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Everything posted by JBKing

  1. First of all, thanks for a great site Brad and Rossman. My wife discovered your site last year, and we couldn't wait for the ads to start showing up for this year. I'm wondering, does anyone still get excited to see the actual ads on Thanksgiving, even after reading the ads here, weeks in advance? We have our game plan mapped out days before Thanksgiving, but still like to look at the actual ads themselves. Maybe it's the feeling you know BF is just one day away once you have the ads in your hands, or maybe it's the feel of that slick paper in your hands, the smell of newsprint, the actual photos.....
  2. My wife goes with me, at least the last 3 years. I started shopping on BF about 10 years ago, sometimes dragging one of the kids with me. But it's more productive to go by myself! My wife and I usually go our own way at first, that is after we spent the previous several days mapping out our game plan! After we get the must haves, we'll meet up to finish shopping and/or eat somewhere.
  3. I was in Target today, and noticed a lot of items stocked on the higher shelves. There seemed to be more than needed for just typical stocking, such as about 20 Candylands, Chutes & Ladders, Monopoly, Tonka dump trucks, Moon Shoes, Scene It DVD Game, Memorex Progressive scan DVD player, several different models of boom boxes, a VCR (do they still make those? ), a large Tyco R/C car. It looked just like it does on BF to me, so it got me thinking! Could Target be stocking up for BF already?
  4. JBKing

    Scene It Game

    I saw about (20) Scene It games, of both regular edition and the Disney edition each, on the top shelves at Target this morning. I would say that was more than just normal stocking. Could Target be getting ready for BF? I've been wanting to buy Scene It, maybe it will be in Target's BF ad? :)
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