the 2 desks that we wanted to get last week. Waiting a few days saved us $100. Target online - toys and movies. Walmart - 3 storage benches, monster high dolls, movies. Sears - clothes and SD cards. Target - gloves, games, movies. I got to Target around 12:00 and it had been picked almost completely clean. Employees were picking up the leftovers scraps and taking down displays. I still managed to get what I came for. Sears was not very busy by 9:30. I did get the worlds slowest cashier, so it took a while. Walmart. Ohhhhh Walmart. That store is something else! I arrived about 7:40, found the storage benches, and loaded 3 of them into a cart I found nearby. I tried to make my way to the toy section for Monster High dolls but got stuck behind a woman who got refused to fight her way through the crowd. She just stood there waiting for someone to let her move. By the time I was able to squeeze past her and find the pallet, the dolls were gone. That was at 7:52 pm. I wanted to check out the movies but I was not going to be able to get near them with my cart so I started for the checkout. It was almost 8:00 so I found a safe side aisle to park myself when they released the goods. Right next to me was a woman with a few items, a coat, and a baby in the basket of her cart. The baby was probably less than 1 year old and not restrained in any way. I watched the madness for a bit, then I noticed that the mother was in the mix! She left her baby in the cart and was about 20 ft away digging through a bin! The baby started to stand up in the cart and I was almost ready to grab her when the Dad appeared. He saw what was going on and he looked just as shocked as I was. I don't have a problem with parents taking kids with on BF, but it needs to be done responsibly. On a positive note: after I took the big benches out to the car I ws able to find a few movies and I even found few Monster High. Dolls up a above the rest of the regular toys.
  7. When items come bundled like this are you able to return just one part (the blanket)? I bought bundled toys before and I think each one was assigned a price on the receipt. I would really like to get 3 of these, but have no idea how I could manage 3 in store. I don't like to use carts at all on BF - can you imagine trying to push one around with 3 of these balanced on top?
  8. "Save $5 on $50 kids + Free shipping" http://www.retailmenot.com/view/target.com I wish I had a promo code to give but it didn't show. I did click though the link and got $5 off my scooters. I didn't expect this to work (it says something about back to school), but it did! I just ordered 3 x Razor lighted wheel kick scooters for $52. Sale price is $19 each.
  9. I did the refresh thing earlier and now I have a "Shipped" email!
  10. If you would like some more time to relax at home you'll have to claim it, otherwise it won't happen. Next year, pick a day and time that is just for your family at home. Try to make it at least half a day. My holidays have changed every year since my Grandma passed away in 1999! Marriage, divorce, birth, death, moves - every year has been different and Grandma isn't there anymore to make it happen. We moved from WI (near my family) to OH (near in-laws) a couple years ago. That first Christmas here we stayed late at a relative's house on Christmas Eve so we got up late-ish on Christmas morning. We were supposed to be at grandma's for brunch, so we just let the kids open their stockings and we left. Grandma told us to come over as early as we could, but appantly that meant different things to different people. Finally, by about 3-4pm, everyone arrived, we ate, opened gifts, and drove the 45 minutes home. By the time we got there it was almost 9:00 and all 3 kiddos were asleep in the car. I wanted to waint until the morning to open gifts, but DH insisted that they had to be opened on Christmas. I started handing out gifts, the kids happily ripped into them, and DH fell asleep on the couch! He left me to deal with the mess and the overtired, overstimulated kids. I learned my lesson. From that point on I told everyone that we can't be anywhere before 1pm Christmas Day. I put a lot of time an energy into the hoidays and I'd like to spend a little time enjoying the day I worked for. And this way the kids get to check out at least a couple of their gifts before they have to leave them behind; it make them much happier people! For my side of the family it's just me, my dad, sister and her kids and none of us get stuck on the calendar - we can do our thing on any day. We've done Christmas on New Year's several times. Occasionally a random cousing joins us if it fits in their schedule. This year they are coming here (yippie!) and depending on when they leave we'll either do our meal/gifts on Christmas evening or the next day.
  11. LOL! I was gonna say between 1:15 and 6:30. Keep narrowing it down, folks!
  12. I signed into my redcard, clicked on an item and it took me to another page with all of the items at higher prices. I added a couple to me cart, entered my payment info (paid with redcard), and the total came down to where it should be. Note: Every time I clicked on the men's sleep pants it loaded a blank page that I couldn't back out of. I had to close my browser and start over.
  13. These are the deals they are offering: 32 inch Samsung LED 247.99 Memorex DVD player 19.99 Madagascar 3 DVD 10.00 Lady and the Tramp DVD 10.00 Sony Portable Dock 39.99 Xhil(aration) Doorbuster Jacket 15.00 Skullcandy MP3 dock 39.99 Men's sleep pant 5.00 Lego 4184, Black Pearl 74.99 Barbie Big Box Furniture 35.00 Black and Decker Building set 39.99 Lego Duplo Delux Train set 74.99 Kitchenaid Classic Plus Stand Mixer 199 George Forman 8 serving grill 29.00 Corelle 16 piece Winter Frost White 18.00 Rachael Ray 14 piece Porcelain Cookware Set Orange 99.00 Norelco PT730 37.99 Braun 550 Razor 129.99 Sonicare Essence 37.99 Sonicare Healthy White 79.99
  14. The price changes after you enter your redcard info.
  15. Well, it's 12:06 EST and there's nothing there yet.
  16. Well, that was fun! I know that today's ad isn't officially BF, but it sure feels like it. I picked up over $100 worth of stuff for about $6.50 (tax. Subtotal was less than $1).
  17. I'd call it YMMV. I was able to do this 3-4 years ago, but since then the movies on the regular shelves have rung up different prices than the ones with the special promo stickers for me.
  18. Thanks! This worked for me today in store.
  19. Do you know how long this is going on? I tried to put 4 in my shopping cart, but they came up as 19.99, 11.99, 12.50, 12.50 (all were 19.99 before discounts), so it applied the 2/$25 to one set and the BOGO40% to the other. All of the ones I chose were part of both sales. I'm willing to try in store tomorrow if this is still going on.
  20. Ooooh! DS is hoping for DS games this year. Which titles did you get?
  21. I got ours at Game Stop last BF. The used ones were $15 and B2G1. I haven't seen this years ad yet, but they are a good bet, especially if you don't mind used ones. Ours have been going strong for a year with no problems.
  22. Keep in mind: 1. You will need a Rite Aid card to take advantage of the deals. If you don't already have one you might want to get one now, before the madness begins. This applies to Walgreens and CVS too. 2. The UP rewards you earn are usually good for about 2 weeks, starting at 6am the day after you earn them. You will not be able to spend them right away. You will have to come back another day. You cannot roll them into another deal on the same trip, but you can roll them into other deals when you come back. This is a pretty recent change so I wanted to put this out there for those who haven't been to. Rite Aid in a while. 3. UP rewards used to print on your receipt. Now they are automatically sent to your card and automatically come off your next qualifying purchase. If this works for you, great, you're good to go. If you would rather have the Ups print out on your receipt you can opt out of the send to card option. You might be able to do it by accessing your accouont online, or the cashier can do it at the register BEFORE ringing up your purchase. Once again, please set this up before the big sales begin. Happy Shopping!
  23. They usually have a BF ad. They've tempted me to come for the last couple years but I haven't made it there on BF yet. I can say they have pretty competitive pricing. I needed a stove a couple months ago and they had the best price around. I ended up getting it from Lowes so I could take advantage of my 10% off coupon and get Giant Eagle fuel perks for buying Lowes gift cards, but I had Lowes PM HHGreggs price.
  24. fluffkin79

    ad okay

    When does TRU die down? There are a few 'nice to haves' for me but nothing worth fighting for. When is a good time to go pick through the ruins?
  25. DS got a pair of these for his 6th birthday. He'd seen the commercial and thought they were interesting, but he wasn't asking for them. He likes them. They are way overpriced at $20 and they don't work nearly as well as advertised, but they are cute and my kids think they work OK. If your daughter really wants these I say go for it. You have to step in just the right place to make them pop open, but that no deal breaker according to my kids.
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