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Everything posted by rimshot

  1. HEATHERKW: Tell Hubby to hold his hands up like he is really boxing and protect his face and take his shots high and low just like the real thing. I creamed the daylights out of my 19 year old daughter lol
  2. Jan. 15th Nintendo will release the Wii Play - rather like Sports but a shooting game, etc. instead. It comes with a wii-mote controller for $49.99. You might want to think about doing a preorder on this. Considering how difficult it is to obtain controllers I well imagine this will sell out pretty quickly in local stores. I did a preorder at Circuit City with free ground shipping.
  3. lol I'm trying mine tomorrow. I'm just wiped and don't even have the energy to watch something else do all the work lol
  4. Sound of Music! Look for some old Katherine Hepburn movies - she'll love them.
  5. Thank you to the Gotta Deal operators and to all the posters who so graciously shared their finds on these boards. Found everything I wanted at savings these years. Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and may your New Year guarantee you all good health and great joy. M
  6. My Scooba arrived today!! The Roomba is being delivered tomorrow. Different warehouses I guess. But talk about quick service - this was free shipping!
  7. It's not heirloom furniture to pass down to your grandkids but half the stuff you pay a fortune for isn't either. It's pretty good sturdy stuff. It's worth a trip just to get ideas on how best to economize on space. We picked up the highrise bed for our daughter last year - their price was half of what they wanted at the furniture stores
  8. I absolutely hate scrubbing floors. Ranks right up there with scrubbing toliets lol So I'm truly looking forward to this arriving.
  9. lol That is cute! I figure this is one way to get the two youngest - 10 and 12 to help with the floors.
  10. http://store.irobot.com/shop/index.jsp?categoryId=2580493 iRobot.com offers the iRobot Scooba 5900 Floor Washing Robot with the iRobot Roomba 401 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner together for $399.99. Coupon code "DEC696" cuts 40% off, dropping the price to $239.99. Pay via Google Checkout to drop it further to $229.99. With free shipping!!!
  11. I'd be leery of buying big ticket electronics from Big Lots.
  12. EB Games has a used game section in their stores and the prices aren't bad either!
  13. lol Well if you are expecting any more deliveries you could at least give the guy a little thrill by throwing a bunch of batteries and wrappers in a garbage pail by the door lol
  14. Yes this was the one I was talking about http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Wii-Play-with-Wii-Remote/sem/rpsm/oid/168833/catOid/-16761/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do?AID=10375042&PID=1412508&URL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.circuitcity.com%2Fssm%2FWii-Play-with-Wii-Remote%2Fsem%2Frpsm%2Foid%2F168833%2FcatOid%2F-16761%2Frpem%2Fccd%2FproductDetail.do
  15. rofl That is one of the funniest stories ever. I am sure you aren't the only story told around the coffee pot back at the distribution center though lol
  16. Hold off before getting that 4th controller! The latter part of January Nintendo is releasing a new game - kind of like the bundled Sports and with it comes a remote for $49.00 Great deal and looks like some fun games on it. I know Duck Hunt is one of the games on the disk which will be a big hit in this house (and released just in time for youngest DD birthday too)
  17. We got one for DD it truly is a disappointment. It does take forever plus a day and does a poor job.
  18. We are getting ours a gift certificate to a fancy restaurant.
  19. Reuters has a story stating that Amazon will be releasing Wii's and PS3's for sale in the next few days. Read more at: http://today.reuters.com/News/ArticleBlog.aspx?type=technologyNews&w1=B7ovpm21IaDoL40ZFnNfGe&w2=B82x9Ksc5UNVzDjpITcIrRbi&src=blogBurst_technologyNews&bbPostId=Cz28m6hltnbtBCzBMqbu8JE3r8CzDeNmldwocIBCzCIomtM4UZm9
  20. Amazon orders from 11/30: Check your shipping - some are getting notices they are shipping today.
  21. My only complaint with them was a Target/Amazon order I made the day before release on the Wii unit. But that was Target who screwed up and not Amazon. I've tried to hit other deals and the system has crashed but that seems to be a norm this year lol Other then that I've been very happy with Amazon. I've gotten some great deals. We have to realize quantities are limited just like they are in stores. If you don't get there early enough you don't get the deal.
  22. DH is a deputy. They do fundraisers and every couple of years they bring in this off-shoot group of the Harlem Globetrotters to do a game of basketball of them vs the police. It's free for the kids to get in and the HG bring in merchandise where they split the profits with the police group. Great way to raise funds. The monies are then used for Shop With a Cop. They just did theirs last weekend. They get a list of necessities from Mom and then once those are purchased they can pick out toys. All that said - a big YES to the MP3 player for the teen boy. lol Ten year old boy would also enjoy that. Look around for local resale shops and put the hit on them for a break on some quality clothing items.
  23. Bath and Body Works stuff always works for teen girls. Also t-shirts with rock bands are hot. Funky scarves are in right now too. Hoodies are also hot (sweatshirts with hoods).
  24. lol I am using a heating pad right now. I really could kick myself. I figured I could pick some up for a good price and ignored the 2 I saw at local auctions this summer that went for a dollar. Guess it's hard to think of winter warmth in 90+ degree heat lol I'll have to recheck at Walmart. We have a new Super Walmart now and it's terrible to find anything plus they simply don't carry some of the stuff like they used to.
  25. My ten year old daughter (the tomboy) has a pair that we got this fall. She absolutely loves them. It took a day or two to get them down pat. As you can imagine there is danger with the falls when they first learn so precautions should be taken . You tend to put the toes upward to let the wheels do the work so they are working new muscles in the legs with them. As far as your six year old - I would put them in full skating safety gear to learn to use them. Balance at that age is still developing so allow a longer time to get it down pat. The wheels pop in and out so they can wear them as regular shoes and I'll notice sometime that my daughter is out with the wheels in somewhere. She sure gets lots of smiles and laughs from the men when they see her "floating" through the parking lot.
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