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Everything posted by mgreen

  1. My sister and I have three times a year where we get together. The LA Times travel show, day after Christmas shopping and BF shopping! We tried taking someone else with us before, but BF is not for the faint at heart. We decided we would keep this day just for us, no husbands, kids, etc. Just the two of us shop, shop, shopping.
  2. I usually take my sister, cash and cards for shopping (carried in my front pockets), dental floss for after breakfast and lunch, my id and insurance card (in case I get ran over by a mob of angry shoppers), my cell phone for those across the store communications, all of the relevant BF ads with the appropriate markings and a list of the items I plan on purchasing. I hang my car keys from my belt loop on my pants. We have tried taking other people with us, but BF shopping is not for amatuers.
  3. My sister and I have an all day ritual. We talk on the phone the night before. Then we get up at the crack of dawn and meet at Denny's for breakfast. While eating breakfast we go over our lists and make our game plan for which store we are going to first, second, etc. We leave Denny's with both cars. Usually WM is our first stop. After the first stop we hop in one car to go to the next stop. We are usually out from about 3:30am until 6 or 7pm. We usually stop for lunch about noon and then it's back to shopping. We then go back to WM and seperate stuff into the appropriate cars. Then we go our seperate ways to our homes. This is one of the three times a year where we have a standing date to spend time together. :)
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