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Everything posted by neboo

  1. I like this ad a lot more than the Kohls ad, but it still didnt take me off my feet by any means. Thanks!
  2. I am considering putting them up VERY VERY soon. Last year we were gone from about December 19th- January 3rd so we didnt get to enjoy our decorations too much. And this year we will be out of town a few weekends in December for weddings, so I'm thinking we should get them up so we can actually enjoy them. This is only our 2nd Christmas married.
  3. Here is some basic info: # 1 The first thing you need to understand is that the moving picture on televisions is actually a still picture refreshed at a very high rate. # 2 The second thing you have to understand is this stat really only applies to LCD screen televisions. Plasma screen televisions may have the 60 Hz stat on the sign but Plasma televisions are better at showing movement than LCD screens, so if you are buying a Plasma, this stat isn't very important. If you are buying an LCD screen continue. # 3 120 Hz means that the still pictures are refreshing at 120 times per second while the stat 240 Hz means that they are refreshing at 240 times per second. # 4 The human eye has a hard time processing this difference so other than the price tag the difference is rather slim. However, the difference can be noticed during fast action sequences and during high speed moments and sports. During these instances you will notice and much smoother picture with the 240 Hz model. With the 120 Hz model you may get a tiny bit of lag during high speed sequences. The differences as seen by the human eye between 60 hz and 120 hz TV's are much more evident than between 120 hz and 240 hz. If you like a TV that is only 120 hz, don't let this stat be your deciding factor. Now that is basic, basic, basic info. There is a lot more to it with the brand of tv and what kind of motion blur technology they use, etc.
  4. May as well explain 240hz too.
  5. The issue you can have if you buy cheap now is that everything comes with Windows 7 and if the computer is lacking in specs, it may have issues running that OS. It is getting harder and harder to revert back to XP because of the lack of drivers, etc. But yes, if you are just using your computer for basic things a cheap one can work for you usually.
  6. You are going to get what you pay for on BF. If you get a $200 pc, it isn't going to last you very long. I am also in the market for a PC this BF, but my strategy is a top down rather than a bottom up. I look at the best PCs on sale on BF and find the best value for the price/discount. I'm really hoping for something with a Core i5 with a $200-$300 discount. The nice part about the top down model is that you usually dont have to wait as long in line for them, as you will be paying more.
  7. #1- Target rolls out a new ad campaign for the 2010 season by creating crop circles with shopping carts. #2- Getting kicked out of my mom's house has never been so fun! Why are there so many other people here using the free power? #3- Attention! Everything you wanted is already gone. Please purchase other items in our store that look similar to our doorbusters, but have outrageously high prices! Thanks!
  8. I have been going since I was about 14 and I am now 24!
  9. As a recent (2008) college grad, I know a lot of people who work at Target, haha.
  10. Target is opening at 4am this year. I dont know if this is news to the forum, but I thought I would post it.
  11. Hey at least when you post their ad walmart will give you a nice High Res shot.
  12. Seeing people do stupid things.
  13. My best "experience" with a store last year probably is a tie between Herbergers (Younkers) and Walmart. Herbergers opened at 4am, but the opened early and we actually checked out before they were supposed to open. That helped a ton. Walmart was nice enough to allow me to purchase $2 dvds and cheap video games at midnight on friday as they were part of the 2 day say and not the 5am sale. So we didnt have to wait until 5am to buy them. That saved a HUGE headache!
  14. 90% in Bismarck, ND. Not much left.
  15. Im pretty sure this plugs into the controller slot on the original xbox so it will NOT work on the 360.
  16. A lot of Walmarts made the dvds and video games available at midnight because they were not a doorbuster item, but an "all day friday" item. That is probably why a lot of people didnt see them because they were gone before 5.
  17. My price match for the Nikon camera took about 2 seconds. No questions, I didnt even have to wait in a line.
  18. Just got back from one of my Walmarts. The closest one would not sell "all day friday" items at Midnight. The other one did. It was very peaceful in the store and there was actually nobody in line for any of the blitz items. It is setup nicely though.
  19. Bismarck, ND. woot woot!! As of 1am. 100 people in line at Best Buy. 5-10 at Old Navy. 5-10 at Target. None anywhere else. Also, went to Walmart for Midnight buys and there was noone in line for any doorbusters in the store.
  20. No need to print off their adjustment policy. (Not the price match policy) It is posted right on the wall at guest services. Thanks Target!
  21. I hate when people say this, but I'm really unimpressed with this ad as well. I wouldnt be surprised to see some items added like they did last year. Probably a laptop for $299 and another cheap camera, and some kind of tv. One good deal I like though is the Logitec Harmony remote for 39.99.
  22. 1080i and 720p are essentially the same thing.
  23. Westinghouse will have their issues, but their customer service is awesome. We had a 32 inch that we bought over 3 years ago and it started having some issues, so we called Westinghouse and even though the tv was outside its stated warranty all we had to do was pay to ship it back and they sent us a new tv. Yes we had to pay for the shipping, but technically they could have said too bad and did nothing.
  24. My college roommate asked for ketchup for Xmas and his family got him a 5 gallon bucket of it. It was kind of gross, lol.
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