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Everything posted by berry1014
1. If you are happy and you know it …… Clap your hands ….. (you know you sang it LOL) 2. And they’re off …. Lane 8 is taking the lead with signing but Look at Lane 5 closing the gap with digging for payment, It’s going be close call here folks. 3. This adulting thing is hard. I wasn’t supposed to grow up, I didn’t want to grow up. I was A Toys “R” US Kid.
Hello October!!!!! Those sales are inching closer and closer now
I will be keeping an eye on these
I noticed that at our store too.
My kids are 18 and 22 and they still love to go through the toys catalogs and circle things, especially my youngest LOL.
Could be the cloves or nutmeg in the pumpkin spice
What about the little debbie snack cakes? They have some cute festive holidays ones.
Awesome prizes and Thanks!!!
I see some stores having early (pre BF) sales but I think over all the sales will be lacking. The last few years the actual BF sale have been a disappointment. I scored better deals on items during the summer and early fall then what the preBF/BF sales had them for.
Hello BERS .... September is the first of the best months of the year!!!!!
Mother nature teased us these last couple days with beautiful Fall like weather only to warm back up this weekend. I am over summer!!!
First year in 18 years we have no kids in schools. No running around buying back to school supplies, clothes, new shoes, etc. Feels weird!
Happy August!
Hello July .. ready to do some shopping and cross some gifts off my list.
first heat wave of the year is here and now I am ready for those Fall temps.
We are inching closer .... less than 90 days and then we will be back to the BER months .. my favorite time of the year!
Happy May!!!! Another month closer to those BF Sales!
Every time I am missing dishes or silverware, I check both kids' bedrooms and usually find what I am missing however after 8 months I am still missing a bowl and a coffee mug!
Happy April! Hope everyone had a great Easter
Another month down and another month closer.
I have a couple turkeys in my freezer so I just might have to do that. I did pick up some Hallmark ornaments on clearance today.
I have been in a Thanksgiving and BF vibe the past couple days but they are still 10 months away
and that's a bad thing?
Anyone else feel like Nov and Dec were over in a blink of an eye? but January just keeps holding on???