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Everything posted by mom_of2boyz

  1. Presents first! Always!!
  2. And the above total doesn't include what their dad is getting them. (We're separated). He wanted to get the 10 year old a PS3. But now he has decided on the WII. And he usually gives the older one/his girlfriend and the 3 year old money. I think last year he gave them each $200.
  3. This year for the 10 year old it's going to be close to $500. I don't normally spend that much but he's getting a computer this year, and a few games for it, along with some small things, 20 questions game, flash drive. The older one is less because he's on his own now. But I will be spending about $3-4 hundred on him and his girlfriend together, because I feel guilty spending so much on the younger one and about $100 on her 3 year old.
  4. Exactly. Go by retail prices.
  5. My oldest was about 6 or 7 when he figured it out. My youngest...I'm still trying to figure him out. He's 10. I can not believe that he still believes. But I'll throw things out once in a while, like are you going to talk to Santa this year, and he'll say no, but I'll take Shane to talk to him. That's his 3 year old nephew. Or what do think Santa will bring...stuff that like. He even made the comment that if Santa doesn't bring him XBOX live, could I maybe get it for him. Maybe he just doesn't want me to know that he knows. Last night he asked me do we have a chimney. And I said of course we do. (I knew where it was leading). Well where is the opening for Santa to come in. I said something about the front door. So I don't know if he's playing games with me or not.
  6. The let-down after it's all over. Taking down all the decorations, cleaning up all the messes. You rush, rush, rush for weeks before and there is all the excitement and then BOOM! It's all over in a few hours.
  7. I don't actually collect them, but the local Hallmark Store has clearance sales in their warehouse every summer and I usually pick them up then. They are usually between $1 and $2.
  8. So far, I've never run into that problem. I've either hid them at other houses, or have managed to hide them very well in my house. This year though it's going to be a little difficult to hide a large computer box. I think that I am going to have my oldest son keep it at his house, then after we "go to bed" on Christmas Eve, I'll have him bring it down to my house and I'll wrap it and put it under the tree then.
  9. Yeah. And it's going to happen this year. I'm getting my youngest one (10) a computer this year. But not much of anything else. Just a few little things.(yeah right) But now I feel guilty, my oldest one is 22, and he and his girlfriend (who is expecting my first grandchild in February) said that they needed a new pot and pan set. So I got them one for $50.00. He said he could use some hoodies, and she has said nothing about anything else. Soooo......Since there is a new baby coming, and I am spending a lot more on the youngest I am going to get them a camcorder also. Which is going to throw my "budget" way off. Just haven't decided what kind yet. I know that I should just get one of the leftovers from BF, but I would prefer to at least go with a DVD one, but again that is almost $200 more. I know that he is a lot older...but I still feel bad about spending so much more on one than the other.
  10. 10% ? That does not include food, clearance, or anything that is reduced in price because it is on comp. Also if we buy something, and two days later it goes on rollback, we are not allowed a price adjustment like a regular customer. If a shelf label says something is $10.00 and it rings up $12.00, guess what? If we want it we are paying $12.00. I work at Walmart and we ARE NOT allowed to put back anything or shop on the clock. If we were, I would have been able to get one of the computers for $148.
  11. The only thing I really wanted was the $148 computer at Walmart, but since I had to work, I was relying on someone else to try to get it. Between getting her stuff and someone elses, by the time she found out where the computers were, they were all gone. I also wanted one of the stick vacs for $12.88 or whatever the price was, and was kicking around the Vrocker, but they both flew out the doors.
  12. I think the only difference is the price and the bar code. :)
  13. I work at Walmart, and we are NOT allowed to put ANYTHING back for ourselves. When the sales start, if you are working you are SOL. If you are not working then it is the same as any other customer, you get in line and wait. It's really amazing, a co-worker had a call from a "friend" that she hasn't talked to in about 2 years. Right before PS3 was released. "Do you think you might be able to hook me up?". Yeah right, you come up here the day before and sit in line. We had a few employees that were off when it was released, and they did the time sitting in line, including an assistant manager. And all he wound up getting was a raincheck. Believe me, we are the LAST people that have a stab at the deals.
  14. mom_of2boyz

    Story on WM

    Another thing they could have done, is just charged a cancellation fee. That way it would not penalize everyone. Maybe done it as a percentage of the amount of the layaway.
  15. :)
  16. I think something like this is up to the store managers discretion.
  17. Pennsylvania starts tomorrow.
  18. I'm pretty sure I have seen some of these items at CVS also.
  19. Does anyone here have kids that play XBOX Live? My son has wanted it for the last 2 years. Any opinions?
  20. Not unless they start getting together a better BF ad. This is two years in a row that it was weak.
  21. Another thing is to watch for some of these items as layaways get cancelled. Especially around the time they are due out.
  22. We have a couple of the Dora TV's left, the Thomas set, B&D Coffeemaker, activity walker, some of the LCD TV's, SD Cards,Camera bundles, A couple Bratz Dolls, and that's pretty much all that I saw.
  23. This is true. My ex husband bought a route almost a year ago. BUT he wears a uniform, and he drives a Fed-Ex truck. Once or twice he had to rent a truck when his truck was in for repairs, but he still always wears the uniform. (And I know that he certainly does not kick the boxes).
  24. The boxes would have also said something like this costs the company xx cents. Do not destroy. They are not for returning merchandise. They get shipped back to the warehouse empty when the next truck comes.
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