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Everything posted by orangedaisy

  1. Got this in an email. Click on this link, enter your zip and see the ad! http://kohls.shoplocal.com/kohls/?cmID=C277446027L42322U8264566X345941801
  2. Go here, click "shop our stores" on the bottom right, put in your zipcode and you can see the ad online: http://www4.jcpenney.com/jcp/bsota.aspx?RefPageName=Default%252Easpx&RefDeptID=&RefCatID=&cmAMS_T=T1&cmAMS_C=C5
  3. Oh really? LOL!! I am clueless, sorry. I was just kidding about being sad...really.
  4. Oh, no wonder I didn't see that - I was looking for a post at the end of the thread. I'm sad that the pain of banging into glass out in public twice wasn't enough to earn me a t-shirt.
  5. I think people have a lot of nerve to do something like that in front of a potentially angry crowd.
  6. Yes, but I didn't see the second round of winners posted. Oh well, maybe I overlooked it. Thanks. :)
  7. Were the second round of winners ever announced for the story contest?
  8. My older brother. He is the worst gift-giver ever. He is just so clueless as to what we like and he never asks.
  9. If it's wrapable but not edible, it gets wrapped. I remember when I was a kid, I loved ripping open wrapping paper, even if it was just a box of crayons inside. LOL
  10. Snapfish does great work. :)
  11. What things stand out in your mind when you think about the holidays when you were a kid? I remember my dad using those really big bulb lights outside the house, top to bottom. It always looked so nice. My mom always baked home-made chocolate chip cookies on Christmas eve, a tradition that I have carried into my adult life. On Christmas morning, we would wake up around 6 am and have to wait in one of our bedrooms until our parents felt like getting up. Then we would go downstairs in "born order" (there were 4 of us). Looking back, my older brother was pretty smart - he was the oldest and made up the born order rule. We never caught on that the rule meant he was always first, LOL!!Next? :)
  12. I am with the OP - my husband doesn't want the blinking but I really do! I will get what I want this year. It's my turn too. LOL.
  13. I was just talking to another mom about this the other day. We are new to our school district and I asked her if they do a Christmas or Winter show. She said she doesn't think so. I am soooo bummed. I really look forward to seeing my kids in these types of things. My older son had something every year when he was in elementary school. We did too, growing up. It's really bumming me out. :cry2:
  14. DS 14 - New TV DS 6 - Fur Real Friends Scamps (it's all he keeps asking for!) and I already got it anyway DD 15 - No idea. Haven't heard a peep yet about what she wants DH - same, no idea. He's so hard to buy for.
  15. I wouldn't pay with a money order. You can't ever prove that you sent it if they say they didn't get it, can you? PayPal is just so much easier. I very rarely buy anything for more than $40 on ebay any way. I also sell and have never had a problem that wasn't amicably resolved. I think it's just luck of the draw!
  16. No, but alot of people around here do it.
  17. My son has had every game system BUT the Game Cube. He was never really interested in it. We've been through the original Nintendo, PS1, PS2, now he has Xbox. He is saving for Xbox 360 (he put one on reserve for himself). The prices of the games are ludicrous - we usually get them at Game Stop or ebay.
  18. Same here! It wouldn't be Christmas without it. In all of our pics of the kids opening gifts last year, the TV is on in the background and there are all kinds of snapshots from the movie.
  19. Can she go with you? I would think that would be better than being alone.
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