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Everything posted by orangedaisy

  1. happysunshine - How long do you expect them to believe? Do you really want them to pretend to believe because they are afraid they won't get gifts?
  2. My older son found out when he was 8 years old. He came right to me and asked for the truth because he had heard things. He also had started really thinking about it and he said "There is no way one man can fly around the whole world in one night with all that stuff." So I told him the truth. I thought it would be pointless to expect him to believe in the magic at 8 years old... he was thinking too much, LOL. He was a little upset but I explained to him that believing in Santa when you are little is all part of the holiday magic. He admitted he didn't think it would have been half as fun if he didn't believe.
  3. Yes, we pretty much are on the same page with everything.
  4. I got this info in an email. Woohoooo!!
  5. orangedaisy

    KB online?

    I was told by our local KB store that they actually are no longer affiliated with the KB toys web site - she said they have absoutley NOTHING to do with each other. I don't know if that's the case with all the stores or just this one in my area. You better call them to find out because if it is the case, the deals won't be the same online and in the store.
  6. Oh and I am another one who didn't get much growing up - there were 4 of us and we were 2 years apart. Each Christmas the piles got smaller.
  7. My husband tries to put a limit on each kid, but to be honest, I can't help but overspend if I have the $$$ to do it. I love giving gifts, I love shopping for gifts, and especially for people I love more than myself - my kids. So I don't see the harm if you have some extra money and it makes you happy, why not?
  8. I'm sorry if this has been asked but I cant' find anything about it. I saw someone mention an instant notification when a new ad comes out? How do I get these notifications? TIA.
  9. I LOVE the ebay one - that is so me! LOL!!
  10. These stories remind me of that movie "Jingle All the Way" where everyone was trying to get that boys' action figure/doll, I can't remember the name of it. People are nuts! The worst that has happened to me was getting a few carts from behind. Besides that, I have yet to be the victim of a BF cart looting.
  11. orangedaisy


    Good, I'm eastern too.
  12. It would have to be a really bad storm to close down things around here. We get snow storms and ice storms, but I'm talking everything would have to be frozen over, power would have to be out, etc. before things would shut down like that.
  13. orangedaisy


    I will definitely be checking out the online deals the night before. Anyone know what time zone?
  14. My little guy wants Scamps (which I already got, woohoo!) and Doodle Monster - they are at the top of his list. My older ones have no idea yet what they want. They are going to be such a PITA to buy for.
  15. orangedaisy

    boxes or bags

    Boxes all the way! I only use gift bags for "out of the house" gifts like friends and relatives' gifts.
  16. When I'm out shopping, I keep as much as I can in the trunk of my car. Usually that's everything unless I buy something really big.
  17. I'd be pissed enough to not buy from a store who faked me out. I'm guessing I'm not the only one.
  18. I don't have a budget or set max, but I do have a thing called actual cash that will eventually run out. I can only spend what I have. Depending on how good the deals are, I can probably spend up to $500.
  19. Hmmm I obviously haven't been thorough enough here. What is this shopping cart thing you speak of? Oh and I like this site enough to not waste my time venturing anywhere else.
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