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Posts posted by angleyez423

  1. If you cancelled your XBox order on 11/7...


    I ordered the XBox 360 during their lightening deals and was one of the people that got screwed over by the price switch during checkout. I had completely checked out before realizing the error and had to cancel. I just received an email from Amazon saying that if I cancelled my order because of the system error, the promotion is still available to me.


    If this happened to you, check your email, I would assume they sent this to everyone who cancelled an XBox 360 Arcade order during that time (I did it immediately).


    I went back in and was able to order one for regular price, $199.99 and they will send me a $100 promotional code 7 days after it ships. Since I no longer trust them, I took screen shots of everything to prove I did it exactly as the email says.


    Good luck...

  2. I'm not worried that they will charge me more, just that it's "too good to be true." It didn't show as discounted...and I know that's not the regular price so I was wondering if it really was wrong. After getting screwed on Amazon's XBox deal (had it for 199.98 and it changed as i hit submit) and the 2010 Olympic ticket site crashing yesterday, I'm frustrated with the internet, lol. I don't want to get my hopes up on a great deal that doesn't go through.
  3. Awesome deal...Thanks!!!! I've been looking for any GH with included guitars all week so this was perfect....with 2! However, I'm a little concerned. I bought one and got the following message. I've never received this from Target before so I'm worried the price will change....has anyone else seen this before?




    We will send you an e-mail acknowledgement shortly.


    We cannot confirm the price of an item until your order enters the shipping process nor will we charge your credit card until your order enters the shipping process.


    Please note that your Order Acknowledgement means that your order request has been received; it does not mean that your order has been shipped or that the price of an item has been confirmed.


    Despite our best efforts, a small number of the items on our Web site may be mispriced. As part of our shipping procedures, we verify price before an item is shipped out.


    If an item's correct price is lower than our stated price, we charge the lower amount and ship you the item.


    If an item's correct price is higher than our stated price we will cancel your order and notify you of such cancellation via email.

  4. Has anyone ever ordered from the "other sellers"? Are the items new just as if they were coming from Amazon? I'm nervous to order from them...please make me feel better (or tell me that I am right to be nervous?) :)


    I have once or twice with no problems...new items in packaging. But I've looked at a lot of it and they almost always charge shipping, often high and the prices are sometimes WAY out of wack. I saw something last year (I think it was a Lego thing too) a couple hundred $$ more than normal, so I know you have to be careful with the pricing stuff and consider the price after shipping.


    This one here seems like a good deal though and cheaper. I think if you click on the company name it shows reviews of other purchases through them. Mostly these are just small companies that can't stand on their own and use Amazon as their interface.

  5. It now says the paypal deal right on the Best Buy website.http://images.bestbuy.com/BestBuy_US//en_US/images/abn/2009/global/pcon/paypal/b52_paypalcashback_091108.gif


    As for the site to store type thing, they are really good about helping you out. Just because the site says the store doesn't have it CALL THEM!!!! I was able to get a TV deal at the website price in store, I called them to ask a question about the deal and they actually had it in stock when the site said they didn't. They took my credit card over the phone and let me add whatever else I wanted to the order. Then I just ran in and picked it up....didn't have to drag the kids around or anything and was able to park at the curb for loading. I couldn't believe how easy they made it. They will also help you get a product from a different location if they don't have it. They are good about matching online deals too.


    Plus if you call, they set it aside immediately....last time I used store pick up it took a couple days to get everything to go through and it be available for pickup..but it's been awhile so that may have changed.

  6. This site is a scam...last time for me too. I did see when I ordered that they may replace the sewing machine with something of equal or greater value. So I'm not at all surpised that they did that. However, they sent me a shipment confirmation stating that the sewing machine was shipped to me. But when I go to the account, they swapped it out for the bags. So why did the confirmation say the sewing machine....I think that's a total scam! And of course, I can't return because it will cost more to return that it did to get. Luckily I'm not out much.
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