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Everything posted by bluebear

  1. I think I need a purple Christmas tree.
  2. This was posted by Brad in another topic: Yeah if you want to change your avatar, you'll have to do so with the "Import from URL" option. So just upload the image to Photobucket or imgur.com and then use the URL to get it to show up. The direct upload option has been disabled for security reasons.
  3. I had one of those computers. But our first was the TRS80 Model 1
  4. It's for the 3 months, regular $24.99. I usually get the 12 month from eBay for $34.99.
  5. Pepsi and tombstone. I'm so much fun. Also maybe the b1g1 earphones. And $5 off iTunes is pretty good too.
  6. The looms are awesome, if she likes making things, she will probably like them. I have been enjoying making hats, scarves, and blankets. Very easy to use too. I found a great website a few weeks ago for hats. http://www.loomahat.com/
  7. Oooh, yarn!! That and the Ottlites, might make it worth the 45 minute drive. I was pretty sad Michael's didn't have an Ottlite doorbuster this year.
  8. bluebear

    Holiday Menu

    Well, I guess it will be just me, husband, and sons this year, no daughter or rest of the family. <sad face> So guess I'm cooking for the first time ever. A few things we normally have, like dressing, my guys don't like, so I probably wont bother for just me. So far this is what I've got. Turkey (no clue how to cook a turkey!) Mashed potatoes Noodles cooked in turkey broth Green beans White corn Sweet potatoes Asparagus (maybe) Dinner rolls Pickles, olives, cheese cubes Desserts Pumpkin pie Oreo dirt cake Sugar cookies
  9. I wish I liked Rite Aid. Every so often I try, but it always turns out badly. I actually see a couple things I wouldn't mind going for, but I dunno. Their program just seems hard to use. We'll see, maybe ill get adventurous.
  10. Bleh, I didn't decorate for Halloween, and haven't decorated for fall/Thanksgiving. I've just got a bad attitude this year. I hope I get over it, because I like my house decorated. But no one will see it except husband and son, and other son for the few days he's home from school. We won't have any visitors. But I usually put everything out the weekend after Thanksgiving. So I still have time to get my good attitude back.
  11. Yay! Too bad my guys have already bought all the new games that have/are coming out. Or have picked older titles that are no longer stocked... Oh well.
  12. Almost seems like they may have done a couple video game sales last year, another after Thanksgiving that had a gift card. Believe the first one was maybe the week before thanksgiving?
  13. The tree at Home Depot was $79. And it is awesome, definitely try and get one. They opened at 6am. They had them online too, but I decided to go wait in line because I wanted to put it up that weekend!
  14. I saw them in the store today, in a special display right by the front door.
  15. 1. About 16 years 2. The same or less. Most of the big items will be bought before black Friday this year. 3. Yes. Most of the shopping will be done online. 4. Hopefully just by myself. I usually go with mom and sister, but hope to get out of it this year. 5. It would be awesome if some one could go up the line and scan all your items. Then at the register you just have to pay. My Michael's does this every weekend anyway.
  16. I got mine yesterday, but my daughter did not. Hopefully you (and she) will get it today!
  17. I have that problem when using desktop view on my windows phone. If I switch to mobile view, it all works. Problem is, I don't like reading on mobile view, so I have to switch back and forth if I need to link or paste. No fun.
  18. I'm not sure I know what a Christmas planner is, but sounds cool! I have a small 5x7 notebook that I write every gift for the kids down in, sometimes $$amount, and whether it is from me or Santa, stocking, and whether I've wrapped it. Done this since they were little, youngest is 16 now, so probably about 14 years. I'm on my 2nd notebook. Several years back, the notebook was getting full, so I tore out the old pages and threw them away. The next day I realized what I had done! But it was too late, trash was gone. Still makes me sad.
  19. I decorate in gingerbread and candy, but I'm not sure I would say I collect them. Although a couple people do pick up neat ornaments for me from time to time, like gingerbread Mickey mouse ears, which I appreciate! My grandfather got my daughter a silver bell from Service Merchandise for her first Christmas, and I kept that up until she was 21 (although not from there!) The boys were harder to keep up a tradition. We've done some hot wheels and also nutcrackers, but nothing consistent for them. Grandson is about to have his first Christmas. Trying to think of a good tradition for him....
  20. Welcome to McDonough! That's where I shop/live as well.
  21. Bluetooth ear buds. Both my husband and son love these. No wire to get in the way. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PEPIWNI?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00
  22. Sigh, Amiibos... My son was stalking the wave 4&5 when they were released. He had me add a couple people on twitter that would tweet when things were available. The pre-orders and actual orders were selling out in minutes, it was unbelievable. I've still been looking, as there is still one we were unsuccessful in getting, and not willing to pay $40 from a reseller. I've not really seen any restocks of those, sadly. We got a couple from Amazon UK. We also looked at several toy places in Japan, also places like Newegg and Tiger Direct. If I happen to see the splatoons I'll post. Good luck!
  23. Seems like Home Depot did an appliance sale the entire month of November the last couple years, instead of having the sale just black Friday. I'm hoping to get my daughter a dishwasher, and I guess I'm going to have to give in and buy me a new stove this year... So I'll be watching too!
  24. My Home Depot has hot chocolate, coffee, and krispy kreme donuts every year. And a couple outdoor heaters towards the front for the people that have been out waiting longest.
  25. Walgreens on Thanksgiving. I go to Kohls every year, but the last few years everything was bought online earlier in the week and I just tagged along with my mom and sister. Have to go to Petsmart though. Gotta get the year's supply.of cat litter and dog treats! I'm so fun.
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